
  1. 他的精神和人格,激励了一批又一批投身于社会主义建设的有志之士。

    His spirit and personality drive those ambitious men to build socialism .

  2. 这些数据是分析人格与激励方法实用性联系的重要依据。

    Those data is important to analyze applied relation of personality and incentive method .

  3. 作者只是指出了从人格研究激励方法的新方向,并提供了人格对激励方法偏好的现实数据和分析。

    Author only point out the new way to analyze incentive method , and analyze the theory and data .

  4. 关于激励的新设想:以人格制定激励方法柔性激励包括环境激励、度激励、化激励、变激励。

    On Personality-based Motivation ; The method includes environmental motivation , institutional motivation , cultural motivation and adaptable motivation .

  5. 然后通过劳动理论、人格理论和激励理论的探讨说明了专利制度对技术创新的支持具有充足的正当性。

    Then patent system supporting technical innovation has powerful validity by means of labor theory , personality theory and prompting theory .

  6. 为了找到不同人格类型对激励方法偏好的现实依据,本论文的前期工作是对具有代表性的人群进行了一次科学的调查,得到了相关的数据。

    Preparative work for this paper is a scientific investigator of representative people , which is the practical data for studying .

  7. 这一人格理论将激励作家全身心地面向真理,摆脱文学活动中的功利性困扰,并将造就伟大的艺术家和批评家。

    This theory will impel writers and critics to uphold the truth firmly , and help to create great artists and critics .

  8. 本研究的目的是总结归纳企业员工的有效激励因素,进而研究人格类型和激励因素的关系。

    The objective of this study is to conclude the effective motivation factors , and to study the relationship between personality styles and motivation factors .

  9. 四是通过对数据的分析,得到不同人格对特定激励方法的偏好顺序、不同激励方法对特定人格的影响顺序,运用两组顺序,对人格与激励方法进行了具有实用价值的综合分析。

    Fourthly , after the analysis of data , we find the order of different personality people favor incentive methods and the order of different incentive methods adapt to personality , then analysis by synthesis .

  10. 建立人格健康发展的激励与约束机制;

    Establish the encouraging and restraining mechanism of personality development ;

  11. 财产权劳动理论、人格权理论和激励理论是知识产权权利冲突产生的理论基础。

    Labor theory of property rights , personality theory and motivation theory are the theoretical basis of conflicts of intellectual property rights creation .

  12. 在素质教育中,应通过教师人格的示范、激励和熏陶促进学生健康人格的形成和发展。

    In quality-oriented education , and exert an uplifting influence on the forming and development which promote student 's health personality through the demonstration , encouragement of teacher 's personality .

  13. 新型师生关系是师生之间人格平等、相互激励的关系,是教师为主导、学生为主体的关系,是学生的素质提高和教师的职业价值共同实现的关系。

    This relation is an equal relation in personality , an inspiring relation to each other , a relation of students as the subject and teachers as the guidance and also a relation to enhancing students ' quality and realizing the value of teachers ' profession .