
  • 网络People in New York;Full Moon in New York
  1. 许多人在纽约港乘船去欧洲。

    Many people embark for Europe at New York harbor .

  2. 我为自己感到难过&孤身一人在纽约地铁站里。

    I felt sorry for myself & alone in a New York subway station .

  3. 或许我可以帮你,我有认识的人在纽约纽约赌场,让我去试试吧。

    Maybe I can help you , I know somebody in NYNY , let me try .

  4. 本周数万人在纽约就这个问题举行游行。

    Tens of thousands marched in New York City this week to draw attention to the issue .

  5. 若有人在纽约给我一份工作,我会立刻去那里。

    If someone offered me a job in new york , I 'd go there like a shot .

  6. 40多岁的中年人在纽约的阿迪达斯专卖店闲逛的话,不大可能找到自己太熟悉的东西。

    A 40-something browsing in an Adidas store in New York isn 't likely to find much that 's familiar .

  7. 宿命还是超越&《北京人在纽约》与《绿卡族》之比较

    Fatality or Transcendence & A Comparison of A Native of Beijing in New York and the Class of Green Card

  8. 《北京人在纽约》与《绿卡族》都是二十世纪九十年代比较重要的涉外题材的电视剧。

    Native of Beijing in New York and the class of Green Card were two popular foreign-related TV series in the1990s .

  9. 然而我朋友就是不能眼看着有人在纽约地铁独入是非之地而置之不顾。

    However , my friend simply could not see someone brave the rough maw of a New York subway without trying to help .

  10. 目前韦恩斯坦人在纽约,在5月25日交出护照之后,他正处于一个追踪装置的监控之下。

    Weinstein is currently in the New York area and being monitored with a tracking device after surrendering his passport on May 25 .

  11. 周三,《华尔街日报》报导称阿贝丁虽然没有出席记者招待会,但周一她人在纽约。

    The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that Abedin was in New York on Monday , although she didn 't attend the news conference .

  12. 而根据知情人士的话说,与父亲的会面时林赛-罗汉自己的意思,而她的母亲,迈克尔的前妻&蒂娜当时人在纽约。

    Sources close to Lindsay say it was her idea to meet with Michael , while her mother and Michael 's ex-wife Dina was in New York .

  13. 准备好翻白眼吧:三个想象力颇丰的年轻人在纽约异想天开,并且创制了一根强劲的自拍杆,杠子够长够大,足以支撑起一台苹果笔记本电脑。

    Prepare for a major eye-roll : Three imaginative young men in New York have dreamed up - and created - an industrial-strength selfie stick , big enough to support an entire laptop .

  14. 郑晓龙是国内资深的电视剧导演,其作品包括1990年的《渴望》(担任制片人),1996年的《北京人在纽约》以及2006年的《金婚》。

    As a veteran TV director in the country , Zheng ` s other works include Desire ( 1990 , Zheng was the producer ), A Native of Beijing in New York ( 1996 ), and Golden Marriage ( 2006 ) .

  15. 我告诉他们,倘若我人在纽约,我会打算举办一场愚蠢的大型生日派对,让他们大家都来参加,必须带给我礼物、好酒,整个庆祝活动将办得奢华得可笑。

    I told them that , if I were home in New York , I would be planning a big stupid birthday party and I would make them all come to this party , and they would have to buy me gifts and bottles of wine and the whole celebration would get ridicu-lously expensive .

  16. 两人在争夺纽约选民的支持。

    The two are vying for the support of New York voters .

  17. 据报道,两人是在纽约的RainbowRoom餐厅举行的婚礼。

    The two reportedly married at the Rainbow Room in New York City .

  18. 实际上,这种观点的背后是一些人呼吁在纽约证交所(NewYorkStockExchange,简称NYSE)恢复人类造市商。

    In fact , that sentiment is behind the calls of some to reinstate human market makers on the New York Stock Exchange .

  19. 你知道有很多人非法在纽约工作。

    You know there are many people working illegally in New York .

  20. 他们第一次见面时两人都在纽约大学学习英语。

    They first met when they were both studying English at New York University .

  21. 这个人战前在纽约和你妈是好朋友。

    This favorite was friends with your mother in New York City before the war .

  22. 「他们想让我们认为,这个人是在纽约港被射杀的.」

    「 They are trying to tell us , they shot this man at N.Y. Port .

  23. 市长女发言人朱莉伍德说:听上去调查的这些人似乎在纽约待的时间并不长。

    Sounds like the people in this survey haven ` t been here in a long while , said mayoral spokeswoman Julie Wood .

  24. 71岁的杰克逊无疑是联盟中的传奇人物,但他也经常被人诟病在纽约固执地使用三角战术。

    Jackson , 71 , is a legend in this league but has been criticized in New York for stubbornly sticking to his longstanding philosophies .

  25. 汤姆-克鲁斯和凯蒂-赫尔姆斯的五岁女儿小苏瑞被人看见在纽约的一家玩具店里和妈妈大发脾气,还哭得梨花带雨。

    The five-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is seen here becoming tearful after apparently getting into a strop with her mother in a New York toy store .

  26. 共和党纽约州议员彼得·金接受了微软全国广播公司的采访,讲述他所在管区的情况并指责称,共和党内有些人在救助纽约州和新泽西州的问题上采取双重标准。

    Republican New York Congressman , Peter King , accuses some in his party of having a double-standard when it comes to helping New York and New Jersey , telling MSNBC about his district .

  27. believe:相信天哪,你不会相信“流言蜚女”上的新闻。getoff:下车train:火车GrandCentral:中央车站有人看到Serena在纽约中央车站下车。

    You 'll never believe what 's on " gossip girl . " - Isabel : Someone saw Serena getting off the train at Grand Central . -

  28. 这个人被关在纽约的FBI联合恐怖试验的有监视器的办公室。

    Combination of state operation during which the man was closed monitor by the FBI joint terror test force New York office .

  29. 周三,数百人聚集在靠近纽约曼哈顿的联合广场行走支持老兵ScottOlson。

    Hundreds packed the streets near Manhattan 's Union Square on Wednesday in a march in support of veteran Scott Olsen .

  30. NPR的罗恩·埃尔文说每个人都想在纽约霍夫斯特拉大学的活动中获益。

    NPR 's Ron Elving says each man is looking to make big gains at New York 's Hofstra University .