
wén qì
  • style of writing;manner of writing;coherence of writing;force of writing;quiet;gentle


wén qi
  • gentle and quiet
文气 [wén qì]
  • [coherence of writing;force of writing] 文章的气势;文章的连贯性

  • [quiet; gentle] 〈方〉∶文静

文气[wén qì]
文气[wén qi]
  1. 腹有诗书气自华:中文系学生的文气培养

    Cultivation of Students ' " Wen Qi " in Chinese Department

  2. 古代文气论及其当代意义

    The Ancient " Wen Qi " Theory and Its Contemporary Meanings

  3. 文气说艺术鉴赏论

    Theory of appreciating literature and art in vigour of style

  4. 文气说在中国文学史上的意义。

    Fourth , " Wen Qi " meaning in Chinese literary history .

  5. 文气论与中国士人的言说方式

    The Theory of Literature and the Style of Expression of Chinese Intellectual

  6. 论曹丕的文气论及其影响

    Cao Pi 's Theory on " Wen Qi " and its Influence

  7. 论曹丕文气的基本内涵

    On Basic Intention of Cao Pi 's " Qi " of the Writings

  8. 文气论视野中的作家生命形态

    Life Forms of Writers in the View of the Theory on Literary Qi

  9. 她戴著新眼镜看上去很文气。

    Her new glasses make her look rather owlish .

  10. “文气”是中国古代文艺理论中非常重要的范畴。

    " Wenqi " is a very important category in the Chinese ancient literature theory .

  11. 人文气,书香气,蓬勃的朝气把半岛的春天涂抹的更加绚丽。

    The atmosphere of learning has made the spring of the Peninsula even more magnificent .

  12. 它的审美价值就在于人格与文气的完美统一。

    Its aesthetic values present themselves by a perfect integration of personality and vigor of style .

  13. 在朱熹的文学批评中,文气作为一个重要的学术概念,意义广泛而深刻。

    In zhuxi ′ s literary criticism , Wen Qi was a important academic notion with extensive and profound meaning .

  14. 小说创作就是行“气”过程。小说的结构是内在的节奏,受制于文气。

    Novel writing is a flow of spirit , and novel structure is the inner rhythm controlled by the spirit .

  15. 朝鲜文气说在借鉴中国文气理论基础上,也实现了对它的发扬和创新。

    Korean Air said in the text to learn from China based on temperament theory , but also realized it forward and innovation .

  16. 我一直期望看到自己戴眼镜的模样,好显得知性点,文气足点。

    I have been long looking forward to the image of my wearing glasses , in which way I will look more intellectual and quieter .

  17. 曹丕是建安文学的代表之一,他的文气说涉及风格学研究,为刘勰所继承和发展。

    Jian Cao Pi is one of the representatives of literature , his " Vigour " style of research involved , as Liu Xie inherited and developed .

  18. 主要从哲学依据、与音乐的关系以及社会历史背景三个方面阐述它们对文气说产生的影响。

    Mainly from the philosophical basis of the relationship between music and the three aspects of social and historical background of their " Wen Qi " impact .

  19. 就其内涵上来说,它是对文气说的发展;就其性质来说,它构成了古代层次文本理论。

    Up on its contents , it was the development of Wenqi thoery . By its very nature , it constituted a version of the ancient theory level .

  20. 汪曾祺将古代文气论进行了现代性转换,建构了一个具有民族特色的现代小说理论体系。

    Wang Qizeng modified and transferred the ancient theory of literary spirit into its modern manifestation , constructing a theoretical system of modern novel writing with Chinese characteristics .

  21. 从对文与气的研究可知,“文气论”是中国古代独异于西方文论的一个重要理论。

    We can know by analyzing the theory of culture and gas that it is an important theory that only differs from the west literary theory in ancient China .

  22. 同时,对文本之气与不同艺术风格关系的探讨也是作者在文气说的重要内容。

    Meanwhile , the text of the gas and the relationship between different art style is also the author of " Culture and Gas , said " the important content .

  23. 而且文思敏捷,文采华美,散文写得典雅清峻,文气贯通,善于取譬和概括,不仅继承曹操散文的自觉性,而且影响了六朝华丽畅达的文风。

    His essays are elegant and smooth with comparisons and summaries not only inheriting the self consciousness but also influencing the elegant and smooth literary creations of the six dynasties .

  24. 曹丕文气论研究作家气质及个人修养与作品表现出的风格的相关性;

    " Literary spirit " put forward by Cao Pi makes a study of the co-relation between the writer 's moral quality and his individual cultivation and style of their works .

  25. 其书名、内容的取舍安排、修辞手法的运用,以及严密的逻辑、精巧的对句、绚丽的文采、充沛的文气等都显示出其美之所在。

    Its beauty lies in selection and rejection of materials , the use of the rhetorical devices , its unassailable logics , ingenious couplets , charming literary grace and flowery writing .

  26. 继续探讨骈文的文体特征,提出了潜气内转,上抗下坠,从理论上解决了骈文语言形式工整和文气凝滞的矛盾;

    Continues to discuss the literary style characteristic , proposed " qianqineizhuan , shangkangxiazhui ", solved the the parallel prose language form to be neat and the literary style not smooth contradiction ;

  27. 短短几年内,书包大王已成为学术界、艺文界与摄影界中最具「文气」的象徵。

    In just a few short years , The King of Bookbags has come to be known among educators , cultural elites , and photographers alike as a symbol of education and refinement .

  28. 就目前学术界的研究成果看,大多是就某一古文论家而论,论者一般都注意到了文气与作家道德修养的关系,有的也注意到了文气与作家创作心态的关系。

    Researchers commonly pay attention not only to the relationship between " wenqi " and moral cultivation of writers , but also to the relationship between " wenqi " and creative mood of writers .

  29. 文气是一个独特的理论范畴,我们很难用现代文艺学概念对它作一界定,在西方传统文艺学中也找不到与之相近或相对应的理论术语。

    It is difficult for us to define it with the concept of modern literary theory . There is not a category that is close or corresponds to it in the western traditional literary theory .

  30. 其文气说既论述了创作主体的先天禀赋在文学创作中的关键地位,而且也强调了后天修养在文学创作中的重要作用。

    The " Wen Qi " not only discusses the creation of the main innate endowments in a key position in the literature , but also emphasized the training acquired in the important role of literary creation .