
wēi nàn
  • danger;calamity;danger and disaster;dangerous and difficulty
危难 [wēi nàn]
  • (1) [danger and disaster;calamity]∶危险和灾难

  • 遇到危难

  • (2) [dangerous and difficulty]∶危险困难

  • 涉危难之路

危难[wēi nàn]
  1. 那些因为利益而接合的,当危难发生时,其利益消灭,相互的关系也会消失。

    Relations among those combining together for interest will vanish when the danger and disaster happen .

  2. 从而,现实的危难使得立足于个体道德理性的启蒙为立足于社会救亡的革命伦理主题所覆遮,革命伦理的价值理念也因此超越于启蒙知识者所开出的崇尚个体的价值理念。

    So the realistic calamity made the enlightenment that based on individual moral reason covered by theme of revolution ethics that based on the national salvation , the value philosophy of revolution ethics also overtook individual ones , which is highly thought by first intellectuals .

  3. 她在危难中表现非常坚强。

    She is a pillar of strength in a crisis .

  4. 在危难关头我知道能投靠哪些朋友。

    In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn to .

  5. 在危难时刻,你就会知道谁是你真正的朋友。

    In time of crisis , you will find out who your real friend is .

  6. 欧盟(EuropeanUnion)有充足的现金,可救任何一个成员国于危难之中。

    The European Union has plenty of cash to help out any struggling member .

  7. n.危险;危难军官违反命令比士兵犯罪更危险。

    jeopardy The officer 's violation of a regulation is more of a jeopardy than the enlisted man 's offense .

  8. 最佳非执行主席:施乐公司(Xerox)前CEO、拯救施乐于危难之中的安妮•马尔卡希。

    The non-executive chair of choice : Anne Mulcahy , the former CEO of Xerox ( XRX ) , which she rescued from the brink .

  9. 会议内容包括组织行政助理们一起练习瑜伽做冥想,以及请一位老板讲述他的助理在飓风桑迪(Sandy)席卷之后拯救公司于危难的故事。

    N.J. Among the scheduled sessions : ' Yoga & Meditation for the Executive Assistant ' and a boss 's recounting of how his EA saved the company after Hurricane Sandy .

  10. “动车事故带走了我挚爱的双亲,摧毁了我的健康,还将我家庭的未来置于危难之中。”科泉市的企业家HenryCao说。

    " This train crash took the lives of my beloved parents , wrecked my good health and threw the future of my family into jeopardy ," said Henry Cao , an entrepreneur from Colorado Springs .

  11. 头戴红色贝雷帽的发言人卡马拉上尉(CaptMoussaCamara)表示,该集团希望拯救人民于危难之中。

    Its spokesman , Capt Moussa Camara , wearing a red beret , said the junta wanted to save a people in distress .

  12. 有种危难时刻的浪漫主义,就像勃朗特(Bronte)姊妹,就像希斯克厉夫(Heathciliff),被那只在他窗口抓挠的冰冷的死亡之手所困扰,就像猫头鹰、梦境与塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(SamuelTaylorColeridge)的诗句,伯顿曾经引用过他的诗。

    There was a sense of romanticism-in-crisis , of the Bronte sisters , of Heathcliff haunted by the cold hand of death scratching at his window , of owls , dreams and the poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge , whom Burton cites .

  13. 当咨询公司麦肯锡(mckinsey)对全球近3000名处于公司转型项目中的高管进行调查时发现,那些授命于危难或外部冲击的高管,比那些地位牢固、试图改革的高管胜算更大。

    When McKinsey , the consultancy , surveyed nearly 3000 executives around the world on corporate transformation projects , it found that those undertaken in response to crises or external shocks were a lot less likely to succeed than those attempted from a position of strength .

  14. 在那艘不能航行船上的乘客,处于极大的危难中。

    The passengers on the disabled ship were in great peril .

  15. 每每在危难的关头,我们都能感受!

    Whenever at verge of danger , we can feel that .

  16. 你怎么敢让国家陷于危难之中。

    How dare you put this administration-this entire country in jeopardy .

  17. 在危难时扔掉所载货物以减轻重量的行为。

    Throwing cargo overboard to lighten the load when in distress .

  18. 她在家庭遇到危难时,表现出她的优秀品质。

    The family crisis really brought out the best in her .

  19. 他无权置他的总司令于危难之中而不顾。

    He had no right to abandon his Commander-In-Chief in distress .

  20. 这些人在危难时会充当警卫。

    These men will act as guards in time of danger .

  21. 谢谢您在我危难的时候伸出援助之手。

    Thank you for hold my hand when I was need .

  22. 国家处于危难之中,他不能袖手不管。

    The country was in danger . He could not refuse .

  23. 我会射带你脱离危难的马。

    I 'll just shoot the horse out from under you .

  24. 国家补偿是危难救助者法律救济的最后保障。

    State compensations are the last ultimate remedy for the rescuer .

  25. 在危难中逃跑或辞职的人?

    The man who escapes or resigns in times of peril ?

  26. 补中益气汤对危难症的治疗作用

    The curative effect of Bu Zhong Yi Qi solution for severe disease

  27. 把手伸向危难的人。

    Give a helping hand to a man in trouble .

  28. 当然,对鹿来讲,并非每个冬天都处于危难之中。

    Not every winter is critical for deer of course .

  29. 这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验

    The crisis put his courage and skills to the test

  30. 危难时见真情,狗也是英雄。

    Distress you then truth , dog is a hero .