
  • 网络hdi;The Human Development Index
  1. 人类发展指数;科学发展观;县级公共图书馆。

    HDI ; The Scientific Outlook on Development ; County public library .

  2. 人类发展指数反映了发展观和发展尺度的进步。

    The HDI reflects the progress of the concept and measurement of development .

  3. 人类发展指数(humandevelopmentindex)根据寿命和教育等指标对国家进行排名,在分值最高的10个国家中,只有一个大国:日本。

    The human development index - which ranks countries by measures such as life expectancy and Education - places only one large country in its top 10 : Japan .

  4. 我国省际间人类发展指数(HDI)比较研究

    A Comparative Study on China 's Inter-provincial Human Development Index

  5. 人类发展指数(HDI):含义、方法及改进

    Human Development Index ( HDI ): Meaning , Measurement and Metrological Improvement

  6. 本文以政府公共支出占GDP的比重衡量政府规模,以人类发展指数衡量社会福利。

    In the paper , the size of government is measured by the share of public expenditure in GDP , and social welfare is measured by human development index .

  7. 联合国开发计划署(UNDP)发布的人类发展指数(HDI)年度报告,绝对是一项令人钦佩的努力。

    The annual report of the United Nations Human Development Programme is an entirely admirable endeavour .

  8. 该委员会表示,就福祉而言,联合国(UN)人类发展指数(HDI)等现有的综合指数起到了一定作用,但也存在一些缺陷。

    As for wellbeing , the commission said that existing composite indices , such as the United Nations human development index , served a purpose but were flawed .

  9. 人类发展指数(HDI)及托达罗的发展观对发展有了较为全面的论述,但仍没有涵盖发展更全面的含义。

    None of which has given a comprehensive explanation to the full meanings of development . It seems that Human Development Index view has much better illustrated the denotation and connotation of development , but still this point is not that perfect .

  10. 基于主成分分析法的人类发展指数替代技术

    An Alternative to Human Development Index with Principal Component Analysis

  11. 人类发展指数衡量的是什么?

    What does the human development index measure ?

  12. 联合国从1990年开始发布人类发展指数年度报告。

    The United Nations has published its human development index every year since 1990 .

  13. 我国政府支出对人类发展指数影响的经验分析

    An Empirical Analysis on Effects of Government Expenditure on Human Development Index in China

  14. 大连市新人类发展指数的选取、测量与提升对策

    The Selection , Measurement and Promoting Countermeasures of New Human Development Index in Dalian

  15. 公共支出与人类发展指数对中国的实证分析:19902002

    Public Expenditure and Human Development Index & Empirical Evidence of China from 1990 to 2002

  16. 今年的报告还将采用阿尔凯尔-福斯特方法,作为其人类发展指数的补充。

    This year 's report will use the Alkire-Foster approach to complement its own Human Development Index .

  17. 去年的“人类发展指数”报告称,艾滋病对这一地区的人均预期寿命造成了“灾难性的影响”。

    Last year 's report said HIV / AIDS had had a " catastrophic effect " on life expectancy in the region .

  18. 通过对人类发展指数的研究表明,东中西部地区差距并非如许多学者所研究的那样是不断扩大的,而是呈现出逐渐收敛的迹象。

    Disparity on western , middle and eastern isn 't expanded as some scholars had been pointed out , but has the indication of convergence .

  19. 在林林总总的经济社会发展指标体系中,联合国的人类发展指数独树一帜,影响极其广泛。

    Compared with so many economic social indexes , the UN 's Human Development Index ( HDI ) has its special properties and greater influence .

  20. 但是10多年来计算人类发展指数的方法的变化,容易使人迷惑。

    Anyway , the changes of the measurement for the HDI have puzzled people very often during the past period of more than 10 years .

  21. 在联合国的人类发展指数排名上,危地马拉排名仅在伊拉克之前,但幸福感却排在第七位。人类发展指数排名是对寿命、教育和人均收入的综合排名。

    Guatemala sits just above Iraq on the United Nations ' Human Development Index , a composite of life expectancy , education and per capita income .

  22. 但今年的“人类发展指数”排行显示,居于“低人类发展水平”之列的所有22个国家都位于撒哈拉以南非洲地区,塞拉利昂排在最后一名。

    But the index finds that all22 countries falling into its " low human development " category are in sub-Saharan Africa , with Sierra Leone last .

  23. 许多国家(特别是非洲和拉丁美洲的许多国家)在减贫方面仍未取得显著进展,而南亚的人类发展指数进展幅度不够。

    Many countries , especially in Africa and Latin America , are still not making strong inroads into poverty reduction , while progress on human development indicators in South Asia has been insufficient .

  24. 这还意味着更高的社会信任度,北欧小国之所以在医疗和教育上投入更大,从而在人类发展指数上排名相当高,这可能是原因所在。

    It also means higher levels of social trust - which may be why small Scandinavian states are willing to spend so much on health and education and fare so well on human development indices .

  25. 研究结果表明:1990-2009年间,陕西省人类发展指数、人均生态足迹与经济发展同步增长,生态福利指数呈现先波动变化再平稳上升后下降的变化。

    The results of the study show that : 1990-2009 , Shaanxi human development index and per capita ecological footprint have increased with the economic development . Ecological welfare index has increased steadily after the first wave change then declined .

  26. 但报告强调称,人类发展指数的增长和进步远远不止巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国这四个金砖国家,还有至少40个国家具有较高的经济活力,并出台了有效的扶贫政策。

    But the study stressed that growth and improvements in HDI spread far beyond the four Bric countries of Brazil , Russia , India and China , and included at least 40 countries that had accompanied greater economic dynamism with effective poverty reduction policies .

  27. 文章用我国国家财政支出和预算外支出度量政府支出,计算出政府支出的增长率作为我国财政政策变动的代理变量,用我国的人类发展指数度量人类发展状况。

    This paper use budgetary and extra-budgetary expenditure to measure Chinese government expenditure . The growth rate of government expenditure can be considered as proxy variable of fiscal policy . Human Development Index ( HDI ) is used to measure the situation of human development in China .

  28. 缺乏基本服务可能会导致高死亡率、文盲率,法律和秩序问题,高收入人群涌入城市,低经济活动进一步导致了更加低的生活水准和较低的人类发展指数。

    Lack of basic services translates in to high mortality , increase in illiteracy rate , law and order problems , high level of influx of people in to urban areas , low economic activity which further leads to a poor living standard and a low Human Development Index .

  29. 本文把人类发展指数作为发展水平的指标,得出了库兹涅茨倒U型曲线,并用发展经济学的观点从理论上支持了这一假说。

    In this article , we , taking the exponent of human development as the index of the growth level , have succeeded in drawing the inverted U - shape curve of Kuznets Hypothesis , and in , theoretically , supporting this hypothesis by the use of economics of development .

  30. 摘要本文从与发展内涵相关的人类发展的诸项指数、国家实力概念的探讨情况,论述了民族素质在现代发展概念中的重要地位。

    This article discussed the important position of the national quality in modern development concept , from the various index of the human being development and the probing circumstances of the country strength concept concerned with developing intension .