
  1. 这就是建立离岸账户的意义所在。

    That 's the point of setting up this offshore account .

  2. 马可说在2002年他为了帮你避税建立了一个离岸账户

    Marco here claims he set up an offshore account for you as a tax shelter back in 2002 --

  3. 瑞银向美国政府提供了超过4900名持有非法离岸账户的美国公民的身份。

    UBS turned over the names of more than 4,900 US taxpayers who held illegal offshore accounts .

  4. 可以肯定的是,正在看我演讲的普通家庭不会通过离岸账户避税。

    It 's sure not the average family watching tonight that avoids paying taxes through offshore accounts .

  5. 俄罗斯新闻社上月曾报道,中国几家商业银行拒绝通过离岸账户转移俄罗斯客户的资金。

    Russian news agencies reported last month that some Chinese commercial banks were refusing to transfer the money of Russian clients through offshore accounts .

  6. 离岸账户(洋山保税港区):允许企业开设离岸账户,为其境外业务提供资金结算便利。

    Offshore Account ( Yangshan Free Trade Port Area ): Enterprises in YSFTPA can open offshore account in the bank inside YSFTPA for payment settlement of oversea business .

  7. 按照新规,明年将会启动史无前例的税收信息转移,这让相关机构更容易撬开此前秘密的离岸账户。

    Under the new rules , an unprecedented transfer of tax information will begin next year , easing attempts by authorities to prise open previously secret offshore accounts .

  8. 据信,一些离岸账户户主已将资金转移到少数几个抵制透明举措的离岸中心,如巴拿马和迪拜。

    Some offshore account holders are believed to have moved their money to the handful of centres , such as Panama and Dubai , that have resisted the transparency drive .

  9. 一次我把我的钱通过渠道投资到了国外,哈哈,政府采取措施,不允许我进入我的离岸账户。

    One time I put my paycheck in a boat and pushed it out tinto the ocean . HAHA , take that government , not getting into MY offshore account .

  10. 签字仪式上发布的一份宣言称,在新的全球标准之下,我们将交换有关离岸账户的广泛信息,包括账户余额和受益所有人。

    A declaration unveiled at the signing ceremony said that under the new global standard , a wide range of information will be exchanged on offshore accounts , including account balances and beneficial ownership .

  11. 此举也能增加中国商人的投资选择,但洪指出目前仍不是很清楚,离岸账户持有的人民币可进行怎样的投资。

    The move could also potentially open up new investment options for Chinese business people , though hung notes that it is still unclear exactly how account holders will be allowed to invest RMB held in offshore accounts .

  12. 比肯菲尔德的律师斯蒂芬-卡恩说,举报的消息直接导致美国对瑞士银行罚款7.8亿美元,且超过3.5万名纳税人参与了特赦计划,自愿转回了非法离岸账户。

    Birkenfeld attorney Stephen Kohn said the information the former Swiss banker turned over to the IRS led directly to the $ 780 million fine paid to the US by his former employer , UBS , as well as leading over 35000 taxpayers to participate in amnesty programs to voluntarily repatriate their illegal offshore accounts .

  13. 而澳大利亚的税务部门也已经开始禁止利用刷卡消费从离岸银行账户中提取资金。

    The Australian tax authorities , too , have cracked down on the use of payment cards to draw money from offshore bank accounts .

  14. 因为从当前的技术角度来看,逃税还是比较容易的。借助互联网就可以轻易的建立一个离岸银行账户并且远程使用它。

    Given the current state of technology , this is relatively simple to do because bank accounts can easily be set up over the internet and used from afar .

  15. 针对企业生产资金短缺和灵活使用外汇方面,论文提出两个比较新颖观点,开设离岸公司账户和申请担保贷款。

    The shortage of funds for production and flexible use of foreign exchange , the thesis presents two relatively new ideas , opening accounts of off-shore companies and secured loans .

  16. 新合约的交易量将在很大程度上取决于有多少人民币流出内地、并在离岸投资者账户上积累。

    The trading volume in the new contract will largely depend on the extent to which the Chinese currency flows out of the mainland and accumulates in the accounts of offshore investors .