
wēi jí shí kè
  • A critical moment;clutch
  1. 在危急时刻她总是挺身而出。

    She has always been to the fore at moments of crisis .

  2. 她已证明,在危急时刻她是靠得住的。

    She had proved that she could be relied on in a crisis .

  3. 我们正处在历史的危急时刻。

    We are at a critical time in history .

  4. 然后约翰·F·肯尼迪总统遇刺。林登·贝恩斯总统在这个危急时刻宣誓就职并决定冒险通过民权法案。

    And then President John F.Kennedy was assassinated.Lyndon Baines President was sworn in and decided to stake his early presidency on passing the Civil Rights Act .

  5. 英国央行(boe)副行长保罗塔克(paultucker)断然否认了对他的一种批评,即在本次金融危机最危急时刻,英国上届工党政府的大臣们曾敦促他怂恿银行操纵银行间拆借利率。

    Paul Tucker , deputy governor of the Bank of England , has flatly denied suggestions that ministers in the last Labour government urged him to encourage banks to manipulate interbank lending rates at the height of the financial crisis .

  6. 加利福尼亚酒店连锁企业JoiedeVivre处于失败边缘的危急时刻,公司创始人奇普.康利举办了一系列反思活动,询问公司上上下下包括经理人和酒店服务员在内的员工,他们将如何行动以扭转公司颓势。

    Joie de vivre hotels was on the verge of failing when founder chip Conley held a series of retreats to ask employees , from managers to bellhops , how they would turn things around for the California chain .

  7. 无论采取哪种方式,华盛顿都需要回答亨利•基辛格(HenryKissinger)曾经对欧洲提出的那个问题:危急时刻,“我该打给谁”?一些国家已经找到了方法:澳大利亚的公共和私营部门在网络防御方面的协作程度令人印象深刻。

    Either way , Washington needs to answer the question that Henry Kissinger once posed in relation to Europe : in a crisis : " Who do I call ? " Some countries have found ways : Australia has impressive levels of co-ordination between the public and private sector over cyber defences .

  8. 他即使在危急时刻也绝不会放弃原则。

    He will never fall away even in time of danger .

  9. 她的最大优点是在危急时刻能保持镇静。

    Her greatest strength is that she keeps calm in a crisis .

  10. 但最具威胁的潜藏改变很少在危急时刻发生。

    But the most insidious changes rarely happen during times of crisis .

  11. 这名船长在最后的危急时刻仍然留在船上。

    The captain remained in the boat until the last fatal moment .

  12. 危急时刻我们都得互相帮助。

    We all have to help one another in times of trouble .

  13. 我们要在危急时刻保持镇定自若的。

    We must keep as cool as a cucumber in an emergency .

  14. 他是一个在危急时刻你能求助的人。

    He is a person you can turn to in a crisis .

  15. 危急时刻只有朋友会帮忙。

    A friend will help at a dead lift .

  16. 在这危急时刻她抓住了绳子。

    She grabbed the rope at teh critical moment .

  17. 就像人们常说的:“危急时刻需要采取断然措施。”

    As they often say ," desperate times call for drastic measures . "

  18. 目前是此次信贷危机的危急时刻吗?

    Is this crunch time for the credit crunch ?

  19. 懦夫就是在危急时刻用两条腿思考的人。

    Coward is one who in a perilous emergency thinks with his legs .

  20. 灾难危急时刻的管理往往是出乎于原有的抗灾计划的。

    The crisis mangement of disaster does not follow automatically from disaster planning .

  21. 危急时刻你会需要我的。

    Just think you need something on that jungie rot.

  22. 在危急时刻我们应保持镇静。

    We should keep calm in danger of time .

  23. 作为生死之交,他们总是在危急时刻互相帮助。

    Being David and Johnthan , they always help each other when in trouble .

  24. 现在是德国的危急时刻。

    This is a dark hour for germany .

  25. 我在危急时刻回来帮助你们。

    And I come back to you now .

  26. 我永远会在你身边,危急时刻也一样。

    I 'll always be here for you , even when the chips are down .

  27. 并不是人人都能在危急时刻保持镇定自若的。

    It 's not everybody who can keep as cool as a cucumber in an emergency .

  28. 尽管是女孩子,她在危急时刻表现出不同寻常的勇气和力量。

    Girl as she is , she exhibits unusual courage and strength in times of emergency .

  29. 它们只是在危急时刻,阻止一个银行业危机的发生。

    They merely were there in a time of emergency to prevent hopefully a banking crisis .

  30. 堪萨斯的宣布,该州的10几个郡进入危急时刻。

    The governor of Kansas declared the state of emergency in more than a dozen counties .