
  • 网络ArcelorMittal;Arcelor Mittal;ArcelorMittal, MT;ArcelorMittal, MT.AE
  1. 但在这个行业,安赛乐米塔尔在中国正面临其他顶级车用钢材生产商的激烈竞争,比如宝钢(baosteel)等中国钢铁企业和日本新日铁(nipponsteel)。

    However in this industry in China , ArcelorMittal is facing tough competition from other top producers of automotive steel such as Chinese steelmakers including Baosteel and Nippon Steel of Japan .

  2. 安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)将于今年晚些时候发布一款新型高强度汽车用钢,此举将在降低汽车重量的竞争中向对手发起挑战。

    ArcelorMittal will launch a new high-strength automotive steel later this year , throwing down the gauntlet to its rivals in the race to make cars lighter .

  3. 按收入计算为全球最大钢铁集团的安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)两年前放弃在印度兴建一座大型工厂。

    ArcelorMittal , the world 's largest steel group by revenue , scrapped a big plant two years back .

  4. 此外,它还对大型矿业集团和安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)、宝钢集团(Baosteel)等钢企的盈利能力有着重要影响。

    It is also key to the profitability of large mining groups as well as steelmakers , including ArcelorMittal and Baosteel of China .

  5. 全球最大的钢铁公司安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)此前已经与淡水河谷敲定了涨价65%-71%的长期协议。

    ArcelorMittal , the world 's largest steelmaker , settled early with Vale on long-term contracts at the65 % - to-71 % price rise .

  6. 全球最大的钢铁生产商安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)今年2月宣布去年亏损近80亿美元,并将其归咎于来自中国的竞争。

    ArcelorMittal , the world 's largest steel maker , announced an annual loss of nearly $ 8 billion in February , blaming Chinese competition .

  7. 全球产量最高的钢材生产商安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)表示,将于下周二重新启用位于南卡罗莱纳州乔治敦的盘条厂。

    ArcelorMittal , the world 's largest steelmaker by output , said it will reopen its wire rod mill in Georgetown , S.C. , next Tuesday .

  8. 另外,全球最大的钢铁生产商安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)也预测,由于建筑业需求增长更加乏力,中国今年的钢材需求增幅将放缓。

    Meanwhile , ArcelorMittal , the world 's largest steelmaker , has forecast slower growth in Chinese steel demand this year due to more muted construction demand growth .

  9. 上个月,安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)将其对全球钢铁需求的增长预期下调到3.5%至4%之间,其此前预期为4%至4.5%。

    Last month , ArcelorMittal cut its growth forecast for global steel demand to 3.5 % to 4 % from an earlier estimate of 4 % to 4.5 % .

  10. 安赛乐米塔尔首席财务长阿迪亚?米塔尔(AdityaMittal)在另外一次电话会议上向记者表示,价格将对需求产生影响,这对钢铁企业来说不是好事情。

    ' There will be impact on demand , and that is not a good development for the steel industry , 'said Aditya Mittal , chief financial officer of ArcelorMittal , on a separate conference call .

  11. 安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)拒绝排除进一步关停在欧工厂的可能性。与此同时,全球钢铁行业正陷入某些观察人士担心可能长达五年的产能过剩期。人们可从中国钢铁消费及需求增长显著放缓影响的迹象中认识到这种产能过剩。

    ArcelorMittal has refused to rule out further plant closures in Europe as the global steel industry enters what some observers fear could be a five-year spell of overcapacity linked to signs of a severe slowdown in demand and consumption in China .

  12. 安赛乐米塔尔则寻求收购煤矿,以确保煤炭这一生产钢材所必需的原料处于合理价格水平。

    ArcelorMittal is seeking to buy mines to secure its steelmaking ingredients at reasonable prices .

  13. 难怪投资者对这一行业避之不及(安赛乐米塔尔的市净率仅为0.4倍)。

    No wonder investors are shunning the sector ( ArcelorMittal trades on just 0.4 times book value ) .

  14. 安赛乐米塔尔指出,其它外资钢铁企业甚至都没能在中国成功赢得这种有限的立足点。

    No other non-Chinese steel company has succeeded in winning even this limited foothold in China , ArcelorMittal points out .

  15. 你现在可以买世界上最高最长的隧道滑梯的门票了!它就位于伦敦安赛乐米塔尔轨道塔。

    You can now buy tickets for the world 's tallest and longest tunnel slide at London 's ArcelorMittal Orbit Tower .

  16. 蒙特布赫周一接受一家报纸采访时表示:我们不想让安赛乐米塔尔在法国经营,因为他们不尊重法国。

    In a newspaper interview on Monday , Mr Montebourg said : We do not want ArcelorMittal in France because they do not respect France .

  17. 中国钢铁产量的迅速增加可能带来价格压力,安赛乐米塔尔正急于在不遭受这种价格压力的情况下,保护其全球市场份额。

    It is desperate to protect its global market share without suffering the price pressures that might emerge as a result of fast increasing Chinese production .

  18. 但安赛乐米塔尔意识到,在可预见的将来,欧洲钢铁需求不太可能恢复到2008年金融危机之前的水平。

    But ArcelorMittal is aware that European steel demand is unlikely to return for the foreseeable future to the levels seen before the 2008 financial crisis .

  19. 安赛乐米塔尔表示,对于构造复杂的形状,其Usibor2000产品将令部件重量潜在比以前最好的钢材品级减少10%。

    ArcelorMittal said that for applications requiring complex shapes , its Usibor 2000 product would bring potential weight saving of up 10 per cent on the previous best steel grade .

  20. 安赛乐米塔尔公司企业社会责任概述伯尔兰德教授报道说,已在比萨斜塔所在的广场对一组直径为7米的基础进行了全面试验。

    Professor Burland reports that a full-scale trial has been conducted on a seven-metre diameter set of foundations in the piazza : or square where the Leaning Tower of Pisa is located .

  21. 安赛乐米塔尔和湖南华菱有一家生产车用钢材的合资企业,安赛乐米塔尔将把在该企业所持股份由33%提高至49%,从而增强其在该领域的实力。

    ArcelorMittal will push up its capabilities in this sector by increasing from 33 per cent to 49 per cent its stake in a joint venture with Hunan Valin in making steel for cars .

  22. 原则上,这将吸纳中国国内部分新增钢铁产量,作为一种令人高兴的副作用,还会抑制中国企业从安赛乐米塔尔手中抢夺全球市场份额的兴趣。

    In principle this would absorb much of the extra domestic steel output and , as a happy side effect , curb the appetite of Chinese companies to seize world market share from ArcelorMittal .

  23. 本月早些时候,在正式拒绝博地能源和安赛乐米塔尔提出的机会主义色彩的出价后,麦克阿瑟煤炭表示愿意考虑接近50亿澳元的估价。

    Earlier this month , Macarthur Coal said it was open to offers valuing its business at nearly A $ 5bn after formally rejecting an opportunistic bid from Peabody Energy of the US and steelmaker ArcelorMittal .

  24. 如果收购成功,在中国推动大宗商品需求增长之际,该交易将帮助博地能源扩大在澳大利亚的煤矿业务,同时安赛乐米塔尔希望从生产炼钢原材料的煤矿获得供应。

    If successful , the deal would help Peabody to expand its Australian coal operations at a time of China-fuelled demand for commodities , while ArcelorMittal wants access to mines that produce the raw ingredients for steelmaking .

  25. 签订上述协议之际,安赛乐米塔尔在欧美主要市场面临越来越大的压力。由于全球经济疲软导致钢铁需求低迷,安赛乐米塔尔在欧美的许多工厂都在远低于产能的状态下运营。

    The deal comes as ArcelorMittal has faced increasing pressures in its main markets in Europe and North America where many of its plants are operating well below capacity as a result of sluggish growth in steel demand caused by a weak global economy .