- 名counter-measures

Ratepaying Psychological Orientation , Patterns and Countermeasure Mentality dessert
That server room must have had active countermeasures .
Countermeasure system is a forming a new system of national responsibility law .
When they have their backs to the wall they usually do the opposite .
The results showed that : the " double reverse " measures to the six types of product exports have a significant negative impact .
In addition , the huge demonstration effect of the American " double reverse " measures is also not conducive to Chinese foreign trade enterprises to expand international markets except the United States .
The study of this issue will help the Chinese government and enterprises to better respond to the American implementation of the " double reverse " measures and to protect the interests of the Chinese enterprises .
In the event the recommendation is not followed within six months , the committee shall authorize the requesting Member to take appropriate countermeasures commensurate with the nature and degree of the effects determined to exist .
Therefore , strengthening the researches on " double reverse " measures , finding out the reasons why the United States implement " double reverse " measures to us and analyzing the impact on Chinese export products are extremely urgent .
If the responsible international organization does not fulfill its responsibility , to promote the performance of its responsibilities the injured state or international organization can take countermeasures under certain conditions , the countermeasures must be commensurate with the injury suffered .
This nature of data makes the antitrust measures of the past less useful .
China lodged steel sinks . Australia adopted or extended anti-dumping measures on railway wheels and wind towers imported from China in 2019 , and extended anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures targeting stainless steel sinks imported from China in 2020 .
The Revies of Agreement on Subsides and Countervailing Measures and China 's solutions
Judicial examination on anti-subsidy measure is a basic item of contents for WTO anti-subsidy process .
Under the current framework of WTO , new features are seen from each country 's subsidies and countervailing measures .
This dissertation provides some theoretical foundation to promote the anti-dumping reform in the next round WTO negotiation . 4 .
Interpretation and Application of the Second Paragraph of Annex I ( K ) of SCM Agreement : On the Basis of Canada Aircraft Dispute
SCM ( Subsidies and countervailing measures ) agreement is a main international agreement that specially standardized SCM under WTO frame .
But for a long time that the WTO members put much attentions to the anti-dumpling and anti-subsidy measures , unfamiliar with the safeguard measures .
Countervailing measure is one of the three main trade remedy measures of WTO , which can be taken by WTO members under certain conditions .
Anti-dumping measure , as trade relief means that WTO rule allows , is playing a role of tariff and non-tariff wall in the past .
As one of the three trade remedy measures which WTO permits each member nation to adopt , what is the connotation and essence of antidumping ?
With 2008 global economic crisis , anti-dumping measures as the most widely used alternative to the original tariff , continue to be favored by WTO members .
The subsidies and countervailing measure in the WTO rule is the product of international economy development and coming into being with the formation of the modern international trade .
Study on determination of export subsidies has a great significance , both on ensuring a government 's policies compatible with WTO Agreements and on avoiding an abuse of countervailing measures .
With the final realization of WTO frame and continuously decreasing of tariffs level , all countries begin to strengthen Non-Tariffs Barriers measures . Anti-dumping measures have been given more and more attention .
SCM Agreement , the abbreviated form of Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures , fights and restricts the specialized subsidies , it has binding forces on all members of WTO .
According to 《 Agreement on Subsides and Countervailing Measures 》 of WTO , the subsidy to the enterprise of government is divided into prohibiting , suing and not suing .
ASSOCHAM is also in favour of anti-dumping measures , a hike in excise duties and changes in the goods and services tax ( GST ) .
On one hand , export subsidies run contrary to the spirit of free trade and are assumed to be trade distorting . Thus , the WTO members have agreed to ban their use in Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures .