
  • 网络turnover rate;Demission Rate;Dimission Rate
  1. 科学表明员工们长时间处于高压力与他们缺勤,生产力降低和高离职率之间有着明显的相关性。

    Science has shown a clear correlation between high stress levels in workers and absenteeism , reduced productivity , disengagement and high turnover .

  2. 执行副总裁德尔塔•爱默生(DeltaEmerson)称,自实行该举措之后,公司发现工作效率和客户满意度均有所上升,同时员工的主动离职率也在下降。

    The firm has since seen gains in productivity and client satisfaction , and a drop in voluntary employee turnover , says Delta Emerson , an executive vice president for Ryan .

  3. 工资很低,员工的离职率很高。

    Wages are low and the wastage rate of staff is high .

  4. 曾经我们的产假是12周,只支付工资。那时,休完产假的女员工的离职率是男员工的2倍。

    We used to do 12 weeks of salary , and women who came back from leave quit at twice the rate of men .

  5. 因此,G公司也面临一线员工的离职率较高的问题。

    They also desire to have supervisors who can understand and respect them . Therefore , G Company faces the problem of high turnover rate of the frontline employees .

  6. 目前JBT公司的员工离职率达到了28%,具有关资料显示如果一个公司的离职率在10%以内的话,则属正常的人员更换。

    Usually a company may maintain a healthy employee turnover with an attrition rate below 10 % , while company JBT has reached 28 % .

  7. 湖南YL公司目前的人力资源管理存在一定的问题,这些问题已经阻碍了公司的快速发展,员工对工作的抱怨较大,离职率有升高的趋势。

    In human resource management there are still some problems which constract the rapid development in LY Co. , Ltd. Employee have more complaint with their job than ever , and the turnover has the trend of increasing .

  8. 从人才数量、学历和工龄结构、人员离职率、管理培训生、竞聘人员晋升情况等多方面,对XB物流人才质量进行分析盘点,提供人才规划的原始支撑数据资料。

    Original supporting data from the number of personnel qualifications and seniority structure , staff turnover rate , management trainee , competition for promotion and other aspects , XB logistics talents quality inventory to provide personnel planning . 4 .

  9. 低迷的“离职率”问题还有其他负面影响。

    The low " quits rate " problem suggests other side effects .

  10. 员工离职率已经成为影响高新技术企业可持续发展的关键因素之一。

    The employee turnover has become a key factor in the High-tech industry .

  11. 过高的离职率给管理者带来了很大的困惑。

    High turnover rate so that managers are confused .

  12. 高科技行业员工就业初期高离职率的经济学解释

    Economic Explanation for the High Turnover Rate During the Hi-tech Employee 's Early Career

  13. 成果:公司员工离职率仅有7%,为业内最低水平。

    The result is 7 % turnover & among the lowest in the industry .

  14. 第三,运用博弈论对跨国公司在华子公司东道国员工离职率不断增长的原因进行了解释。

    Game theory is applied to explain why quit rate is increasing , too .

  15. 新生代员工的高离职率和高工作倦怠问题已经引起了学术界和企业界的广泛关注。

    Their high turnover rate and high burnout have already caused the researchers extensive concern .

  16. IT行业是目前我国离职率最高的行业之一。

    IT industry is currently one of the highest turnover rate industries of our country .

  17. 结果:合同制护士待遇普遍偏低,合同制护士离职率高,队伍欠稳定,直接影响病人安全。

    Results : Contract nurses were low-paid and floating , influencing the safety of patients .

  18. 企业创业初期离职率的计算及应用探讨

    Probe into the Calculation and Application of the Dimission Rate at the Start-up Stage of Enterprise

  19. 包括基层员工、中层管理人员、甚至高管层的离职率都在逐年攀升。

    The quit rate of line workers , middle managers and even top managers is increasing .

  20. 但独立学院师资队伍的离职率均值高达14.08%。

    But the turnover rate of teachers in independent colleges has reached up to 14.08 % .

  21. 餐饮企业服务员离职率高的诱因及其对策研究

    Research on the Reasons and the Countermeasures to the High Turnover Rate of Attendants in Catering Enterprise

  22. 而建筑行业从业人员高的离职率也成为大家关注的问题。

    And the construction industry with high turnover of employees has also become an issue of concern .

  23. 然而,高员工离职率也成为严重阻碍酒店业服务水平和经营状况的原因之一。

    However , the high turnover rate of employees has become serious obstacle of service level and operating .

  24. 从更广泛的角度出发,高离职率,对优秀人才缺乏有效的吸引,会影响整个产业的士气。

    On the broader perspective high attrition rates an poor talent engagement affect the industry as a whole .

  25. 而很多资料和研究显示,国内外初任教师有较高的离职率。

    According to research data , there is a comparatively high rate of teachers ' leaving their jobs .

  26. 女性从最有竞争力的专业领域的离职率,代表着全民人才投资的一种损失。

    The female drop-out rate from the most competitive professions represents a loss to collective investment in talent .

  27. 酒店业高离职率和低就业率的问题对酒店业的健康发展产生巨大负面影响。

    High turnover and low employment cause a huge negative impact on the healthy development of the hotel industry .

  28. 近两年来工程师及高级工程师以上级别的员工离职率呈逐渐上升趋势,员工的工作积极性也有所降低。

    Lately the rate of demission of engineers rises gradually , and enthusiasm of the employee also descends gradually .

  29. 目前护士短缺、离职率高已成为一个值得引起关注的国际性问题。

    Nowadays , the shortage of nurses and the high turnover rate have become the international issues of concern .

  30. 我担心员工离职率增加到45%。

    And I was horrified to see that turnover of staff is now up to forty five percent a year .