
  • 网络population;Number of Population;population size
  1. 1800年,爱尔兰的人口数为900万,而英国则有1,600万。

    In 1800 Ireland 's population was nine million , compared to Britain 's 16 million .

  2. 按年龄分组的人口数

    Population by age group

  3. 文章主要探讨了各种经济因素,比如经济规模、开放程度、人口数对FDI区位分布的影响。

    The thesis analyzed the effect of current market size , openness , and population on the location of FDI .

  4. 利用灰色关联分析法分析,发现城市道路交通噪声与道路行车线长度和居住人口数的关联度最大,和GDP的关联度最小。

    The gray relational analysis indicated that the length of urban road traffic noise had maximum correlation degree with road traffic lanes and residential population , whereas had minimum correlation degree with GDP .

  5. 相关性分析结果显示因子绝大部分均呈相关性,人口数的相关性在增强,GDP、人均可支配收入相关性一直较强,人均GDP的相关性较弱。

    Correlation analysis results show that the factor most showed a correlation , correlation between population increased , GDP , per capita disposable income per capita GDP has strong correlation , correlation is not obvious .

  6. 另一个惊人的发现是在蒙塔纳州(Montana),奶牛的数量以3:1的比例超过了人口数。

    Another surprise came with the discovery that there are more cows in Montana than humans , at a three to one ratio .

  7. 加州繁荣发展,人口数达到了老布朗——又被称为帕特(Pat)——1959年担任州长时的1550万人口的两倍多。

    The state is prospering , with a population of more than double the 15.5 million it had when Mr. Brown , known as Pat , became governor in 1959 .

  8. 多元Logistic回归分析表明创伤后应激障碍检查量表平时版分值越高,家庭人口数越多,SARS期间曾被隔离的人易患创伤后应激障碍。

    The multi-element Logistic regress analysis showed that people with higher point of post-traumatic stress disorder checklist - civilian version , more family members , and being isolated during SARS was apt to be post-traumatic stress disorder .

  9. 结论年龄、父亲受教育年限、家庭人口数、居住地公厕设施、养狗等可能是儿童H.pylori感染的相关因素。

    Conclusion H. pylori infection for children is correlate with age , fathers ' education background , number of members of family , public lavatory service and dog keeping .

  10. 在灯管垂直于水面布置时,灯管的水平方向的服务半径以15CM为宜。郊区的人均服务人口数和服务半径分别是城区的1.6和3倍。

    The service population and service radius in suburban area are 1.6 and 3.1 times as those in urban area , respectively .

  11. pylori感染率及菌株分型与民族类别无关,年龄、父亲受教育年限、家庭人口数、居住地公厕设施、养狗及吃肉可能是该地区儿童H.pylori感染的相关因素。

    Age , years of father 's education , number of member in family , public lavatory service , dog-keeping and eating meat might have played some role in infection with H.pylori in children .

  12. 同世界各国一样,我国COPD的发病率也长期居高不下,据1997年的统计资料显示,COPD的发病人数约占我国15岁以上人口数的3%。

    COPD is also quite common in China like other countries in the world . According to the statistics in 1997 , COPD accounts for approximately 3 % of population above 15 year of age in our country .

  13. 经单因素分析后发现,年龄增长、父亲受教育年限低、多人口数家庭、居住地无公厕设施、养狗者等的H.pylori阳性率较高。

    Univariate analysis showed high prevalence of H. pylori correlated with the factors of increased age , poor education background of fathers , big family , absence of public lavatory service and dog keeping .

  14. 以后只要看到Pacifica,它就知道这是一个地方,还知道维度、精度、人口数等信息。

    and that whenever it sees that word , " Pacifica , " it knows that it actually has a place , latitude , longitude , a certain population .

  15. 城市属于某一国家的某一地区,城市信息包括(纯ASCII)名称、带重音符的名称(可能包含外文字符)、人口数(如果人口数未知,就是0)、纬度和经度。

    Cities are within a region of a country and have a ( pure ASCII ) name , an accented name ( which might include foreign characters ), a population ( or0 , if unknown ), a latitude , and a longitude .

  16. 1990年亚洲的儿童死亡人口数最多。

    In nineteen ninety , Asia had the most child deaths .

  17. 但是中国的中等城市也是拥有巨大的人口数。

    But China 's secondary cities also have huge populations .

  18. [目的]探索适用于肿瘤监测资料统计分析的人口数的预测方法。

    To explore population prediction method for cancer registration data .

  19. 这相当于美国的总人口数。

    That 's almost the population of the United States .

  20. 选择其人口数必须匹配的角色序列。

    Select the role sequences whose populations must match .

  21. 重庆人口数为户籍统计数。

    Note : 1.Population of Chongqing is household registration .

  22. 比美国总人口数还多

    That 's larger than the total U.S. population .

  23. 现今,全世界拥有的微处理器数量已超过人口数。

    Today , there are more microprocessor on Earth than there are people .

  24. 这区域的人口数在增加。

    The population rate are increasing this area .

  25. 如果没有使用试管授精的话,丹麦的人口数将会减少得更快。

    Without IVF , then , the number of Danes would be shrinking fast .

  26. 预计未来几天,第二生命的人口数将超过200万。

    In the next few days , the population is expected to exceed 2m .

  27. 那岛的人口数在过去四分之一世纪期间增加了好几倍。

    The population of the island has increased manyfold during the last quarter century .

  28. 相对于人口数的出生率

    The proportion of births to the population

  29. 行为得分(72.77±0.86)分。家长的文化、职业、家庭人口数、父母关系、管教方式对意外伤害知识得分的影响显著,家庭收入、儿童年龄对家长态度得分影响显著。

    Family income and children age remarkably influences parents ' attitude scores on questionnaire papers .

  30. 第三个趋势是,同居男女的总人口数增加。

    The third trend is that cohabiting couples , an increase of the total population .