
wēi dài
  • in a critical condition;in jeopardy;in great danger
危殆 [wēi dài]
  • [in great danger;in jeopardy;in a critical condition] 危险;危急

  • 士卒尽,则军危殆。--《韩非子.解老》

  • 国其危殆。--《汉书.刘向》

  • 生命危殆

危殆[wēi dài]
  1. 脊椎中了一枪,情况危殆。

    Got a bullet lodged in his spine condition 's critical .

  2. 她在危殆情况下失去了一条腿,但她幸存了。

    She was in critical condition and lost a leg , but survived .

  3. 听着,雷医生说病人情况危殆。

    Listen , Dr rumack says the sick people are in critical condition .

  4. 她因受酷热身体脱水,情况危殆。

    Her body had dehydrated dangerously with the heat .

  5. 他的情况由严重转为危殆。

    His condition deteriorated from serious to critical .

  6. 该名男子被送往伊莉沙伯医院抢救,目前情况危殆。

    The man has been rushed to the Queen Mary Hospital and is presently in critical condition .

  7. 如果我们在越南垮台,我们外交政策中耐心企求的意图将陷于危殆。

    If we collapsed in Vietnam , the patient design of our foreign policy would be in jeopardy .

  8. 正是由于苦难和聪明才智这两个极端碰在一起,情况尤为危殆。

    It is particularly in the matter of distress and intelligence that it is dangerous to have extremes meet .

  9. 受害人说,情况危殆深深的创伤后持续到他的喉咙,背部和肺部。

    The victim is said to be in critical condition after sustaining deep wounds to his throat , back and lungs .

  10. 他自然要琢磨他有好几个月的工夫来琢磨他自己是怎样死里逃生,马可是怎样濒于危殆。

    It was natural for him to reflect-he had months to do it in-upon his own escape , and mark 's extremity .

  11. 两名病人在科罗拉多大学医院中所列的最初公平条件,降级,情况危殆骨折星期六晚间,一名发言人说。

    Two patients at University of Colorado Hospital initially listed in fair condition were downgraded to critical condition with fractures late Saturday , a spokeswoman said .

  12. 两名加拿大人饮用上个月被撤出市场的胡萝卜汁后出现麻痹症状,现病情危殆需留院观察。

    Carrot juice which was withdrawn from the market late last month is thought to be responsible for the illness of two Canadians who are paralyzed and are severely ill in hospital .

  13. 为了躲避枪弹,他只得待在店与店之间的那种半圆柱子旁边,他在这种危殆的处境中几乎待了半个小时。

    All that he had to protect him from the bullets was the swell of the two half-columns which separate the shops ; he remained in this delicate situation for nearly half an hour .