
gé diào
  • style;form;ambiance;ones style of work as well as one's moral quality;literary or artistic style
格调 [gé diào]
  • (1) [literary or artistic style]∶诗歌的格律声调。亦泛指作品的艺术风格

  • 先定格调

  • 格调豪放

  • 这部影片低级庸俗,格调不高

  • 格调高雅

  • (2) [ones style of work as well as ones moral quality]∶人的风格或品格

  • 谁爱风流高格调,共怜时世俭梳妆。--《唐诗纪事.秦韬玉》

  • (3) [form;style]∶格式;式样

  • 山势和水势在这里别是一种格调,变化而又和谐。--《雨中登泰山》

格调[gé diào]
  1. 旅馆已重新装修,但昔日优雅格调所剩不多。

    The hotel has been redecorated but it 's lost a lot of its style .

  2. 这会让你的促销品显得个性十足、格调高雅。

    This will give your promotional material individuality and style .

  3. 管保你会降低谈话的格调。

    Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation .

  4. 这本书整体格调是温情的怀旧。

    The overall tone of the book is gently nostalgic .

  5. 选用这种装饰格调是从一次印度之行中得到的启发。

    The choice of decor was inspired by a trip to India .

  6. 挑选和装饰格调一致的窗帘。

    Choose curtains that blend in with your decor .

  7. 他不接受那种认为他的电影格调不高的观点。

    He rejects the idea that his film is in bad taste

  8. 你不得不承认伯恩茅斯是个很有格调的地方。

    Bournemouth , you have to admit , has style

  9. 房间的格调显得很高雅。

    The room was in an elegant style .

  10. 一贯传承的线条,倾注的是多元的艺术格调。

    What the traditional lines concentrate on is the variedly artistic styles .

  11. 从风格上来说,这个名称意味着松散而迅速的绘画笔触,奔放的格调,使用强烈配色。

    Stylistically , the term implies loose , rapid painthandling , large rhythms and broken colour .

  12. Lovely是一款格调高雅,香味宜人,充满复古情调的香氛,适合时髦的现代女性。

    Making Lovely Perfume an elegant and charming perfume with vintage accents that are made for the chic modern women .

  13. PowerPoint中设计模版的应用能够方便快捷地统一课件格调,完善美化作品,因此具有很高的实用价值。

    The application of stencil plate of the software PowerPoint is very valuable which can beautify and purify the courseware .

  14. 他经营的连锁店名为Kapok,创建于2006年,瞄准香港那些年轻富有且关注格调的人群。

    The chain , named Kapok , was founded in 2006 and targets Hong Kong 's young , affluent and style-conscious crowd .

  15. CSS样式表定义了所有页面的样式,格调统一,界面更为美观,且可以减少很多多余的操作,便于修改、维护。

    Meanwhile , CSS table has defined the patterns of all web-pages in order to make them unity in style , beautiful in interface , which can reduce the extra work in modification and maintenance .

  16. 主题又绕回到了去年我写的关于墨西哥电信巨头卡洛斯•斯利姆(CarlosSlim)的一篇专栏,它的格调总体还算正面。斯利姆是个伟大的投资者,刚刚被提名为世界上最富有的人。

    This was rammed home to me after a generally positive column I wrote last year about the Mexican telecommunications magnate Carlos Slim , who had just been named the world 's richest man .

  17. 让今年的万圣节变得与众不同!北京夜生活新地标&位于北京柏悦酒店内的XIU是你度过万圣夜的不二之选,给你带来独具格调的惊悚体验和第一流的刺激表演!

    This year , come and celebrate Halloween in style at Beijing 's coolest new venue , XIU at Park Hyatt , for a night of spooky class and premium scary entertainment !

  18. 任何一位刷过照片社交网Instagram的人,很可能都看到过那些让人羡慕嫉妒恨的美图——一望无际的蓝天、令人钦佩的瑜伽动作和有格调的早餐陈列。

    Anyone who has ever taken a digital stroll through their Instagram feed is likely to be confronted with the same envy inducing pictures - endless blue skies , impressive yoga posturing and stylish breakfast spreads .

  19. 餐厅推荐CaféLaurent(哈瓦那维达多区19街与21街之间,M街257号,cafelaurent.ueuo.com)是一家有格调的顶楼餐厅,家庭自营,因其顶楼的风景和西班牙菜而受到好评。

    Where to Eat Caf é Laurent ( Calle M No. 257 , between 19 and 21 , Vedado , Havana , cafelaurent . ueuo . com ) is a stylish family-run paladar popular for its penthouse views and Spanish-themed menu .

  20. 这正是珠宝商Pearlfisher构想出的“tbc”概念品牌,它在纽约和伦敦都设有分店。近日,Pearlfisher在其名为《奢侈格调》的报告中,畅想了未来奢侈品市场的可能发展模式。

    This is the vision of " tbc , " a conceptual brand imagined by the New York and London agency Pearlfisher in its report , Luxury Mode , a forward looking imagining of shifts anticipated in the luxury market based on observations of today .

  21. 试析《醒世姻缘传》的主旨与格调

    A Tentative Analysis of the Purport and Style of World-Awakening Marriage

  22. 冷叙述与热抒情&现代诗歌抒情格调琐谈

    Cold Narration and Hot Expression & Lyrical Style of Modern Poetry

  23. 这些提花带品牌专柜装潢优雅、格调统一;

    The elegant jacquard decorated with brand counters , style uniform ;

  24. 格调说有着深厚的中国古代文化意蕴,其表现主要有三:1.诗乐同源的传统文化意识。

    Literature style theory has a deep Chinese ancient culture intension .

  25. 这种格调在白雪石的桂林山水画作品中体现的非常明显。

    This style is embodied obviously in the Guilin landscape paintings .

  26. 绝大多数中档的酒店和汽车旅馆房间格调或多或少趋同。

    Most middle-priced hotel and motel rooms resemble each other somewhat .

  27. 印度音乐遵循它自己常规的音乐格调。

    The Indian music follows its own normal pattern of notes .

  28. 崇圣堂设计格调高雅,具有南方建筑特色。

    Chong Sheng Hall designs elegant and possesses Southern architectural features .

  29. 格调高雅的音乐,让人获得高尚的美感。

    Music in elegant taste gives people a noBle feeling of Beauty .

  30. 行为主体的参差性与短期性;文体异,格调同&论建安诗和南宋词的悲慨格调

    The subject is different and short-term ; Different style but same subject