
  • 网络Hazardous and harmful factors;dangerous and hazardous factors
  1. PBT树脂生产过程中主要危险有害因素分析及对策

    Main Hazardous Factors Analysis and Counter-measures during PBT Resin Production

  2. 甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)装置生产过程中涉及到光气合成及光气化反应,存在多种危险有害因素。

    Many hazards exist in TDI installations involving the syntheses of and the reaction with phosgene .

  3. 对LNG接收站进行安全评价,找出系统潜在危险有害因素、计算出事故后果,以便及时采取有效措施,把事故的损失程度降到最小。

    The assessment of LNG Receiving Terminal is aim to identify potential risk of harmful factors , and calculate the consequences of the accident , so that we can take timely and effective measures to minimize the loss of the damage .

  4. 地铁运营系统危险有害因素辨识分析

    Recognition and Analysis of Risky Hazardous Factors in Subway Operation System

  5. 事故类别与危险有害因素环境之间没有显著的密切关系。

    Accident categories have not significantly close ties with environmental factors .

  6. 建设项目劳动安全评价中危险有害因素的辩识

    Identification of risk and hazard factors for occupational safety assessment on constructional project

  7. 甲苯二异氰酸酯装置危险有害因素分析及安全控制措施

    Risk Assessment and Safety Control Measures for TDI Installations

  8. 石油、天然气长输管道危险有害因素辨识

    Hazard Identification of Petroleum and Natural Gas Pipeline

  9. 分析出尾矿库危险有害因素,提出了预防措施;

    Analyzing dangerous and maleficent factors of tailing pond ; brings forward preventive measures ;

  10. 乙炔生产过程的危险有害因素分析

    Analysis on the Dangerous and Harmful Factors in the Production Process of the Ethyne

  11. 黑山铁矿选钛厂危险有害因素分析与防治探讨

    Analysis on Dangerous and Harmful Factors and Study on Preventive Measures of Heishan Titanium Concentrator

  12. 溶剂型涂料生产过程危险有害因素分析及安全对策

    Dangerous and harmful factors in the manufacturing of solvent-borne coatings and the countermeasures to them

  13. 变配电作业危险有害因素分析及对策配电线路检修作业的接地措施

    Analysis on Hazards and Harmfulness in Electric Power Distribution and the Countermeasures Grounding of Work for Distribution Lines

  14. 对涂料生产过程中存在的主要危险有害因素进行了归类、总结、辨识和分析。

    The main danger easily occurred in manufacture process of the coatings are sorted , reviewed , differentiated and analyzed .

  15. 论文根据危险有害因素分类和施工工艺过程将拆除爆破系统划分为七个评价单元。

    The paper divides the evaluation system into seven units according to the risk factors and the blasting technology in the process .

  16. 选矿拜耳法生产氧化铝是典型的冶金化工过程,涉及到了多种危险有害因素。

    Ore dressing Bayer process is a typical chemical metallurgical process for producing alumina . It involves manifold of danger and harmful factors .

  17. 针对每个评价单元或子单元自身的特点,对主要危险有害因素或者作业行为进行专题分析;

    Carry out specialized analysis on the major hazardous and harmful factors or operations according to the features of each assessment unit or subunit .

  18. 我国的安全评价还停留在对生产过程的危险有害因素的识别与分析阶段。对于人员密集场所的安全评价技术研究工作也相对甚少。

    Presently the technology safety assessment is stagnated at the stage of discrimination and analysis about the risk factor in the course of production .

  19. 对影响专用铁路(线)的安全因素进行的全面、系统的分析,有效辨识危险有害因素。

    And the special railway line and road accident analysis system analysis , special railway line safety influence factors , the effective identification of dangerous and harmful factors .

  20. 风险分析中介绍了风险辨识的过程和方法,并根据风险产生的原因从物料、设备、工艺和作业环境等角度,对企业内部的各种潜在的风险及危险有害因素进行了全面系统的辨识。

    Risk indentification , from the point of view of material , equipment , process and environment , identifies all kind of potential risks and dangerous inside the enterprises .

  21. 分析并指出了湖北某化工厂离子膜烧碱工程项目生产过程中可能出现的危险有害因素,在此基础上提出了编制应急预案的具体内容。

    This paper analyzes the potential risks which will happen in the production process of caustic soda of one chemical factory , and then presents the emergency plan of the plant .

  22. 根据这一方法,首先分析了该露天铜矿的生产及安全管理现状,找出了其危险有害因素。

    According to this method , first of all , present situation of production and safety management are analyzed and dangerous and harmful factors are find out in this open pit copper mine .

  23. 针对项目的特点、难点或关注点等,采用专题的形式,定性或定量地分析其中的危险有害因素,并提出对策措施建议。

    Based on the features , difficulties or concerns of the project , analyze the hazardous and harmful factors qualitatively and quantitatively in the form of special subject , and also put forward the countermeasures and suggestions .

  24. 即采用工艺危险有害因素分析评价、火灾爆炸危险指数定量评价、故障类型及影响分析、事故树分析、事故后果仿真分析评价等。

    It includes analysis and assessment of the project hazardous and harmful factors . quantitative assessment of fire , explosion and poison indices , Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Fault Tree Analysis , analysis of accident effects and comprehensive assessment , etc.

  25. 做好煤炭企业的安全工作就要在辨识出煤矿系统中存在的危险有害因素的基础上,分析出这些危害有害因素的危险性,并采取管理和技术措施,消除或控制这些危险有害因素。

    And it is necessary to identify the existence of dangerous and harmful factors in mine system , based on to analysis the risk of these harmful factors and take management and technical measures to eliminate or control these dangerous and harmful factors .

  26. 以化工园区危险有害因素的类型、消除危险的条件、安全规划可执行途径等为主线,研究得到了化工园区安全规划需要考虑的内容。

    The items needed considering in safety programming of chemical industry park were also concluded , taking the types of dangerous and harmful factors of chemical industry park , the requirement to eliminate danger , and the feasible way for safety programming , etc as a main line .

  27. 吗啉酰化合成甲酰吗啉(NFM)过程存在诸多安全与环保的危险、有害因素。

    Many risk , hazard and environmental factors are existing in the acylation process of N-formylmorpholine ( NFM ) from morpholine .

  28. 生产过程危险和有害因素分类与代码。

    Classification and code for the hazardous and harmful factors in production process .

  29. 危险、有害因素辨识是安全评价工作中的基础。

    Safety evaluation is based on the hazards identification .

  30. 对变配电作业过程中的危险、有害因素进行了分析,并提出了相关的安全对策措施。

    Analysis on hazards and harmfulness in electric power distribution is conducted and the related safety countermeasures are put forward .