
  • 网络nursing evaluation;Nursing assessment
  1. 开胸病人疼痛及情绪与护理评估差异的比较

    Comparison of Difference between Pain and Emotion Following Thoracotomy and Nursing Assessment

  2. 本科生《护理评估》课程的考核体系初探

    Approach on Evaluation System on " Nursing Assessment " for College Nursing Students

  3. 结论对PHN患者应重视疼痛的护理评估和健康教育,尤其是对老年男性持续性烧灼样和针刺样疼痛的患者,应积极实施心理护理;

    Conclusion The healthy education should be emphasized , especially to the elder males suffering durative pains like burning and pinking .

  4. 方法对本院自2002年6月~2005年5月开展PDN置换术患者进行护理评估、卫生宣教、做好心理护理、专科护理及出院康复指导。

    Methods Give patients ( ranged from June 2002 to May 2005 ) who had undergone PDN replacement in our hospital with nursing evaluation , sanitary education , special nursing and rehabilitative instruction .

  5. 预防跌倒护理评估表在临床住院病人中的应用

    Application of nursing evaluation sheets of tumbles prevention of clinical inpatients

  6. 护理评估知识技能评价标准的设计

    Design of Evaluation Criteria for Knowledge and Skills in Nursing Assessment

  7. 老年心力衰竭的康复护理评估

    Estimation of Convalescent Nursing of Heart Failure in the old

  8. 入院护理评估与住院病历的对比分析

    Comparative analysis on admission nursing evaluation and medical records

  9. 本科实习护生临床护理评估能力调查

    Investigation on Undergraduate Nurse Students ' Clinical Assessing Ability

  10. 疼痛的护理评估及控制进展

    Progress on Nursing Evaluation and Control of Pain

  11. 住院精神疾病患者攻击行为的护理评估与预警机制效果分析

    Effects of nursing evaluation and pre-alarm system of aggressive behavior for hospitalized mental patients

  12. 病人入院护理评估中的缺陷及干预措施

    The problems in nursing admission assessment and strategies

  13. 11例严重脊柱侧凸伴呼吸衰竭的护理评估与护理

    Nursing assessment and care of 11 patients with severe scoliosis complicated with pulmonary failure

  14. 中医入院护理评估单书写中存在的问题及对策

    Problems existed in writing of admission nursing evaluation list of TCM and its countermeasures

  15. 心理测验在心理护理评估中的应用现状

    Application of psychological tests in nursing assessment

  16. 中枢神经损伤患者康复护理评估分析

    The Role of Rehabilitation Nursing Evaluation in the Rehabilitation of the Patients with Central Nerve Injury

  17. 重症患者生存组与死亡组的危重度护理评估比较

    Severity of illness index Compared with Survival Group and Death Group of Serious Illness for Nursing Evaluation

  18. 住院期间经整体性护理评估归纳出健康问题核心,乃为个人因应能力失调。

    During the course at the acute ward , we summed up the core problem to be social maladjustment via comprehensive assessments .

  19. 结果骨科护士很少开展康复护理评估、指导病人做功能锻炼和训练日常生活活动能力以及心理护理。

    Results Very few nurses carried out nursing evaluation , instructed patients in functional exercises , trained patients at daily life and performed mental care .

  20. 本研究建议:(1)应将孕期心理压力、社会支持及孕妇有无职业等因素,列为产前护理评估要点;

    The results of the study suggest that ( 1 ) pregnancy stress , social support and occupational status should be assessed during the antenatal period ;

  21. 结果其术前访视工作满意度高的项目为与患者沟通交流、术前护理评估、术前访视时间等,以职称、学历、工作年限相比较,经统计学处理差异无显著性。

    Results The items with high satisfaction degrees for preoperative interview work were the followings : communication with patients , preoperative nursing evaluation and preoperative interview time .

  22. 目的:探讨一套详实的入院护理评估方案并评价其对胃癌合并糖尿病患者术后早期肠内营养的意义。

    Objective : To investigate a thorough project of admitting nursing evaluation and appraise its meaning to inpatients of stomach cancer complicated with diabetes in early enteral nutrition after operation .

  23. 介绍了糖尿病病人易合并口腔疾病的原因、护理评估和各种口腔合并症的预防护理措施。

    It introduced the causes that diabetes mellitus patients are likely to complicated with various kinds of oral diseases . It expatiated nursing evaluation and some preventive nursing measures for these complications .

  24. 根据护理评估静脉炎的严重程度,给予体位、理疗、药物治疗等措施,并及时评价护理效果。

    Furthermore , the degree of IV related phlebitis was evaluated according to nursing , then the countermeasures such as position , physical therapy and drug therapy were given and the nursing effect was evaluated timely .

  25. 在病人入院护理评估单的检查中,发现在入院评估完成时间、评估资料完整性、阳性资料准确性、评估方法规范性和质量控制有效性等方面存在缺陷。

    By analyzing the nursing admission assessment record , it was found that there were some problems in the time when admission assessment finished , the integrity of assessment record , the accuracy of positive data , the regularity of assessment method and effectiveness of quality control .

  26. 下班后儿科电话护理效果评估:为期1年的实践研究

    An assessment of pediatric after-hours telephone care : A 1-year experience

  27. 对照组采取常规心理护理,评估并比较两组患者的心理状态。

    The mental states of the tow groups were compared .

  28. 临床护理路径评估体系中护理结果评价的研究

    Study on the Results of Evaluation Indicator System in Clinical Nursing Pathway

  29. 肿瘤患者入住、转出康复护理床位评估标准研究

    Research on Rehabilitation Nursing Beds Admission and Discharge Criteria for the Oncology Patients

  30. 隐瞒病情护理风险评估及防范

    Evaluation on nursing risk of hiding illness state of patients and its precaution