
  1. 从范德机诗歌与大自然的关系看元人的宗唐

    On Tang Dynasty Poem from Relationship between FAN De-ji 's Pien and Nature

  2. 另约共60人在多宗与风暴有关的意外中受伤。

    About 60 people were injured in other storm-related incidents .

  3. 有些人认为是红宗带来的。

    Some think it was secte Rouge that brought it on .

  4. 美国的罪案之都拥有平均每10万人中有52宗凶杀案的犯罪率。

    The murder capital of the USA sees an average of52 per100,000 .

  5. 如果你的论述是对的,那么就没有人能破解一宗谋杀案。

    If what you say is right , then no one can solve a murder case .

  6. 对一些人而言,这宗交易还提出了李嘉诚动机的问题。他或许引起了自己不想要的注意。

    For some , the deal raises questions about the motivation of the elder Li , who may have opened himself up to unwanted attention .

  7. 丸红声称自己也是少数人制造的这宗欺诈案的受害者,并表示,在雷曼兄弟与其联系前,该公司对这个计谋毫不知情。

    Marubeni claimed it was itself a victim of the fraud conducted by a few individuals and said it knew nothing of the scheme until contacted by Lehman .

  8. 汉代人有强烈的宗经意识,他们把五经视作文章的最高范本和各种文体之源。

    Han Dynasty people were referred to the strong sense of their Confucian Classics , they though Five Classics as the maximum norm and the source of a variety of sports .

  9. 这种乌是马来亚人对中国人的一宗重要贸易;马来亚人用种种不同的方法来捕捉这种鸟,但我们都不能使用。

    Malaysians , who do a booming business in these birds with the Chinese , have various methods for catching them that we couldn 't use .