
  • 网络gruber;John Gruber;Jonathan Gruber;W.Gruber
  1. 最后,格鲁伯总结道,凡此种种,都是拜iPhone所赐。

    All this , Gruber concludes , because of the iPhone .

  2. 莱娜意识到自己碰到了好事,于是借此机会又提出了另一个问题:(90+27)+(29+15)x2。格鲁伯少尉很自信,他可以解决这个难题。

    Lena , realising she was on to a good thing , took the chance to pose another problem , this time ( 90 + 27 ) + ( 29 + 15 ) x2 . Lt. Gruber was confident .

  3. 本文从实证分析的角度出发,运用区内贸易比重、巴拉萨模型、区内贸易流量、格鲁伯-劳艾德指标等工具,对祖国内地与香港CEPA的经济效应进行系统研究。

    Applying some analytical means such as intra-regional trade proportion , the Balassa model , intra-regional trade flow and the GL indicator , this paper makes a systematic study on the economic effect of Mainland and Hong Kong CEPA from empirical analysis angle .

  4. 约翰•格鲁伯指出,苹果并没有把iCloud的功能称为“同步”,苹果服务器所采用的文件存储格式特征明显。

    John Gruber of Daring Fireball points out that Apple isn 't calling what iCloud does " syncing ," and that the version of a file that Apple is storing on its servers is the definitive one .

  5. 一些有影响力的科技博客作家提前收到了样书。约翰·格鲁伯就是其中之一。格鲁伯在博客DaringFireball上评价该书“充满智慧,信息准确而充实,有见解,但有时也令人无比心痛。”

    A handful of influential tech bloggers received early copies of the book , including John Gruber , who wrote on his website Daring Fireball that the book was " smart , accurate , informative , insightful and at times , utterly heartbreaking . "

  6. B.J.格鲁伯少尉并没有让她找父母或者老师帮忙,对于女孩的请求,他很简练的回复道:“难题是什么?”

    Instead of pointing her in the direction of her teacher , or her parents , Lt. B.J. Gruber decided to respond to her plea for help with a simple : " Ok with what ? "

  7. (秘密配方)菲克尔格鲁伯开始制造永不融化的冰淇淋

    Fickelgruber started making an ice cream that would never melt .

  8. 就我个人而言,我很享受艾斯格鲁伯校长即将从分院帽里出来的感觉。

    I for one am enjoying the feeling that President Eisgruber is about to get out the sorting hat .

  9. 弗兰兹•艾克塞瓦•格鲁伯也是到了1854年才为人所知,当时这首歌差点被认为是著名作曲家约瑟夫•海顿的弟弟迈克尔•海顿所创作。

    Franz Xaver Gruber only found out about it in1854 when the carol was almost attributed to Michael Haydn , the brother of famed composer Joseph Haydn .

  10. 格鲁伯称,他这项污水处理工艺的成本和石油与天然气行业目前使用的“抽出污水然后直接排放掉”的系统是一样的,而且更加有利于环境保护。

    Gruber claims his process costs the same as the same as the " pump and dump " systems being used now by the industry and is better for the environment .

  11. 该研究报告的作者之一朱恩格鲁伯告诉那些努力想使自己快乐起来的人说:“当你期待你所做的事让自己快乐起来时,结果会让你失望,并让你更不开心。”格鲁伯是美国耶鲁大学心理学系的教授。

    Study co-author Professor June Gruber , from the department of psychology at Yale University in the United States , said of people who actively tried to be happy : ' When you 're doing it with the motivation or expectation that these things ought to make you happy , that can lead to disappointment and decreased happiness .