
  1. 然而近几年来,建筑行业的人才流动率呈现上升趋势。

    In recent years , however , the personnel turnover of construction industry is rising .

  2. 激励制度不健全,缺乏压力传导机制,人才流动率接近50%。

    The motivation system is not perfect , lacking the pressure conduction mechanism , and the rate of talented person flowing nears 50 % .

  3. 如今,企业间竞争的激烈程度在市场上愈演愈烈,由此导致的人才流动率逐年升高,大批企业意识到人才招揽与稳定的重要性,逐渐开始注重雇主品牌方面的塑造。

    Nowadays , the fierce competition in the market degree fiercer , which has led to increased year by year , large quantities of talents turnover enterprises realized the importance of talent solicit and stability , gradually begin to pay attention to brand shaping of the employer .

  4. 其中,社会资本的认知层面、软件技术的复杂性和高进展性三个方面因素是造成软件技术人才高流动率的重要原因。

    In addition , the cognitive level of social capital , and the complexity and hi-advancement of software technology constitute the most important reasons for the high rate of software human resource flow .

  5. 我国企业普遍存在着人才高流动率,使得管理成本上升等现象,人才流动管理作为人力资源管理的重要组成部分,其主要目的是为了控制人才流失。

    High Employee Turnover Rate is ubiquitous among enterprises in China , which results in phenomena like increase in managerial cost . As a fundamental component of HR Management , the management of talent circulation is aimed to control brain drain .

  6. 但是随着社会经济的发展,企业人力资源的流失已经成为相当普遍的现象,尤其是对于金融危机下的电子商务企业,其人才流动频繁,流失率过高,逐步引起企业的高度关注。

    However , with the development of social and economic , the turnover of human resources has become quite a common phenomenon , especially for the e-commerce businesses under the financial crisis , its personnel turnover is high , turnover rate is too high , and gradually attracted corporate attention .

  7. 招聘工作的质量和结果直接影响着人才输入和引进的质量、人才的流动率以及人力资源管理的费用。

    Recruitment work directly affects the quality and results of the quality of the input and the introduction of talents , talent turnover and the cost of human resource management .