
  • 网络Rational Organization
  1. 工作有条理性,组织性和计划性。

    Maintain working order through prudent planning , organizing and scheduling .

  2. 社会变迁下的组织结构演进&以理性官僚组织结构为比较基点

    Evolution of Organizational Structure under Social Change : in Comparison with Bureaucratic Organizational Structure

  3. 组织合法性在组织理性和组织生存和发展的因果链条中处于中间环节,组织理性通过影响组织合法性来影响组织的生存和发展状态。

    The organizational legitimacy is the middle link in the cause-effect chain from organizational rationality to organizational existences and developments . The organizational rationality , in terms of affecting organizational legitimacy , influences the organizational existence and developmental states .

  4. 交往理性与学校组织范式的反思及建构

    Communicative Rationality and the Reflection Construction of School Organization Paradigm

  5. 思辩理性与自组织实践理性论析

    Analysis reason of dialectical pondering and self organized practice

  6. 在组织理论中,学习型组织是针对理性官僚制组织由于职能分工、层级科制所形成的学习智障而提出的新型组织管理模式。

    In organizational theory , a learning organization is a new type of management mode .

  7. 但随着危机形势的发展,理性决策、组织过程决策和官僚决策开始综合产生作用。

    However , with the development of the crisis , rational decision-making , organizational decision-making and bureaucratic decision-making come together and give birth to compositive effects .

  8. 但过多的价值理性会导致组织运行的低效率和无序,使组织无法在竞争中立足,从而产生生存危机。

    But the value rational can lead to tissue inefficiency and disorder , so that the organization cannot survive in the competition , resulting in a crisis of survival .

  9. 企业作为市场活动的主要行为主体,其风险承担倾向的理性化在组织的战略和运作决策中占据非常重要的地位。

    Enterprises play important role in the market activity , their rationalization of risk-taking propensity is of vital importance not only for the business strategy and operation , but also for the stabilization and regulation of the entire market system .

  10. 制度的压力、企业的有限理性、企业组织的缺陷、企业管理人员的道德素质、市场的不完善等因素促使企业采取了非道德行为。

    Moral enterprises can decrease transaction costs . Many enterprises take immoral actions because of factors such as stress of systems , limited rationality of enterprises , limitation of enterprise organization , moral quality of the enterprise manager , imperfect market and so on .

  11. 首先从理性概念角度对组织决策(ODM)中的协调进行了分析,并提出了两个基本观点:(1)协调支持是ODSS的核心;

    Based on the conception of rational , this paper first analyzes the coordination in ODM , gives two basic views : ( 1 ) coordination support is the core of ODSS ;

  12. 名字这么理性而且好听的组织怎么会引发如此多的争议?

    And how could the group that emerged with such a sensible sounding name generate such controversy ?

  13. 人类的过分理性化以及有组织的控制自然过程,是导致现代社会发展合法性危机的根本原因。

    The over-rationalized human being and organized control over the nature are the fundamental reason for the development crisis of modern society .

  14. 基于赫斯特组织生态循环周期模型,组织学习包括由情景激发的自发性组织学习、基于经验和专业化知识的常规性组织学习以及回归价值理性的创新性组织学习等基本类型。

    Based on Hurst 's organizational ecology cycle model , organizational learning includes vision-invoking organizational learning , regular organizational learning based on experiences and professional knowledge , and innovation-oriented organizational learning back to value rationality .

  15. 这一研究建立在以下的假定条件的基础上:人的行为是有限理性的,在组织内部甚至具有利他性,但是在市场交易中,依然追求自身利益的最大化。

    The study is based on the following assumptions . The behavior of people is of bounded rationality . People even exhibit altruism in the organization ; however , they still pursue self-interest maximization in the market .

  16. 作为学生应该着重写自己的熟悉,非凡要写出自己的体会,思考后的理性认识,对组织社会实践活动评价。

    Serve as a student to should stress the knowledge that writes his , should write the experience that gives oneself particularly , the reason after thinking admits knowledge , carry out mobile evaluation to organizing a society .

  17. 对如何解决个体理性和集体非理性导致的公共组织管理两难困境的研究主要形成了市场型和政府型两类文献。

    The study about how to solve the dilemma of management caused by the individual rationality and the collective non-rationality has formed two kinds of documents , which are market-like and the government-like documents .

  18. 正式规则下的自由裁量权和官员的个人理性是潜规则生存的充分必要条件,基于个人理性的自组织(self-organiz-ing)机制则是潜规则得以扩张的根本原因。

    Administrative discretion under the formal rules and individual reason of administrators serve as the sufficient and necessary condition of the occurrence of latent rules , while the self - organizing mechanism based on individual reason forms the fundamental ground of the expansion of these rules .