
  • 网络the hunchback of notre dame;Notre-Dame de Paris;Notre Dame de Paris;Quasimodo;notre dame
  1. 要是我来拍摄《钟楼怪人》的话,我会展现巴黎不同的一面。

    If I were directing Notre-Dame de Paris , I 'd show a different side of it .

  2. 根据Deadline杂志的报道,曼德维尔影业的创始人大卫·赫伯曼30年来一直想把《巴黎圣母院的钟楼怪人》带到好莱坞,这从他还是迪士尼影业的总裁时就开始了。

    According to Deadline , Mandeville founder David Hoberman , had tried to bring The Hunchback of Notre Dame to Hollywood for over 30 years , starting when he was Disney film president .

  3. 《钟楼怪人》将由曼德维尔影业以及乔什·盖得共同制作,

    Hunchback will be produced by Mandeville films , along with Josh Gad .

  4. 《钟楼怪人》的叙事风格及人物形象塑造

    The Narrative Style and Character Shaping of " Hunchback of Notre Dame "

  5. 这一部的标题就叫《钟楼怪人》,是一部音乐剧,它会同时借鉴之前的动画电影和维克多·雨果的原著

    Now entitled Hunchback , the musical will pull from both the animated film and the original Victor Hugo novel .

  6. 虽然现在还没有官方宣布的卡斯信息,不过有传言说联合制片人盖得本人将会出演标题中的钟楼怪人。

    While no casting news has been officially announced , it is rumored that co-producer Gad will play the titular hunchback .

  7. 迪士尼又要把一部动画片变成真人电影了,那就是:1996年的《巴黎圣母院的钟楼怪人》。

    Disney 's adding one more movie to its lineup of live-action remakes : 1996 " s The Hunchback of Notre Dame .

  8. 端正的体态会让你站起来显得更高,呼吸更顺畅,不会让你看起来像是《巴黎圣母院》里的钟楼怪人。

    Good posture makes you stand taller , breathe better , and will save you from looking like the Hunchback of Notre-Dame .

  9. 性别叙事与林黛玉、简·爱形象之比较《钟楼怪人》的叙事风格及人物形象塑造

    GENDER NARRATION ON CONTRACT BETWEEN LIN DAI-YU AND JANE ; The Narrative Style and Character Shaping of " Hunchback of Notre Dame "

  10. 他最著名的两部作品是小说《悲惨世界》和《巴黎圣母院》(电影:钟楼怪人)。

    His best-known works are the novels Les Mis é rables and Notre-Dame de Paris ( movie : The Hunchback of Notre-Dame ) .

  11. 钟楼怪人刚去世,因此教区的神父正在找一位驼背的人来敲巴黎圣母院的大钟。但是第一个去应征的不仅是驼背,而且连手也没有。

    Quasimodo had just died , so the rector was looking for a new hunchback to ring the great bell of Notre Dame cathedral.But the first man who applied for the job was not only a hunchback , but armless as well .