
  1. 幼年的他饱尝了人间爱与恨,形成了倔强而又执拗的性格。

    He suffers from the love and hatred , and shapes the characteristic of stubbornness .

  2. 人的个体成长是《简·爱》的主题,为达到情感和精神上的成熟,简·爱追寻着人间之爱和上帝之爱。

    The individual initiation is the subject of Jane Eyre .

  3. 地震无情,人间有爱!

    Merciless earthquake , the world is love !

  4. 渴望人间之爱

    Longing for the Love of the World

  5. 让人间充满爱是每个人共同的心声。

    It is everyone 's common heart-felt wish that let our world be full of love .

  6. 在人间,爱,也只有爱可以成为一个人唯一的可以从事一生的职业。

    In human love , and only love can become a person can only engage in lifelong career .

  7. 海难无情人间有爱&交通部海事局沙埕港航道清障打捞工作取得阶段性成果

    Love in the casualty & Stage results achieved by CHINA MSA in wreck removal and salvage in the channel of the Shacheng Port

  8. 在五六十年代,冰心译了大量来自亚非国家反映和平与独立及表达广博的人间大爱的作品。

    In the 1950s and 1960s , Bing Xin translated a large number of extensive works of human love which reflected the expression of peace and independence that came from Asian and African countries .

  9. 洞中那一组组栩栩如生的至孝故事,演绎了一曲曲人间大爱的千古绝唱,感天地,泣鬼神!

    Those vivid piety stories in the cave deduct peaks of poetic perfection through the ages of great love of human in the world again and again , and which move the heaven and touch ghosts and gods !

  10. 正是由于他们无法正确解决人的问题,费尔巴哈最终走入了要在人间建立爱的宗教,而老庄则走入了无我之境,这样,唯心主义占据了整个空间。

    It is due to their inability to correctly address the issues about man that Feuerbach at last get involved in the religious thought of producing love among human beings and Lao-Zhuang in the no-self situation , subsequently , theism predominates .

  11. 我亲爱的朋友,这不是人间所谓的爱。

    My listening friend , this is not human love .

  12. 活在人间我们的爱百折不回

    Then while we live , in love lets so persever

  13. 人间如果没有爱,太阳也会灭。

    If there did not exist some one who loved , the sun would become extinct .

  14. 我们可以带走我们在人间获得的爱,但是天堂里没有金钱。

    We take the love we gather here on earth , but there 's no money in Heaven .

  15. 或许因为诺贝尔没能得到人间普通的爱,因此他开始深切地关注整个人类的命运。

    Perhaps because Nobel could not find ordinary human love be came to care deeply about the whole of mankind .

  16. 那些你所想到的人,不管他们在你的家里或是其他什么地方,都是这条在几代人间延续的爱的链条上的一环。

    Those you have sought to reach , whether they be in your family or elsewhere , are part of a chain of love that can extend through the generations .