
yì wài zhī cái
  • windfall;gravy;manna from heaven
  1. 多诺万·米切尔是2017年的NBA选秀中的意外之财。

    Donovan Mitchell was a huge steal in the 2017 NBA Draft .

  2. 自从这个意外之财的消息以野火蔓延之势被传出去后,人们在托特纳姆法院路上的Sainsbury超市里的ATM机前排起了长队。

    Long queues formed outside the Sainsbury 's ATM in Tottenham Court Road as word of the unexpected windfall spread like wildfire .

  3. 无独有偶,不久前,一台在汉普郡Milford-on-Sea餐厅的汇丰银行ATM也发生了类似故障,上百名村民获得了意外之财。

    Last month , hundreds of villagers in Milford-on-Sea in Hampshire enjoyed the same unexpected windfall after an HSBC cash machine experienced a similar glitch .

  4. 切勿贪意外之财,知足者人心常乐。

    Do not greed windfall , one who is happy heart .

  5. 这种投资组合的重新配置,对石油生产商而言,纯粹是一笔意外之财。

    This portfolio reallocation represents a pure windfall for the oil producers .

  6. 每周多得的25美元是意外之财。

    The extra twenty-five dollars a week was a godsend .

  7. 爱尔兰的活动家们号召将这笔意外之财用于公共住房项目。

    Irish campaigners called for the windfall to be invested in public housing .

  8. 这意外之财使我得以购置一幢房子。

    The windfall allowed me to buy a house .

  9. 油价下挫,使消费者突然得到了一笔意外之财,有助于推动支出。

    Oil prices tumbled , giving consumers a sudden windfall that helped support spending .

  10. 我抽奖中了一只手机,我发了意外之财。

    I won a cellphone in a lucky draw , I 've hit the jackpot .

  11. 这位德克萨斯居民在周三的早上全家照了一张全家福,以庆祝他获得了这份意外之财。

    The unassuming Texas resident celebrated his windfall by having a family portrait photograph taken Wednesday morning .

  12. 和查韦斯先生不同,科雷亚先生不太会被石油的意外之财所挽救。

    Unlike Mr Ch á vez , Mr Correa is unlikely to be saved by an oil windfall .

  13. 他的室友说他去度假了.收获了意外之财。

    According to his flatmate , he 's on holiday . Came into some money . Bought off ?

  14. 但当你获得了那笔意想不到的,闻所未闻的意外之财的时候,你又觉得不够了。

    But this unexpected , unhoped-for , unheard-of fortune sufficed you no longer when you once possessed it .

  15. 只有不是我们挣来的钱,意外之财,魔术般出现的奖金或红利才使我们手舞足蹈。

    It is money that we have not earned , the windfall , the magical bonus , that starts us capering .

  16. 比任何人想象的都活跃得多地房地产和股票市场带来的意外之财使收入远远超过了预计。

    Unexpected windfalls from property and stock markets which have been far more active than anyone expected raised revenues way beyond predictions .

  17. 给迪士尼、百代、花旗集团乃至毕加索的后人送去意外之财,并不是在鼓励原创。

    We do not encourage originality by conferring windfall gains on the Disney Corporation , EMI , Citigroup , and the Picasso estate .

  18. 对反烟情绪十分谨慎的便民连锁店一直不愿意公开提及它们销售增长的本质是意外之财。

    Convenience store chains , wary of anti-smoking sentiment , have been reluctant to refer publicly to the windfall nature of their sales boost .

  19. 在多数新兴市场,如埃及,收到这么大的一笔意外之财产生的效果将会是巨大的,在其他非洲国家更是如此。

    In most emerging markets , such as Egypt , let alone Africa , the ramifications of receiving such a windfall would be enormous .

  20. 这暗示很多选民相信:不管米尔怎么说,他们都有权拥有父母房产为他们带来的意外之财。

    This suggests that many voters believe they have a right to any windfall earned by their parents'bricks and mortar , whatever Mill said .

  21. 但是对于如阿里巴巴的中国零售商来说,光棍节的意外之财也是中国在1979年制定的独生子女政策的意外影响。

    But the Singles " Day windfall for Chinese retailers like Alibaba is also an accident of China 's one-child policy , instituted in 1979 .

  22. 她顷刻间发了大财,也不知道这笔意外之财是从哪里来的。

    Her fortune had been made at a stroke , without her having the least idea of the source from which it had so unexpectedly materialized .

  23. 计划使用任何你可能在今年获得的“意外之财”(奖金或退税)来还债、达到财务目标。

    Plan to use any windfalls you may receive this year ( a bonus or tax refund ) to pay off debt and pursue financial goals .

  24. 收入和财富里的意外之财本可以通过财政措施来抵消,正如英国在一定程度上做到的那样。

    The windfall gains in income and wealth could have been offset by fiscal measures , as they have been to a degree in the UK .

  25. 此外,量化宽松的最大受益者中有一些是资产雄厚的年长人士,他们更倾向于把这笔意外之财存起来、而非花掉。

    Meanwhile , some of the biggest beneficiaries of QE are those already asset-rich and relatively old who prefer to sit on their windfall gains rather than spend them .

  26. 不,我们无法给你一个明确的理由为什么为这特别的事情作详尽的列举,但这是意外之财,看这些精致的图片!

    No , we can 't give you a clear reason why this particular chap did this particular thing , but good gravy , look at the pretty pictures !

  27. 这项研究由2000名不同年龄阶层的成年人参与,研究发现22%的人认为如果他们获得了一大笔意外之财,他们不会告诉自己的另一半。

    The research , which involved almost 2000 adults of all ages , found that 22 per cent would consider not telling their partner if they landed a substantialwindfall .

  28. 如果生产商能够将全部所得都用在从消费国进口商品上,消费者的苦痛本会有所缓解,但是生产商却将大部分意外之财投入了金融系统。

    The pain for consumers would be softened if producers spent all their gains on exports from consuming countries but they put much of the windfall into the financial system .

  29. 自从06年主运输管道开始运营以来,石油带来的意外之财将一个不被人所爱的苏联人的城市变成了炫目的大都市,经常伴随着当地人从他们的房中被逐出。

    An oil windfall since the main export pipeline began operations in2006 has transformed an unloved Soviet city into a glitzy capital , often with locals evicted from their houses .

  30. 当你得到一笔意外之财时——奖金、礼物,或是赚到的外快——使用三分之一法则来决定如何使用它:

    When you have a windfall - a bonus , gift , or extra cash for extra work - use the rule of thirds to determine how to use it :