
yì yùn
  • implication;meaning;connotation
意蕴 [yì yùn]
  • [implication] 所包含的意思

  • 反复琢磨,才能领会这首诗的意蕴

  1. Linux及其伦理意蕴

    Linux and Its Ethical Implication

  2. CAS理论蕴含着丰富的科学和哲学意蕴,对指导教育者认识大学生的思想动态具有重要的启示作用。

    The CAS theory contains the rich scientific and philosophical implication , and it has the important enlightenment role to guide the educators to know the students ' thought-dynamic .

  3. 这首诗作别有一番意蕴。

    This poem has some unique appeal .

  4. 9月10日的教师节缺乏必要的历史意蕴,无法彰显中国教育传统的文化内涵。

    Teachers ' Day , which falls on Sept 10 , has no historical roots and so cannot embody2 the cultural essence of Chinese educational traditions .

  5. 《暗示》:文体与意蕴提示IC的指标为病变呈灶性分布。

    The Style and Implicature of The Clue Patchy distribution was suggestive for IC .

  6. 《聊斋俚曲》方言词汇文化意蕴研究

    The Study on the Cultural Connotation of the Dialect Vocabulary in

  7. 惠特曼诗中明月意象的内在意蕴

    The Internalized Meaning of the Moony Imagery in Whitman 's Poetry

  8. 马克思哲学具有鲜明的人文诉求和意蕴。

    The Marxist philosophy has a distinct humanistic appeal and motivation .

  9. 中国古代经典小说美学风格的变换及其意蕴

    The Implication of the Transformation of Aesthetic Style in Chinese Classics

  10. 泉州沿海地区的特异习俗及其文化意蕴

    Special Customs at Quanzhou 's Coastal Regions and Its Cultural meaning

  11. 试论后工业时代体育休闲的人性意蕴

    Discussion on Human Nature Meaning of Sports Leisure in Post-Industrial Era

  12. 论中国画空白的精神意蕴

    On the spirit meaning of blank space in traditional Chinese paintings

  13. 黑客现象及其法文化意蕴

    The Phenomenon of Hacker and its Implications in the Legal Culture

  14. 价值多元主义的政治意蕴&在自由与价值选择之间

    Politics meaning of value pluralism & Between liberty and value choice

  15. 价值论的视角:经济竞争活动的道德意蕴

    Visual Angle of Axiology : Moral Sense of Economic Competing Movement

  16. 它的诗学意蕴和哲理内涵,丰富了人类的智慧宝库;

    Its poetical and philosophical connotations enrich human being 's wisdom ;

  17. 论取消农业税的法治意蕴

    The Meaning of the Rule of Law on Canceling Agricultural Tax

  18. 古代气论的三种形态及其美学意蕴

    Three Types of Ancient " Qi " and Their Aesthetic Meaning

  19. 贵州西江苗族神话史歌生命美学意蕴

    Guizhou Xijiang Miao Myth of History Songs Life Aesthetics Meaning

  20. 马克思的实践学说有其深刻的价值论意蕴;

    Marx 's practice theory has its profound value implication ;

  21. 巴黎学派的行动者网络理论及其哲学意蕴评析

    Actor-Network Theory of Paris School and Analysis of Philosophical Significance

  22. 隐性课程:意蕴、价值与路径

    Covert curriculum : its implication , its value and its future development

  23. 孔子的人性思想具有深刻的内涵和宽宏的意蕴。

    Confucius ' human nature thought has profound connotation and broad meaning .

  24. 《琵琶记》的艺术结构与悲剧意蕴

    The Artistic Structure and Tragedy Connotation of The Story of the Pipa

  25. 关汉卿笔下的妓女形象及其文化意蕴

    The Whores Images of What Guan Han-qing Writes and the Culture Meaning

  26. 意蕴是文本内在的深层结构。

    The implicated meanings is structure imbeded deep in text .

  27. 彭家煌乡土小说的悲剧意蕴

    The Tragical Meaning in PENG Jia-huang 's Local Colour Fiction

  28. 先秦寓言的特征及其民族文化意蕴

    The Characteristic and Race Cultural Meaning of the First Qin 's Parables

  29. 罗尔斯代际正义思想及其意蕴

    The Thought and Implication on John Rawls Justice Between Generations

  30. 中国传统建筑木雕的美学意蕴中国与欧洲传统建筑雕塑语言特征比较

    Comparison of Sculpture Language Characteristics of Traditional Architecture between China and Europe