
  • 网络The Principle of Gestalt Psychology
  1. 格式塔心理学原理在设计课程教学中的运用

    The Function of the Theory of Gestalt Psychology in Curriculum Design

  2. 本文是从中学美术鉴赏课的实际教学入手,从审美直觉心理学角度,借鉴格式塔心理学原理,从视觉图式这个切入进行研究。

    The thesis is from the appreciation of teaching practice in fine art and the psychological point of view of aesthetic intuition , drawing on Gestalt psychology and on the basis of Vision Schema .

  3. 形态视知觉心理是沟通消费者与产品设计师桥梁,论文采纳了格式塔心理学原理,运用形态视知觉心理归纳、总结了家电产品造型设计的几种方法。

    Form vision and feeling psychology is the bridge which connects products designer to consumers . The paper accepts the theory of Gestalt Psychology and sums up several methods used to design electric products used in house .

  4. 并根据格式塔心理学的基本原理,对科研团队的交流环境和学习环境提出了改善的建议。希望借此,提高科研团队内部的工作绩效。

    By using Gestalt psychology , I bring forward some advices for improving the environment of communication and learning .