
  • 网络Safety awareness;security awareness
  1. 有较强的法律意识和安全防范意识

    With a stronger legal consciousness and security awareness

  2. 增强用户的安全防范意识。网络安全防范

    Educating consumers to protect their information on the net . Online Security Precaution

  3. 警体教学中应重视安全防范意识

    On Safety Consciousness in Police Training Teaching

  4. 本研究主要从使用机械的角度提出加强安全防范意识的方法和措施。

    Some methods and measures for strengthening security consciousness are presented from the point of machinery use .

  5. 结论坠落伤和交通伤是患者死亡最主要的原因,特别是建筑工地的坠落伤较为常见,应加强建筑企业及工人的安全防范意识。

    Conclusion Falling injuries and traffic accidents were the most important cause for death , especially in building spot .

  6. 结果:提高了门诊护理人员安全防范意识,更加重视门诊护理服务中的细节管理和细节服务。

    Resuh : After carrying out the plan the outpatient nurses have greatly raised their safe guard consciousness and pay more attention to the management and service of details during their working .

  7. 这位“蝙蝠侠”与执法部门密切协作,不过他从没和犯罪者正面交锋,而是一旦发现嫌疑行为,便及时向相关部门汇报;以及通过参与一些社区服务计划和安全防范意识宣传的活动间接打击犯罪行为。

    He works closely with local law enforcement , and never confronts criminals directly , opting instead to report anything suspicious to the proper authorities , as well as fighting crime via a number of community service projects and awareness programs .

  8. 随着全社会安全防范的意识的逐渐加强,对视频监控技术和系统产品的需求不断提升。

    As the social awareness of security is gradually strengthened , there is a rising demand for the systems of video monitor technology and products .

  9. 本文强调高校要组织大学生学习法律、安全实用知识,增强安全防范和自我保护意识

    The presentation emphasizes students ' knowledge of law , practice , security , self guard

  10. 保护网络安全,除建立网络安全组织机构,提高安全防范意识外,还应采取防火墙、访问控制、加密、入侵检测等技术措施。

    Except setting up the organizational framework of network security and improve the awareness of security guard , we shall also adopt the security measures such as firewall , access control , encryption technique and intrusion detection to protect network security .

  11. 安全教育是提高大学生综合素质,增强安全防范及自我保护意识和能力的重要措施,在维护校园稳定,促进学校发展中起着重要的作用。

    Security education is an important measure in improving the overall qualities , developing college students ' consciousness and capability of security and self-defense , which plays an important role in maintaining schoolyard tranquilization and university development .

  12. 解决安全管理问题一是要不断提高员工的安全素质,提高安全防范意识及事故处理能力;

    In order to keep safety , first thing is to raise the safety consciousness and quality of staff and being more capable of dealing with various accidents .

  13. 一些企业在安全生产人力、物力、财力的投入上明显不足,技术落后,设备陈旧,安全设施缺乏,安全教育跟不上,职工安全防范意识差。

    In some enterprises , the inputs in manpower , material and financial resources are obviously insufficient . There exist fallen behind technology , outdate equipments , scarce safety facilities and safety education and poor staff safety awareness est .