
  • 网络True forever;vision tour;Truly Forever
  1. 真希望永远都能像今天一样

    I wish it could be like this all the time .

  2. 女孩:亲爱的,我真想永远这样跳下去。

    GIRL : Darling , I want to dance like this forever .

  3. 有些毒瘤子真是永远不会改好。

    It 's good to know some junkies never change .

  4. 在这个游戏规则下,你真的永远不会预知结果。

    Under the rules of the game , you really never know .

  5. 让真艺术品永远留传。

    Excellent arts works live for ever and ever .

  6. 我真是永远搞不懂你。

    I 'll just never understand you at all .

  7. 我想真是永远也说不完。

    I really never want to say enough about .

  8. 但这些绝种的生物真的永远失去生存机会了吗?

    But did those extinct ones really lose their chance to last , forever ?

  9. 任何人都不应真的永远不可或缺。

    No one should ever be truly indispensable .

  10. 我真的永远都忘不了。

    And I really never forgot it .

  11. 我真想永远待在这儿。

    I want to stay here forever .

  12. 印度真的永远摆脱了独立之后40年中令人失望的经济记录了吗?

    Has it really moved permanently beyond the disappointing economic record of the four decades that followed independence ?

  13. 也许政府可能会回购。,所以不必在乎它是不是真的永远。

    Anyway , the government might buy them back too , so who cares if it isn 't forever .

  14. 其结果,他在世间难以不弄得精神错乱,之后则与真和善永远绝缘,其现世的表现就是疯狂。

    Its result , on earth , could hardly fail to be insanity , and hereafter , that eternal alienation from the Good and True , of which madness is perhaps the earthly type .

  15. 而这些,在动笔前都是无法得知的在这个游戏规则下你真的永远不会预知结果你只能去碰运气事实上,这个游戏里没有规则指定你必须要做什么。

    You don 't know before you begin . Under the rules of the game , you really never know . You have to take a chance ! Actually , no rule of the game states you must do anything .

  16. 抱起来真舒服你永远也不想再把它放下了!

    So cuddly you 'll never want to put it down !

  17. 你真的想永远的活着,永远年轻?

    Do you really want to live forever ? Forever young ?

  18. 难道一个人真的就永远都无法改变吗?

    Was it really true that one could never change ?

  19. 难道我真的就永远不能在柔和的月光下拥有你吗?

    Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light ?

  20. 真希望你永远都不回家。

    Hanna . I hope you never go home .

  21. 如果时光可以倒流,你真的就该永远都是一个胎盘!

    If time can go back , you really should never is a placenta !

  22. 永远也不要忘记始终表现出真我,永远也不要试着做其他人。

    Never forget to always act yourself and never try to be someone you aren 't.

  23. 我知道只是…真希望能永远在你身边

    I know . It 's just ... I wish I could always be with you .

  24. 我说真的珍娜永远不要你好埃琳娜珍娜你好萨尔茨曼老师

    I 'm serious , Jenna , like , ever.Hey . Elena.Jenna . Hi , Mr. Saltzman .

  25. 妈妈:我知道,只是…真希望能永远在你身边。

    Mom : I know . It 's just ... I wish I could always be with you .

  26. 能够像现在这样打篮球而且一路走来始终这么的幸运,有时候我真的想永远拥有这一切。

    Playing basketball and being as blessed as I am , I just want to hold onto these moments forever .

  27. 这样,现实中的真猫就永远也不会去抓住书中的老鼠了!

    In this way , the true reality will never be a cat to seize the book , the mouse !

  28. 理真气壮,永远不怕真理,勇敢地拥护真理,把真理告诉别人,为真理而战斗。

    Be bold and assured , never fear truth , bravely support truth , tell truth to others and fight for truth .

  29. 但在表面繁荣的背后,银行业深深明白,业务真的“永远不会”与过去完全相同了。

    But under that surface buoyancy , the industry is acutely aware that business will genuinely never be quite the same again .

  30. 大家都以为真的会永远关闭[01:45.25]结果有一天我们看到烟囱又冒出烟来了

    And it seemed like it was going to be closed forever . Then one day we saw smoke rising from the chimneys .