
  • Remy Martin;Centaur;Rémy Martin
  1. 人头马XO是酝酿期最长的XO,醇和,香味浓郁。

    Remy Martin XO is the longest gestation period of XO , mellow , rich flavor .

  2. 我要一杯人头马白兰地。

    I 'll have a Remy Martin v.s.o.p.please .

  3. 该集团标志性产品人头马(RémyMartin)白兰地本财年前6个月的销售额,比2012年同期下降了10.4%,至3.272亿欧元。

    Sales of the group 's signature R é my Martin cognac during the first six months of its business year fell 10.4 per cent compared with the same period in 2012 , to 327.2m .

  4. 人头马天醇XO为顶级香槟干邑,层层展现不同“生命之水”的独特味觉与芳香。

    R é my Martin XO as champagne cognac alcohol , show the different layers of " Water for Life ," a unique taste and aroma .

  5. 在上周的一篇新闻稿中,公司还贴出了其他一些产品的图片,比如带有“iphone”标识的一款皮质iPad保护套,旁边摆着一瓶人头马干邑(RémyMartinCognac)。

    In a news release issued last week , the company also featured photographs of its other products , like a leather iPad case labeled " iphone " next to a bottle of R é my Martin Cognac .

  6. 不到一个月后,人头马部门的首席执行官帕特里克•皮亚纳(PatrickPiana)也提出辞职,进一步增加了不确定性。

    The resignation less than a month later of Patrick Piana , chief executive of the R é my Martin division , added to the uncertainty .

  7. 人头马君度(RémyCointreau)对经济正在放缓的中国市场的较大敞口,以及该公司对干邑销售的持续依赖,损害了其财务表现,导致半年营业利润在可比基础上下降14.6%。

    R é my Cointreau 's heavy exposure to a slowing Chinese market and a continuing reliance on cognac sales have harmed its financial performance - resulting in a 14.6 per cent like-for-like fall in half-year operating profit .

  8. 在人头马君度发布业绩之前一个月,法国烈酒生产商保乐力加(PernodRicard)曾指出,中国需求下降对今年的利润增长会产生负面影响。

    The company reported results a month after French spirits producer Pernod Ricard said that reduced demand in China would have a negative impact on profit growth this year .

  9. 法国利口酒和烈酒集团人头马君度(RémyCointreau)发出预警,由于欧洲经济的不确定性和中国销量的急剧减少,集团全年营业利润将至少下降20%。

    French liqueurs and spirits group R é my Cointreau has warned that full-year operating profits will fall at least 20 per cent from the twin effects of economic uncertainty in Europe and a sharp slowdown in sales in China .

  10. 普夫兰茨辞职后不到一个月,备受尊敬的人头马干邑部门首席执行官帕特里克•皮亚纳(PatrickPiana)也宣布辞职,使得该集团领导层问题不可避免地进一步凸显。

    The inevitable questions about leadership only grew louder when Patrick Piana , the much-respected chief executive of the R é my Martin division , announced barely a month later that he was also leaving .

  11. 法国利口酒和烈酒集团人头马君度(RémyCointreau)发出预警,由于欧洲经济的不确定性和中国销量的“急剧”减少,集团全年营业利润将至少下降20%。

    French liqueurs and spirits group R é my Cointreau has warned that full-year operating profits will fall at least 20 per cent from the twin effects of economic uncertainty in Europe and a " sharp " slowdown in sales in China .

  12. 中国已经是法国人头马-君度集团(RemyCointreauSA)人头马干邑的最大市场,但该公司曾反复表示打算投入最高10亿欧元用于收购新的优质品牌,比如一款在中国很受欢迎的高档威士忌。

    China is already the top market for France 's Remy Cointreau SA 's Remy Martin cognac , but the company has repeatedly said that it has plans to spend up to 1 billion euros to acquire new premium brands , such as an upmarket whisky that is popular in China .

  13. 人头马、左慈钓台奇石景观的象形逼真;

    Remy Martin , the ZUCI QishiDiaoyutairealistic shape the landscape ;

  14. 人头马一开,好事自然来。

    Good luck naturally follows after opening up Remy martin .

  15. 人头马庄园总监文森特·吉雷:是的。


  16. 群山中神圣的人头马怪都已消失;

    The holy centaurs of the hills are banished ;

  17. 人头马庄园总监文森特·吉雷:敬你,祝你健康。


  18. 到目前为止,人头马的全部产品都冠以此称号。

    So far , all of Remy 's products are known as the title .

  19. 人头马庄园总监文森特·吉雷:酒杯非常重要。

    VINCENT GERE , HEAD OF ESTATES , R é MY MARTIN : The glass is very important .

  20. 人头马干邑在其他亚洲新兴市场也出现了积极的趋势,比如越南和马来西亚。

    Cognac is also seeing positive trends in other emerging Asian markets , such as Vietnam and Malaysia .

  21. 人头马庄园总监文森特·吉雷:揭开真相的时刻到了。

    VINCENT GERE , HEAD OF ESTATES , R é MY MARTIN : So , the moment of truth .

  22. 在集团层面,人头马君度的营业利润率为21.6%,低于去年同期的23.8%。

    At a group level , Remy 's operating margin was 21.6 per cent compared with 23.8 per cent a year earlier .

  23. 在向中国市场供应奢侈品和高端产品的欧洲企业中,人头马君度迄今是受到最沉重打击的公司之一。

    R é my has been one of the hardest hit European companies supplying the Chinese market with luxury and high-end products .

  24. 作为世界知名的“葡萄酒”公司,人头马一直是全球干邑市场的领导者,占据著三分之一的份额。

    As a world-renowned " wine ", has been Remy Martin cognac is one of the world market leader , occupying one-third of the shares .

  25. 她像一个女人,但是高高大大,头跟人头马的脑袋一般儿高;然而她也很像个女人。

    She was like a woman but so tall that her head was on a level with the Centaur 's yet she was like a tree too .

  26. 弗朗茨表示,人头马君度预期中国的状况不会构成长期的问题,并补充说公司将维持其产品价格。

    Mr Pflanz said that R é my Cointreau did not expect the situation in China to be a long-term concern adding that it would maintain its prices .

  27. 很明显,我们俩出生后一个星期,他们就把我们带到纳尼亚一个年迈聪明的人头马家里,去接受祝福什么的。

    And about a week after we were both born , apparently , they took us to a wise old Centaur in Narnia to be blessed or something .

  28. 去年,人头马干邑部门约占集团营业收入的53%,但却贡献了营业利润的73%。

    Cognac from its R é my Martin division last year accounted for about 53 per cent of group revenue & but 73 per cent of operating profit .

  29. 在重要的人头马部门,上述半年期间的营业利润在可比基础上下降27.7%,至7800万欧元。

    At its all-important R é my Martin division , operating profits were down 27.7 per cent on a like-for-like basis , to 78m , over the half-year period .

  30. 公司主要经营进口人头马洋酒、轩尼诗洋酒、马爹利洋酒拿破仑洋酒、卡慕洋酒,法国原装进口葡萄酒、国产名优酒的贸易。

    The main products imported Ren Touma wine , wine Hennessy , Martell wine Napoleon wine , wine Camus , the French original imported wines , domestic famous wine trade .