
rén kǒu lǎo línɡ huà
  • population aging
  1. 人口老龄化趋势与社区建设

    The trend of the aging of population and community construction

  2. 人口老龄化已引起了世界各国的关注。

    The Aging of Population has become a problem that draws worldwide attention .

  3. 公报指出,“全面二孩政策”将有效应对人口老龄化趋势。“全面二孩政策”(theuniversaltwo-childpolicy)即允许全面实施一对夫妇可生育两个孩子政策。

    The statement said the country 's aging trend would be actively1 addressed by the universal two-child policy .

  4. 会议提出,实施一对夫妻可以生育三个子女政策及配套支持措施,以应对人口老龄化程度加深问题。

    The meeting unveiled a policy that would allow all couples to have up to three children , in a bid to cope with an increasingly aging society . It also pledged stronger support for families . They stressed the need for unified gifts .

  5. 随着我国人口老龄化和创伤发生率增高,OA已成为导致老龄者和创伤病人病废的最主要疾病之一。

    OA is becoming one of the principal diseases leading to disability with aging of population and high incidence of trauma .

  6. 随着社会人口老龄化进程加速,IDD患者的数量不断增加。

    With accelerating aging process of the social population , the number of patients with IDD is increasing .

  7. 在本文中,利用可计算一般均衡模型(CGE)来模拟分析人口老龄化对中国社会经济的影响。

    In this paper a computable general equilibrium ( CGE ) model is used to explore the economic impact of population aging in China .

  8. 我国和OECD国家在养老保障方面所面临的实际情况非常相似,人口老龄化以及老龄化高峰到来时的养老金支付危机。

    China and OECD countries are facing in the old-age security is very similar to the actual situation , population aging and the aging of the peak arrival time pension payments crisis .

  9. 为了分析人口老龄化的发展趋势,笔者还使用CPPS(中国人口预测系统)软件对金州新区未来10年的人口数量和结构进行预测。

    To get long-term trends about population aging , author forecasts the population size and structure of Jinzhou new district by using CPPS software .

  10. 依据我国改革开放以来的统计数据,对经济增长、人口老龄化与我国医疗费用增长的相关性进行协整检验和Granger因果关系检验。

    Based on the statistic data of China from 1978 to 2003 , this article carried out a cointegration test and a Granger causal relation test on the correlations among economic growth , ageing population and health care expenditures .

  11. MGI预测,由于人口老龄化,中国的劳动力可能最早在明年见顶,到2050年减少16%。

    Because of its ageing population , China 's labour force could peak as early as next year and fall 16 per cent by 2050 , it predicts .

  12. 我国人口老龄化的特点、前景和对策分析

    The Characteristic , Prospect and Policies of Population Aging in China

  13. 人口老龄化使中国老年护理面临巨大挑战

    A great challenge to Chinese geriatric nursing because of population aging

  14. 人口老龄化是保健负担上升的原因之一。

    Aging populations are one reason why health costs are rising .

  15. 人口老龄化是世界性心理卫生问题。

    The old population is a world mental state hygiene problem .

  16. 健康管理在我国人口老龄化进程中的作用

    Role of Health Management in Process of Population Aging in China

  17. 人口老龄化是本世纪的一个全球性课题。

    Population aging is a global issue of this century .

  18. 人口老龄化是这股改革浪潮的起因和背景。

    Population is the reform tide of cause and background .

  19. 我国人口老龄化现状与护理对策

    Population Ageing and Nursing Present Conditions and Countermeasures in China

  20. 人口老龄化是世界人口发展的一种趋势。

    Population aging is one of the world 's population development tendency .

  21. 此外,对人口老龄化的双重经济后果进行了评价。

    Besides , the dissertation appraises the dual economic consequence of population .

  22. 中国人口老龄化对经济可持续发展影响的分析

    Analysis on the Influence of China 's Population Aging on Economic Development

  23. 人口老龄化和社会保障体系落后。

    Aging of population and lag in social security system .

  24. 南京市人口老龄化现状及其发展前景

    The Current and Future State of Population Aging in Nanjing

  25. 第二部分:山东省人口老龄化进程分析。

    The second part : the aging course analysis of Shandong population .

  26. 世界人口老龄化与中国体育发展

    The Aging of World Population and China Sports Development

  27. 贵州农村人口老龄化现状、原因及影响

    The Present State , Cause and Influence of Guizhou 's Rural Population Aging

  28. 人口老龄化条件下的经济平衡增长路径

    The Balanced Economic Growth Path under the Aging Population

  29. 中国人口老龄化的宏观经济后果&应用一般均衡分析

    Macroeconomic Consequences of Population Ageing in China : A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis

  30. 随着人口老龄化进程加速,这一问题日益突出。

    With the population aging process accelerated , this problem becomes increasingly prominent .