
  • 网络Classical Novels
  1. 胡侍及其文言小说研究

    On the Figure Hu Shi and His Classical Novels

  2. 《聊斋志异》中,已经出现了儒商的形象,这是文言小说的重大收获。

    The images of scholar businessman appeared in Liao Zhai , which is a great achievement of the classical novels .

  3. 宋代文言小说中的商人形象

    The Merchant Image in the Classical Chinese Novels of Song Dynasty

  4. 女性文化发展到近代进入了一个新的阶段,王韬的文言小说集《后聊斋》,在某种程度上反映出近代女性文化演变的轨迹。

    Female culture developed into a new stage in Modern China .

  5. 论柳宗元文言小说的创作成就

    On The Achievements of Liu Zongyuan 's Novels In Classical Chinese

  6. 西学对王韬文言小说的影响

    Influence on Wang Tao 's Classical Chinese Novel of Western Culture

  7. 中国文言小说评点研究

    A Study on Annotations of Novels Writing in Classical Chinese

  8. 宋代文言小说研究

    A Research on Fictions of Classical Chinese in Song Dynasty

  9. 话本小说与文言小说叙述艺术比较

    A Contrast of Narrative Art in Text Story and Story in Classical Chinese

  10. 唐代文言小说与文学制作意识

    The Tang novels and the sense of literary creation

  11. 中国古代文言小说总集的类型特征

    Typology Features of Antiquity Collected Novels in Classical Chinese

  12. 六朝及唐五代文言小说辑佚的回顾与前瞻

    On Retrospect and Prospect of Lost Story in the Six and Tang Dynasties

  13. 诗与唐代文言小说研究

    The Study on the Relationship between Poetry and Classical Chinese Novels of Tang Dynasty

  14. 从传统到现代的二重性&论王韬的文言小说

    Dual Character from Tradition to Modern Times & About Wang Tao 's Classical Chinese Novel

  15. 类书与文言小说总集的编纂

    Encyclopedia and the Compilation of Classical Stories

  16. 如此学术品位&评《中国文言小说总目提要》

    Such Academic Taste : A Comment On The Bibliography Synopsis of Classical Chinese Novels ;

  17. 从《我的母亲》看科举制度下的士习与民风唐代文言小说与科举制度论略

    A Brief Discussion of Classical Language Stories in Tang Dynasty and the Imperial Examination System

  18. 明清文言小说狐意象解读

    Interpretation of the Image of Foxes in the Classical Chinese Novels in the Ming & Qing Dynasty

  19. 明清文言小说在故事时间的设计上出现了明显的夜化倾向。

    The time design of the classical Chinese stories during Ming and Qing appears obvious night tendency .

  20. 唐传奇的出现,是我国文言小说发展到成熟阶段的一个标志。

    The emergence of the Tang prose romances is a sign of maturity of classical Chinese fiction .

  21. 对作品本身来说,能从不同的角度对元代文言小说进行分析解读。

    For the work itself , from a different Angle to analyze the yuan dynasty classical Chinese novels .

  22. 凡以杭州为故事展开场景的古代通俗小说和文言小说都可称作杭州小说。

    Hangzhou fiction includes colloquial and classical Chinese fiction that takes Hangzhou as the background of the stories .

  23. 唐传奇虽说是我国古代文言小说成熟的标志,但它在文体结构上却带有明显的史传文学的印迹。

    Though Tang romances mark the maturity of Chinese ancient novels , there are obvious signs of historical literature .

  24. 这四篇传奇小说以其在艺术上的别有特色和成就,在我国文言小说发展史上应有一席之地。

    For the artistic specialties and contribution , these novels play an important role in ancient Chinese novel development .

  25. 《八代谈薮》是一本较为罕见的文言小说,其成书应在隋朝。

    " Ba Dai Tan Sou " is a relatively rare classical Chinese novel written in the Sui Dynasty .

  26. 编辑《全古小说》的设想与文言小说的价值

    A Tentative Idea of Editing A Comprehensive Set of Ancient Chinese Novels and the Value of Classical Chinese Novels

  27. 他是古代中国文言小说理论研究领域最杰出的学者之一。

    He is one of the most prominent scholars in the domain of research on Chinese classical fiction theory .

  28. 但文言小说总集的编选却出现了异常繁盛的局面,并与白话小说融合为这一时代文学的主流。

    However , the compiling of general anthologies of selected fiction in classical Chinese became unusually brisk and vigorous .

  29. 明代小说《列国志传》的创作与批评研究明代的小说批评,主要包括文言小说批评和通俗小说(白话小说为主体)评。

    Fictions criticism in Ming Dynasty mainly includes classical fiction criticism and popular fiction criticism relating mostly with vernacular ones .

  30. 清代文言小说中的狐女在总体上可称为寄托意愿、补偿现实的一种象征性的文学意象。

    They can be described as a symbolic literary image which will be placed and treated as the compensation for reality .