
rén kǒu pǔ chá
  • census;population census
  1. 自上世纪90年代以来,中国每10年进行一次全国人口普查。

    China has conducted a national population census every 10 years since the 1990s .

  2. 11月1日,第七次全国人口普查正式开启现场登记,700多万普查人员走入千家万户,登记普查信息。

    China started its seventh national population census on Nov 1 , with about 7 million census takers going door to door to document demographic information .

  3. 这些人当中,有40%的人告诉人口普查员说自己是穆斯林。

    Of these , 40 % told census-takers they were Muslims

  4. 该国刚进行过一次人口普查。

    This country has just carried out a census .

  5. 人口普查显示出生率趋于降低。

    The Census revealed a decline birth rate .

  6. 人口普查局的衡量依据存在的比较严重的问题有。

    Among the more significant problems with the Census 's measure are that .

  7. 实体零售业的混乱局面很难与人口普查数据保持一致。

    The turmoil on the ground in physical retail is hard to square with the Census data .

  8. 果不其然,美国人口普查局刚刚发布的数据显示,2015年第一季度至2016年第一季度,网上零售额激增了15。2%

    Sure enough , the Census Bureau just released data showing that online retail sales surged 15.2 percent between the first quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016 .

  9. 渴望获得该问题的证据的评论员们纷纷以人口普查局最新发布的一项报告作为证明。报告显示,美国家庭平均收入在2015年提高了52%。

    In their thirst for evidence on this issuecommentators seized on the recent report by the Census Bureau , which found that average household income rose by 5.2 % in 2015 .

  10. 互联网向商业开放了20多年,美国人口普查局的数据显示,2016年第一季度,实体店销售额占零售总额的92。3%。

    More than 20 years after the internet was opened to commerce , the Census Bureau tells us that brick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016 .

  11. 从人口普查中得到的数据对社会研究者们很有用处。

    Data derived from population censuses is useful for social researchers .

  12. 我国每四年一次人口普查。

    The census is taken one time every four years in our country .

  13. 第七次全国人口普查数据显示,2020年,我国有4.93亿人处于“人户分离”的状态。流动人口中15岁至35岁的人员占了总量的70%以上。

    Around 493 million people lived outside their place of household registration in 2020 , with those aged for more than 70 percent .

  14. 1996年的澳大利亚全国人口普查数据显示,越来越多的人去海滨城市定居,距离各州的首府只有几个小时车程。

    Data from the 1996 national Census2 reveals the fastest-growing parts of the nation are located on the coast , a few hours ' drive from our capital cities .

  15. 要通过这次人口普查查清我国人口数量、结构、分布等方面情况,把握人口变化趋势性特征,为完善人口发展战略和政策体系、制定经济社会发展规划、推动经济高质量发展提供准确统计信息支持。

    We should get a good understanding of the population 's size , structure and distribution through the census , and the census is expected to map demographic changes and provide accurate statistical of high-quality development .

  16. 在做1993年人口普查时,我碰到了一位拒绝说出自己年龄的女士。我告诉她我有权作出判断。“我认为你是85岁,这没错吧。”我边说边假装往表格上写。

    While taking the 1993 census , I called on a woman who refused to state her age . I told her I was permitted to make an estimate . " I guess 85 is about right , " I said and pretended to write on the form .

  17. 美国农业部对此给出了更为精辟的定义:任何接受人口普查的地区中,至少20%的居民生活在贫困线以下,33%居民的居所距离最近的超市超过一英里(在农村,该距离为超过10英里)。

    More precisely1 , the U.S. Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) defines a food desert as any census2 district where at least 20 percent of the inhabitants are below the poverty line and 33 percent live over a mile from the nearest supermarket ( or in rural areas , more than 10 miles ) .

  18. 但根据美国人口普查局(USCensusBureau)的数据,曼哈顿今天的基尼系数几乎与之完全相同:0.6。

    But Manhattan today has almost exactly the same Gini : 0.6 , according to the US Census Bureau .

  19. 美国人口普查局(CensusDepartment)的数据显示,2012年美国家庭收入中值为51017美元。

    Median household income in the United States in 2012 was $ 51017 , according to Census Department data .

  20. 现有的数据是根据以往的人口普查计算得出的,但近些年,从欧盟(eu)其他地方和欧盟以外的地区都不断有新移民进入英国。

    Current figures are based on historic censuses taken before recent arrivals both from elsewhere in the European Union and beyond .

  21. Pew依据对美国人口普查局当期人口调查(CurrentPopulationSurvey)的数据进行的分析来解析全职妈妈的趋势。

    The Pew analysis of trends for stay-at-home moms is based on an analysis of data from the Census Bureau 's Current Population Survey .

  22. 美国人口普查局(Census)数据显示,单独开车上下班的通勤者占75%以上。

    More than 75 % of commuters travel alone by car , Census data show .

  23. 依据上海市第五次人口普查的资料,采用GIS(地理信息系统)空间分析技术,对浦东新区医院的空间分布进行了研究。

    Based on the 5th census data of Shanghai City , this paper studied the hospital distribution in Pudong New Area using GIS spatial analysis techniques .

  24. 使用数据所需费用太高抑制了GIS的普及,政府通过人口普查收集空间的数据时发现数据损失等等。

    Tomlinson : The costs of data inhibiting GIS usage and the loss of data where governments gather less spatial data by census and so on .

  25. 可以使用这个特性查询一个常规表并返回经过格式化的XML(在这里,使用人口普查数据和模式)。

    It allows for a query that returns formatted XML , based on a regular table ( in our case , with our Census data and schema ) .

  26. 市长DavidBing表示,这样的人口普查结果将为底特律和密歇根州带来巨大的经济损失。

    Mayor David Bing said the low census figures will cost the city and the state of Michigan more money .

  27. 借助于全国第五次人口普查以及第二次基本单位普查的顺利完成,建立普查统计GIS平台软件,实现多种统计信息的有效融合显得及时而迫切。

    China has successfully completed its fifth census and the second general investigation of basic units . It is urgent to design a statistical GIS software and integrate all kinds of information efficiently .

  28. 美国人口普查局(CensusBureau)的数据显示,大学毕业生通常薪资更高,年收入比没有接受高等教育的工人平均高出2万美元。

    College graduates generally receive bigger salaries , on average earning $ 20,000 more a year than workers without higher education , according to the Census Bureau .

  29. 根据2001年的人口普查,信仰印度教(hindus)占80.6%的人口。

    According to the 2001 census , Hindus constitute 80.6 % of the population .

  30. 结果IGR总的粗患病率为15.81%,用2000年广西人口普查数据进行标准化计算标化患病率为10.56%;

    Results The standardized rate of IGR was 10.56 % .