
xiǎo hú li
  • Little Fox;pup
  1. 这是个关于恢复了种群数量的小狐狸以及一生致力于保护灰狐的人类的故事。

    This is the story of the little fox that has come back , and the people who have   dedicated   their lives to protecting it .

  2. 电影爱好者们分析了这两个动物形象,发现NickWilde和Finnick属于不同类型的狐狸:红狐狸和小狐狸。

    Moviegoers have taken it upon themselves to research the characters and discovered that Nick and Finnick are actually two different types of fox : red and fennec .

  3. 在1970到2000年之间,他曾把若干经典剧目重新搬上舞台,如契诃夫(Chekhov)的《万尼亚舅舅》(UncleVanya)和莉莉安·赫尔曼(LillianHellman)的《小狐狸》(TheLittleFoxes);

    Between 1970 and 2000 his work included revivals of classics like Chekhov 's " Uncle Vanya " and " The Little Foxes " by Lillian Hellman ;

  4. 小狐狸被乌鸦啄死了。

    The fox cub had been pecked to death by crows .

  5. 北美洲西部草原地区的灰色小狐狸。

    Small gray fox of the plains of western North America .

  6. “真是一个大大的惊喜!”熊熊说道,紧紧地跟小狐狸拥抱在一起。

    " What a surprise !" said Bear , hugging his friend .

  7. 小狐狸取出了一条黄油棒,然后又取出了一条黄油棒。

    Fox got out one stick of butter , then one more .

  8. 老板正在把那只小狐狸装进一个大箱子里。

    The boss is putting the little fox in a big box .

  9. 小狐狸舀了半杯的糖,然后又舀了半杯的糖。

    He measured one-half cup of sugar , then another half cup .

  10. 小狐狸哼哼着把柠檬水倒进模子里,打算把它做成冰棒。

    Fox hummed as he poured lemonade into molds for ice pops .

  11. 叮咚!小狐狸跑去开门。

    Ding ! Fox ran to open the door .

  12. 小狐狸:我也是这么想的。

    Fox : That 's what I think too .

  13. 小狐狸看了一眼时钟,加快了涂色的速度。

    Fox looked at the clock and painted faster .

  14. 小狐狸:我先看见的!

    Little fox : I saw it first .

  15. 食谱上要求的所有东西,小狐狸都将它们加倍了。很快,做曲奇饼的面糊糊弄好了。

    He used two of everything the recipe called for.Soon the batter was ready .

  16. 你叫什么名字小狐狸

    What 's your name , little fox ?

  17. 小狐狸从洞里出发。

    Little fox set out from the cave .

  18. 那只可怜的小狐狸逃出了陷阱,却失去了一条腿。

    The poor fox escaped from the trap at the cost of a leg .

  19. 小狐狸和大老虎

    The Little Fox and the Big Tiger

  20. “有人在烧什么东西。”小狐狸一边想一边支起画架,“呀!

    " Somebody 's burning something ," Fox thought as he set up his easel .

  21. “呃,嗯,是一个惊喜。”小狐狸移开了身子。

    " Well , uh , it 's a surprise . " Fox moved away .

  22. 我要做一只快乐的小狐狸。

    I wanna be a happiness fox .

  23. 小狐狸跑回去继续画画儿。

    Fox went back to the painting .

  24. 洞里边住着狐狸先生、狐狸太太,还有他们的四只小狐狸。

    In the hole lived Mr Fox and Mrs Fox and their four Small Foxes .

  25. 小狐狸咧开嘴巴笑了,“我就知道你会喜欢我做的食物。”他说。

    Fox grinned . " I knew you 'd like my cooking ," he said .

  26. 但小狐狸必须在熊熊到来之前赶紧把画儿完成。

    But Fox would have to work fast to finish the painting before Bear arrived .

  27. 小狐狸欢呼着奔跑过去。

    Little fox shouted as he ran .

  28. 小狐狸邀请了熊熊来吃午餐。

    He had invited Bear for lunch .

  29. 狐狸妈妈告诉小狐狸。

    Mother fox told little fox .

  30. 小兔、小狐狸、怪兽都争着做保姆。

    A little rabbit , a little fox and a monster want to get the job .