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ān yáng
  • Anyang;a surname
安阳[ān yáng]
  1. 基于GIS的安阳旅游地理信息系统研究

    Research of Anyang Tourism Geographic Information System Based on GIS

  2. 安阳市2005年HIV初筛实验考评结果分析

    The examine result analysis of the HIV laboratory at 2005 in Anyang

  3. 安阳市HIV检验人员技术培训效果评价

    Appraisal of the training effect in HIV laboratory workers

  4. 结果PCR检测结果表明,河南安阳地区食管癌组织中HPV检出率为59.1%;

    Results HPV DNA was detected in 59.1 % of esophageal cancer cases .

  5. 河南安阳地区p53基因第72密码子多态性与HPV相关食管癌的研究

    Study on p53 codon 72 polymorphism and human papillomavirus-associated esophageal cancer in Anyang area , Henan Province

  6. 安阳市环境空气中TSP、PM(10)污染水平及相关性

    Pollution of TSP 、 PM_ ( 10 ) Pollution and Their Correlation in Ambient Air of Anyang

  7. 我国食管癌死亡率在世界上居首位,而河南省安阳地区是我国、也是世界上食管癌发病率最高的地区之一,其病理类型以食管鳞癌(ESCC)为主。

    To the world China has the highest mortality rate for EC in the world .

  8. 安阳市万元GDP生态足迹在1995-2005年间下降了0.8487,说明安阳市的资源利用效率在不断的提高。

    During the period of 1995-2005 the eco-footprint of Anyang has dropped by 0.8487 ( in ten thousand Yuan GDP ) which proves an increase in the efficiency of resource utilization .

  9. 我在2007年五月的安阳杯比赛上认识了杨格,后来在英国的3D大师赛和波兰的F3C世锦赛上又在见面。

    I met Curtis Youngblood in AnYang China in May2007.We met again at the3D Masters in UK and F3C in Poland .

  10. 本文依据协调发展的思想,运用microsoftexcel计算了安阳市的水资源承载力,论证了南水北调的较佳配水方案;

    According to the idea of harmonious development , this paper uses Microsoft Excel to calculate water resources carrying capacity in Anyang city , and demonstrates the better choice of the South-to-North Water Diversion distribution schedule .

  11. 对基于SNMP协议的网管技术做了简单介绍,结合安阳有线数据网络介绍了接入层网管系统的应用实例。

    It also briefly introduces the web management technology based on the SNMP agreement and the actual use example of connect the lay web management according to Anyang cable data network .

  12. 网络优化工作结束后,安阳移动TD-SCDMA三期网络全部指标顺利达到了开网标准,大部分指标还超过了挑战值。

    After network optimization , Anyang Mobile the third phase TD-SCDMA network successes to the open network standards , most of the indicators is also more than a challenge to value .

  13. 利用SWOT分析法对安阳市城市发展条件进行研究,安阳市未来城市区域和城市的经济、空间发展战略与结构形态可见轮廓。

    The urban developing conditions must be researched with SWOT analysis . Thus the future urban area of Anyang City , urban economy , space developing strategy and structure form can be figured out .

  14. OPEN-3000调度自动化系统在安阳地调的应用分析

    Analysis of OPEN-3000 dispatching automation system in Anyang Power Dispatching Center

  15. 中国安阳地区人群IRF-3基因Codon427位点多态性与食管癌的关联性研究

    Relationship between polymorphism of IRF-3 gene codon 427 and esophageal cancer in Anyang population of China

  16. 安阳地区近50a气温和降水变化分析轮台县1961&2008年降水变化特征

    Analysis on the Temperature and Precipitation Variation in Anyang in the Resent 50 Years The Changing Characteristics of Precipitation in Luntai Area during 1961-2008

  17. 在安阳钢铁集团有限责任公司焦化厂,模拟熄焦过程和焦炭转运过程,采用平面和立体喷洒方式向焦炭喷洒ZBS(焦炭改性剂)溶液。

    The coke was sprayed with the ZBS solution to simulate coke quenching and cooling process at Anyang Iron and Steel Co. , Ltd.

  18. 本文总结了安阳钢铁公司第三炼钢厂(以下简称安钢三炼)100t超高功率竖式电炉部分热装铁水的生产实践,并对部分热装铁水后的冶炼工艺进行了研究和优化。

    The production practice of 100t ultrapower shaft furnace melting process with hot metal charging were thoroughly investigated and optimized , on which this paper shall be concentrated .

  19. 总结了安阳钢铁公司25t直流钢包精炼炉耐火材料实验结果并分析了影响钢包寿命的因素。

    The result of the experiment on refractories used for the 25t DC ladle refining furnace was summarized and the factors that influenced the ladle life were analyzed .

  20. 根据化学质量平衡(CMB)受体模型对安阳市大气颗粒物中多环芳烃进行源解析。

    Areceptor modeling of chemical mass balance ( CMB ) was used for the identification of the source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) in atmospheric aerosols of Anyang city .

  21. 安阳市近58a气温及降水量的变化趋势分析

    Variations Trend Analysis of Air Temperature and Precipitation in Anyang in the Last 58 Years

  22. 介绍安阳化学工业集团公司老系统氨合成高压圈改造中采用南化院的NC型内件和中置锅炉流程及运行情况,并对NC型内件与YD内件及三套管进行了比较。

    Introduce that NC internal parts and boiler-installed process from Nanjing Chemical Design Institute are adopted in the rehabilitation of existing high pressure loop of ammonia synthesis of Anyang Chemical Industrial ( Group ) Company , and compare NC and YD type internal parts and casing tubes .

  23. 介绍了安阳钢铁股份有限公司Φ130mm机组微张力减径机的传动原理、生产工艺及轧制过程、自动控制系统的构成及其原理。

    The drive principle , production technology and rolling process , automation system constitution and principle , of the mini-stretch reducing mill of Φ 130mm complex in Anyang Iron & Steel Stock Corp. , Ltd.

  24. 本课题以事故再现的基本理论为指导,运用模拟法对安阳钢铁公司某炼钢厂125/30t×16.5m冶金桥式起重机发生过的一次桥架副梁被顶弯的事故进行再现分析。

    The secondary beam of a 125 / 30t 16 . 5m metallurgy crane bridge in Anyang iron and steel Corporation was damaged , and this accident was reappeared by computer . The ANSYS , a kind of FEA program , was used to build model of small carriage .

  25. 安阳高炉喷吹瘦煤的安全控制

    Safety control of lean coal injection on BF at Anyang Steel

  26. 安阳市居民出行调查分析

    Analysis on the Inquisitorial Data of Residents Trip in Anyang City

  27. 安阳市肿瘤防治网络的建设

    The Network Creation for Cancer Prevention and Treatment in Anyang City

  28. 安阳市家蝇抗性调查及防治对策

    Resistance of Musca domestica and its control countermeasure in Anyang city

  29. 安阳市物流业存在的主要问题

    Major Problems of the Interflow of Commodities Industry in Anyang City

  30. 安阳市洹河景观规划设计之探析

    On Planning and Design of the Huan River Landscape in Anyang