
wén shēnɡ
  • scholar
  1. 你要误了你的航班了,文生。

    You 're going to miss your flight , vincent .

  2. 8月19日,斯科特跳下文生汤玛斯大桥。

    Scott jumped off Vincent Thomas Bridge on August 19th .

  3. 这个文生真是位艺术家。

    This Vincent guy 's quite the artist .

  4. 我们想追查文生的一位朋友。

    We 're trying to run down a lead on an associate of vincennes .

  5. 你有没有听文生提起过他?

    You ever heard Vincennes mention him ?

  6. 文生特:好。你梳洗时,我打电话订位。

    Vincent : OK , in the meantime I 'll phone to book a table .

  7. 其中有八人任九品以上官职,另有科举功名文生员一人和官学生七人。

    Eight men had official positions at or above the ninth rank , a government student and seven official students .

  8. 提高教育和科学研究支出的比例,减少文化、体育、文生等支出项的比例。

    Raise the proportion of educational development , scientific research , reduce the one of other cultural , healthy and sports .

  9. 据张先生介绍说,新标准的制定参照了世界文生组织关于饮用水质量标准的准则。

    The new standard , according to Zhang , were prepared with reference to World Health Organization 's guidelines for drinking-water quality .

  10. 《四库提要北宋五十家研究》是日本立命馆大学笕文生教授及其高徒野村鲇子女士研究《四库提要》北宋名家集的专著。

    Research on the Works by Fifty Writers of the Northern Song Dynasty Collected in Si Ku Ti Yao is a monograph by Professor Jian Wenshen and his student , Ms.

  11. 但安卓森说,最后的结果是产生创新而有用的东西,譬如汽车,或是美丽的事物,譬如文生。梵谷的一幅画。

    But the end result , Andreasen says , is the production of something new and useful , such as the automobile , or beautiful , such as a painting by Vincent van gogh .

  12. 该文以生大豆及传统的膨化大豆作对照,探讨不同加工方法全脂大豆脲酶活力、KOH氮溶指数、油脂稳定性以及产品贮藏过程中过氧化值(POV)的变化。

    The Urea activity , index of KOH protein solubility , oil stability , and Peroxide Value of the processed soy products with different process technology were determined .

  13. 学业程度比较表明,大学生优于中学生,高中生好于初中生;而大学文理科生之间没有表现出明显的不同。

    The comparison of academic degrees shows that college students are superior to middle school students and senior high school students are better than junior high school students , while there are no obvious differences between college students of arts and students of science .

  14. 文学作品和旅游资源相互影响,正所谓文因景生,景因文名。

    Literature and tourism resources have influenced each other .

  15. 农村中学不同认知风格的文理科高中生在创造力的三个特性及创造力的总得分上互有高低,不存在显著的文理班差异。

    The resuls are ( 1 ) students with field dependence are higher than those with field independence in three characters and in the total score of creativity .

  16. 文理科研究生使用某些相同的词汇学习策略,但他们在某些认知策略使用上的确存在显著差异。

    Graduate students of the humanities and students of sciences use some similar vocabulary learning strategies . However , there exist indeed some significant differences in using some cognitive vocabulary learning strategies in their vocabulary learning .

  17. 该文比较早产儿生后早期间断鼻胃管喂养和鼻十二指肠喂养营养摄入量、生长情况、喂养相关并发症及血清前白蛋白的变化。

    This paper aims at comparing the effects of INDF and INGF on nutrient intake , physical growth , feeding related complications , and serum prealbumin ( PA ) level in premature infants shortly after birth .

  18. 该文从爱生敬业、建设目标、班干队伍、教育形式、精神关怀和班级文化等几个方面,论述了高职班主任进行高职班集体建设的工作理念和策略。

    Based on loving students and job , construction goal , cadre of class , education form , mental solicitude and class culture etc , this article expatiated the working visions and strategies on how to construct class collectivity in higher vocational colleges .

  19. 1991年,莫言毕业于北京师范大学(微博)鲁迅文学院创作研究生班,并获文艺学硕士学位。

    In 1991 , he was granted a master 's degree in literature and art from the Lu Xun Literature Institute at Beijing Normal University .

  20. 文中对初中生的生理和心理特点,以及初中化学特点进行了概述,并阐述了动机归因理论的概念、学业成就概念和化学学业成就概念。

    Based on the physiological and psychological characteristics of students , and junior middle school chemistry characteristics were summarized , and expounds the concept of attribution theory motivation and academic achievements concept and chemical academic achievements .