
  • 网络Desired Speed
  1. 当理想速度从120突然下降到10又返回到60时,您会看到一个负方向的推力脉冲,而实际的速度下降到了70左右。

    When the desired speed is dropped abruptly from 120 to 10 and back to 60 , you see a negative pulse of the thrust , while the actual speed is decreased to around 70 .

  2. 可以看到,随着理想速度的增加,引擎会发出推力脉冲,然后,当理想速度从80增加到120时,会从引擎生成另一个推力脉冲。

    You see that , as the desired speed is increased , the engine emits pulses of thrust , and then when the desired speed increases from 80 to 120 , another pulse is produced from the engine .

  3. 文中还在对各种电梯运行曲线进行分析比较的基础上,把正弦曲线作为ADCM的理想速度曲线。

    Based on the analysis of the current lift velocity curve , sine curve was used as the ideal velocity curve of the system .

  4. 电梯理想速度曲线的理论分析及实现方法

    Theory Analysis and Realizing Methods of Ideal Speed Curve of Elevator

  5. 电梯理想速度曲线的研究与实现

    The study and Realization of the ideal speed curve of elevators

  6. 终端区域理想速度剖面的生成

    Algorithm of suitable speed profile in the terminal area

  7. 无意闯红灯的原因和特点同城市交叉口的宽度、理想速度、车辆动力学特点、交通信号灯的黄灯间隔时间以及困境区域有关。

    The reason and characteristic of inadvertently red light running is related with the width of urban intersection , idea speed , vehicle dynamics nature , yellow interval of signal and dilemma zone .

  8. 同时采用最优制导律设计与理想速度曲线相结合的方法,设计了能同时保证末端制导精度及速度方向、大小的制导律。

    Furthermore , a guidance law is proposed by using a combination of optimal guidance law design with ideal velocity curve approach . The terminal guidance accuracy , the direction and amplitude of the aerocraft velocity are guaranteed by using the derivative guidance law .

  9. 根据理想电梯速度曲线的数学模型进行了曲线的计算机仿真,利用仿真数据实现了由PLC控制的理想速度曲线的给定。

    Based on the mathematics model of velocity curve for elevator , the computer simulation for the velocity curve has been developed , and according to the simulating data , ideal velocity curve of the system controlled by PLC could be obtained with digital methods .

  10. 什么是导弹理想的速度分布图呢?

    What then is the ideal velocity profile for a missile ?

  11. 理想气体速度分布律与热力学宏观量

    The Velocity Distribution Law of Ideal Gas and the Thermodynamic Macroscopic Quantities

  12. 互联网接入也不理想,速度很慢。但最让人失望的是可视电话的功能。

    Internet access was also patchy and slow , but among the biggest disappointments was the videophone function .

  13. 如果信号灯是红的,系统会提供给司机一个理想的速度,避免急刹和等待绿灯。

    If the light ahead is red , the driver is told the optimal speed to avoid stopping and idling .

  14. 通过与理想的速度分布相比较,从而调整几何模型和优化计算,获得最佳速度分布。

    The result is compared to the ideal velocity distribution , and the model is adjusted , calculations improved to attain best results .

  15. 考虑车体外形和前轮方向角限制,车型移动机器人路径的空间维数明显增加,常规的规划方法难以获得理想的速度。

    Considering the constraint of geometry and steering wheel angle , configuration space dimensions of car-like robot is increased , general path planning method can not be performed well .

  16. 通过改造,使整个辊道的电源系统成为分段独立系统,可以根据工艺需要方便地调整各段频率以达到理想的速度。

    After the improvement , the whole roller track power became divided power unit and the frequency of each pace will be adjusted for aimed speed according to the process requirements .

  17. 激光陀螺与传统的机电陀螺相比具有高灵敏度、高精度、大动态范围的特点,是惯性系统的理想角速度传感器。

    The ring laser gyro is the ideal angular sensor for the inertial system . Compared to the conventional spinning gyro , it is characteristic of high sensitivity , high accuracy and large dynamic range .

  18. 自动化驼峰纵断面应根据车辆理想溜放速度曲线设计,可设计成三个坡段:车辆加速坡段、车辆高速坡段和车辆减速坡段。

    The design of the automatic hump profile depends upon the desired speed of cars leaving of the hump crest . The automatic hump profile should be distributed in three sections : the accelerative 、 higher speed 、 and decelerative section .

  19. 运用运动员比赛全程各段落速度百分率的特征,建立各段落成绩量化的模式表,即各段落速度分配表,为运动员比赛实施理想的速度分配,创造优异成绩提供参考。

    Used the characteristic of speed rate per-paragraph during the whole journey to establish per-paragraph model which can be measured , namely per-paragraph speed arrangement model , in order to offer reference to create the excellent achievement with ideal speed arrangement model .

  20. 为获得理想的采集速度,系统选用双口RAM并将其和PC机通过CPLD器件直接相连,并设计软件竞争仲裁逻辑以保证双口RAM中的数据完整性。

    In order to get a sastisfactory speed the dual_port RAM was chosen and connected with PC directly by CPLD . Competition judging program was proposed to make sure of the integration of data .

  21. 为了实现虚拟旅游,并获得较理想的浏览速度,本文提出了一种基于visibilitysensor节点的虚拟场景优化算法,该算法可大幅度缩短虚拟场景的读取时间。

    In order to achieve the virtual tourism , meanwhile get better browsing speed , this paper presents a virtual scene optimization algorithm based on the visibility sensor nodes , which can significantly reduce the time to read the virtual scene .

  22. 基于真实数据集的全面的测试证明了iVA-file在查询效率方面明显优于已有的技术,且保持了理想的更新速度。

    Extensive experiments on real datasets show that the iVA-file outperforms existing proposals in query efficiency significantly , while keeps an ideal update speed .

  23. 矿井提升机理想S形速度运行曲线的模型研究

    Research on Model of Ideal Running Curve in Mine Hoist

  24. 优化算例表明,这种方法具有较强的寻优能力和理想的收敛速度。

    Optimization examples show this method has strong searching ability and ideal convergence .

  25. 该机采用水冷装置,并可调整水量,达到用户理想的浇注速度。

    Machines use water-cooled devices , and adjustment of water to users ideal casting speed .

  26. 它具有较高的轨迹跟踪精度,一定的鲁棒性以及比较理想的响应速度、稳定性。

    It has great trajectory tracking precision , good robustness and ideal response speed 、 stability .

  27. 实现我们的理想需要高速度的工业化,即大力利用我们尚未开发的资源和我们地理上的战略地位。

    The achievement of our vision requires rapid industrialisation , that exploits our scarcely tapped resources and our strategic geographical location .

  28. 通过调节控制器中的重力场参数,使机器人能达到理想的行走速度,从而实现了高速行走。

    By adjusting the gravity field parameter of controller , the biped robot can achieve the desired walking speed and have high-speed walking .

  29. 到目前为止仍不存在既能全面考虑各种约束,又能获得理想的运算速度和精度的实用算法。

    So far , there is still not a practical algorithm which can not only consider all the constraints but also achieve an ideal computing speed and accuracy .

  30. 针对它们存在全局收敛性能不理想,收敛速度较慢、依赖于非线性函数的选取、计算复杂等缺陷。

    But it has some defect , global convergence properties of unsatisfactory , Convergence is slow , Depends on alinear function of selected , and Evaluate complex defects .