
  • 网络Danger signs;hazard sign;hazard symbols;dangerous mark
  1. 结论糖尿病患者血清GGT水平增高与胰岛素抵抗有一定的关联,GGT有可能是糖尿病的一种危险标志。

    Conclusion There is some correlation between serum GGT and insulin resistance in patients with diabetic mellitus , and GGT may be a risk mark of diabetic mellitus .

  2. 急性脑梗死存在高瘦素血症和瘦素抵抗,瘦素水平增高是急性脑梗死的危险标志。

    High serum leptin is a risk sign of acute infarction .

  3. 针对公路车辆的危险标志应昼夜清晰可见。

    Danger signs for road vehicles shall be clearly visible by day or night .

  4. 水系与地震危险标志

    Drainage system and indicator of seismic risk

  5. 目的晚电位是心肌梗死后心脏性猝死的一个危险标志,但其敏感性和特异性尚不满意。

    Objective Signal averaged late potentials ( LPs ) are a marker of high risk of sudden cardiac death , postinfarction but their specificity and sensitivity are not very satisfactory .

  6. 她没有理会警示前方危险的标志。

    She had ignored the warning signs of trouble ahead .

  7. 也可作为反映HBV在增殖并有传播危险的标志之一。

    And it may also be considered as a marker of replication of HBV .

  8. 去掉产品标签或交通部(DOT)的运输危险品标志。

    Remove any product labels or Department of Transportation ( DOT ) shipping hazard labels .

  9. 老年性黄斑变性患者单核细胞活化:脉络膜新生血管的危险生物标志物目的研究终末期肾病(ESRD)炎症反应状态及其与单核细胞活化之间的关系。

    Monocyte activation in patients with age-related macular degeneration : A biomarker of risk for choroidal neovascularization ? Objective To study the association of monocyte activation and the inflammatory status in patients with end-stage renal disease ( ESRD ) .

  10. 辐射危险警示标志是什么意思?

    What does the " Radiation Hazards " warning sign refer to ?

  11. 一知半解不是个危险的标志。

    A little knowledge is not a dangerous sign .

  12. 危险警告标志。您可以重新配置该标志,以表示各种危险类型。

    Hazard warning sign . You can reconfigure the sign indicate various hazard types .

  13. 红色用作危险的标志,例如“停止”标牌和消防车。

    Red is used for signs of danger , such as STOP signs and fire engines .

  14. 危险货物标志和标牌

    Labels and Placards of Dangerous Goods

  15. 这样的实验室是为了物理防护措施而设计与装备的,而且贴出生物危险警告标志。

    Such laboratories are designed and equipped for physical containment and are posted with biohazard warning symbols .

  16. 人们把红色同愤怒这种强烈的感情联系在一起,红色被用作危险的标志,例如,停止的标志、救火车的标志。

    They associate red with a strong feeling like anger . Red is used for signs of danger , such as STOP signs and fire engines .

  17. (一)不设置危险废物识别标志的;

    Failing to install distinguishing marks of hazardous waste ;

  18. GB13392-1992道路运输危险货物车辆标志

    The vehicle mark for road transportation dangerous goods

  19. 利用地下流体异常预测强震危险区的标志与方法

    The signs and methods for predicting risk area of strong earthquake by using ground fluid anomalies

  20. GB190-1990危险货物包装标志

    Labels for packages of dangerous goods

  21. 起重机械危险部位与标志

    Lifting appliances-Dangerous positions and signs

  22. 结论VDR基因型可作为预测广西壮、汉族绝经后妇女骨质疏松危险性的遗传学标志。

    Conclusions VDR genotypes could be the genetics predictor for osteoporosis of postmenopausal women .

  23. 内皮祖细胞(endothelialprogenitorcells,EPCs)是一类具有异质性的内皮前体细胞群体,已被证明在血管新生过程中有重要作用,并被视为一种评价血管疾病危险因素的生物学标志。

    Endothelial progenitor cells ( EPCs ) are heterogeneous precursor cell population of endothelial cells . EPCs are considered to play an important role in neovascularization and be as biomarkers to assess cardiovascular diseases risk .

  24. 结论IPF1基因启动子区G3/G4多态性位点与中国汉族人群糖尿病无显著相关性,暂不能作为预测中国汉族人发生糖尿病危险性的遗传学标志。

    Conclusion G3 / G4 polymorphism in the promoter region of insulin promoter factor-1 gene is not markedly related to diabetes and may not be used as a genetic marker in predicting the risk of developing DM in Chinese Han nationality .

  25. 预测心血管危险指数的相关标志物评估

    Research of predicting markers in cardiovascular disease

  26. 专家称这是一个危险的信号,标志着一场涉及大规模杀伤性武器的战争可能即将拉开帷幕。

    Experts say it is a dangerous sign that a war involving weapons of mass destruction might be about to begin .

  27. 船舶所装运的危险化学品,包装标志不符合有关规定;

    The packages or marks of the dangerous chemicals carried on the vessel are not in conformity with the relevant provisions ;

  28. 托运人必须以适当的方式在危险货物上加上危险的标志或标签。

    The shipper must mark or label in a suitable manner dangerous goods as dangerous .