
  • 网络Ideal solution;topsis;IFR;ideal final result
  1. 依据改进逼近理想解排序(TOPSIS)法的基本思路,建立应急系统优化选址模型。

    Then , according to the basic theory of improved TOPSIS method , an optimizing model for the location of emergency system is constructed .

  2. 基于逼近理想解排序法的航天器初始轨道选优

    An Approach to Optimizing the Initial Orbital Elements of Spacecraft Base on TOPSIS Method

  3. 基于理想解的Vague物元决策方法及其应用

    Method and application of Vague matter-element decision making based on ideal solution

  4. 然后通过建立改进TOPSIS(逼近于理想解排序法)模型得到了测控资源优先级的设计方法。

    The reformative TOPSIS model for priority calculation was carried out and its calculation steps were given .

  5. 依据参数计算结果,用LINGO软件求解得到了每个人在约束条件下的理想解。

    Based on parameters calculated results , we use the LINGO software to obtain the ideal solution for everyone under the constraints .

  6. 将距离法应用于DW的多目标决策,采用理想解和负理想解的相对接近度对数据仓库系统做出综合评价。

    We apply distance-method in the multi-objectives decision-mak-ing , and give a comprehensive evaluation of DW by using the distances from ideal and negative ideal solutions .

  7. 结合汽车制造企业的实际,提出了供应商选择的指标体系,建立了基于熵权的逼近理想解的排序方法(techniquefororderpreferencebysimilaritytoidealsolution,TOPSIS)的多层次评价模型。

    A system of evaluation indices for supplier selection is put forward based on automobile manufacturing enterprises , and a multi-level model of technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution ( TOPSIS ), based on entropy weight , is constructed .

  8. 该方法根据多目标决策理论,采用TOPSIS法定义理想解,利用相对接近度给出目标识别规则。

    The method applies TOPSIS approach according to the theory of multiple objective decision to define the ideal solution , and the relative approach degree is used to give the rule of object recognition .

  9. TOPSIS法对与理想解距离更近可能与负理想解的距离也更近的这一类方案排序的结果并不能完全反映各方案的优劣性。

    When using TOPSIS method to evaluate the projects which near the ideal solution and may be closer to the negative ideal solution at the same time , the results can not fully reflect the superiority or inferiority of the projects .

  10. 基于误差分析理论,针对不确定性区间数多属性决策问题,给出了一种误差分析方法,并将该方法应用于TOPSIS算法(逼近于理想解的排序方法)。

    Based on the error analysis theory , an analysis method for the multiple attribute decision making with uncertain interval numbers is proposed , and this method is applied to the TOPSIS ( Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution ) algorithm .

  11. 一种基于群体理想解的多属性群决策方法及其应用

    A multi-character group-decision-making method and application based on group ideal solution

  12. 应用理想解排序法优选油田开发方案

    Application of TOPSIS Method to Optimization of Oil-Gas Field Development Scheme

  13. 根据记分函数确定理想解和负理想解;

    Positive and negative ideal solutions are based on Score function .

  14. 逼近理想解的模糊物元方案优选分析方法

    Optimization analysis of the schemes of fuzzy elements approaching an ideal solution

  15. 集值映射向量优化问题理想解的上半连续性

    Up Semi-continuous of the Ideal Solutions of Vector Optimization Problems with Set-valued Maps

  16. 基于理想解的区间数多属性决策的相对隶属度法

    Relative membership degree method for solving multi-attribute decision-making problem based on ideal solution

  17. 基于神经网络与理想解的多属性决策

    Neural Network with Ideal Solution for Multi-attribute Decision Making

  18. 混合型逼近理想解排序决策方法的改进及应用研究

    Improvement and application of mixed TOPSIS decision method

  19. 待决策的各方案的排序是依据其到灰色模糊理想解的灰色模糊距离大小而进行的。

    Alternatives are ranked according to their grey fuzzy distance to grey fuzzy ideal solution .

  20. 逼近于理想解的排序方法即是一种对多目标决策问题方案排序的简单实用方法。

    TOPSIS is a simple and practical method of order preference for multi objective decision making .

  21. 基于逼近理想解方法在目标选择中的应用

    Application of TOPSIS in Object Selection

  22. 群体决策的理想解

    The ideal solution of group decision

  23. 逼近群体理想解的多属性群决策新方法

    A novel technique for order preference by similarity to group ′ s ideal solution in multi-attribute group decision-making

  24. 针对指标权重信息不完全的多指标决策问题,提出了一种逼近于理想解的决策分析方法。

    With respect to multiple criteria decision-making problems with incomplete weight information , a TOPSIS analysis method is proposed .

  25. 本文对线性多目标极小化问题,提出一种最佳调和解的逼近理想解方法。

    In this paper , we present the approximate ideal-points method of the best compromise solution for linear multiobjective minimization .

  26. 最后使用了灰色关联逼近理想解方法,对测试用例进行评价。

    At last , this dissertation evaluates the test cases using a grey correlation and similarity to ideal solution evaluation method .

  27. 分析了中外风险投资机构合作背后的原因,通过选择适当指标,运用基于理想解的排序方法对我国现有的风险投资机构的风险投资能力进行排序。

    And based on appropriate selection of indexes and optimal value ranking , Chinese venture investment enterprises by their venture investment ability were sequenced .

  28. 通过比较每个方案与正理想解以及负理想解的接近程度,来判断最优解或满意解。

    The optimum solutions or satisfying solutions are found by the comparison of the distance between every choice and the positive or negative ideal solution .

  29. 运用模糊贴近度的概念从众多的非劣解中找出最贴近于理想解的最优解。

    A optimal solution which is to full extent close to the ideal solution from many non-inferior solutions by using the concept of fuzzy closeness degree .

  30. 在求得各分系统可行解子空间后,系统全局理想解的合成就是一个多目标多阶段的综合决策问题。

    Synthesizing of the overall ideal solution is a synthetical decision question of multi-objective and multi-stage after the feasible solution subspace of every fractionalizing system has beed resolved .