
yì xiànɡ zhǔ yì
  • imagism
  1. 《地铁车站》与意象主义

    The Station In a Station of the Metro and Imagism The Station

  2. 而且,即使西方的意象主义运动,也曾从传统的中国文学中吸取过丰富的营养。

    Even the west " Imagism " movement once absorbed nutrients from Chinese traditional literature .

  3. 后来的英国诗歌中有许多诗受到了意象主义的箴言和实践的影响。

    Much subsequent poetry in England was influenced by Imagist lord and practice .

  4. 象征主义与意象主义在中外文坛上的发展与影响

    The Development and Influence of Imagism and Symbolism on Chinese and Overseas ' Literature

  5. 二十世纪初的意象主义运动标志着英美诗歌进入了新的篇章。

    Imagism in the early20th century moves the English and Americanpoetry into a new era .

  6. 浅析威廉斯的意象主义诗歌与中国传统文化之渊源

    A Brief Analysis on the Origin of Williams ' Imagism Poetry and Chinese Traditional Culture

  7. 中日诗歌的英译对英美意象主义诗歌运动的影响

    Influence of the English Version of Sino-Japan 's Poetry on the British - American Imagist Movement

  8. 论庞德意象主义诗学

    Ezra Pound 's Imagist Poetics

  9. 艾兹拉.庞德与意象主义

    Ezra Pound and Imagism

  10. 意象主义诗学对庞德翻译有很大的影响,也促使他操纵译作来完成他的诗学目的。

    His Imagism poetics has a great influence on his translations to manipulate translations to fulfill his poetic intentions .

  11. 意象主义以其专注于由严格的词语创造的意象而不是以易于了解的象征为特色。

    Imagism is distinguished by its concentration on the hard , verbally created image rather than the translucent symbol .

  12. 《红色手推车》是他的意象主义诗歌的代表作。

    Imagism finds its full expression in the Red Wheelbarrow , one of the masterpieces of William Carlos Williams .

  13. 海明威在这部作品中还采纳了现代的方法,例如超现实主义、意象主义、精神分析和象征主义。

    In his writing , Hemingway also adopted modernistic methods , such as surrealism , imagism , psychoanalysis and symbolism .

  14. 庞德:发言人的“意象主义运动”,是在他那个时代最重要的诗人之一。

    Ezra Pound : spokesman of the " Imagist Movement ", was one of the most important poets in his time .

  15. 意象主义诗歌原则帮助胡适诗学观点的形成,启动了中国现代白话文、白话诗的革命。

    The Imagist principles help Hu Shih form his poetic idea , which leads to the revolution in language and poetry .

  16. 威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯是美国现代新诗的一代宗师,受庞德及意象主义的影响甚深。

    As the forerunner of modern American poetry , William Carlos Williams has been deeply influenced by Ezra Pound as well as Imagism .

  17. 中国古典诗歌;日本俳句;意象主义诗歌;白话诗;翻译;革新;文化交流;

    Chinese classical poetry ; Japanese Haiku ; the Imagist Poetry Movement ; Chinese New Poetry Movement ; Translation ; Reformation ; Cultural Communication ;

  18. 作者发现庞德采用各种翻译技巧以反映那个战争时代的意识形态,并倡导由他领导的意象主义诗学观。

    The author finds out that Pound adopted various translation strategies to fit in the ideology of war time and his poetics & Imagism .

  19. 文章探讨了意象主义与象征主义在中外文坛上的发展与影响,对受这些流派影响的作家及作品作了新的多角度的评论。

    A special comment on certain writers and their works influenced by imagism and symbolism is made from a new view in this paper .

  20. 学衡派对新诗的批评,是与五四新文化派论争交锋的火力点,这种批评常与西方现代诗歌特别是意象主义和象征主义关联。

    The focus of contest between the May 4th new culture school and Xue Heng School is the criticism by Xue Heng School on New Chinese Poetry .

  21. 本文从接受美学理论入手,重点考察了庞德的意象主义理论和他与中国文化,尤其中国古典诗歌的关系。

    This thesis begins with the reception aesthesis and concerns much about the relationship between Pound 's Imagism theory and the Chinese culture , particularly Chinese classical poetry .

  22. 庞德深受中国古诗,尤其是李白等唐朝诗人诗歌的影响,拉开了美国意象主义运动的篇章。

    Pound had great interests in and studied classical Chinese poetry , especially the poetry of such Tang Dynasty poets as Li Po , then launched the imagism movement .

  23. 这些现象无疑表明,意象主义诗学因其本身的局限性,经过短暂的发展后便悄然凋谢。

    Imagism as Poetics still needs to be improved . All these show that due to its innate limitations , Imagism faded away after a short period of development .

  24. 他是一位伟大的诗人,倡导和发展了意象主义;他也是一位伟大的翻译家,翻译了很多中国古典诗歌。

    He is generally considered as a great poet mostly responsible for defining and promoting Imagism in poetry ; and he also shows his greatness in translating the classical Chinese poetry .

  25. 威廉·卡罗斯·威廉斯是一位重要的意象主义与后现代主义诗人,他书写简单事情反映美国的现实生活,在二十世纪美国文学中享有盛名。

    William Carols Williams is an important imagism and postmodernism poet , who writes simple things to reflect the reality of American life and gained famous fame in the 20th century of American literature .

  26. 中国现代主义诗歌历经意象主义、象征主义到后期象征主义,诗的思想内容和艺术方法都发生了深刻而显著的变化。

    The modernism poetry in China has experienced the stages of imagism , symbolism and post-symbolism , during which the ideological content and the artistry of the poetry have undergone prominent and deep changes .

  27. 本文认为桑德堡一方面接受并运用部分意象主义理论进行诗歌创作,另一方面创造了自己独特的风格,正是这些特点使桑德堡诗歌独具魅力和内涵。

    The argument is that Sandburg not only accepts and employs Imagist theories for poetic creation , but also develops his own features , which contribute together to the uniqueness and charm of his poetry .

  28. 意象主义运动在东方诗歌里寻求到理论的支持,东方译诗对意象主义诗歌运动最大的影响是意象的运用、句法的切割和并置。

    The Imagism finds support in the oriental poetry for its poetic theory . The biggest influence of the oriental translation on the Imagism lies in the usage of image , space and juxtaposition of syntax .

  29. 庞德是英语现代诗歌运动的发起者之一,所创造的意象主义理论为英语诗歌走上改革之路起到了推波助澜的作用。

    As one of the founders of modern English poetry movement , Ezra Pound plays a predominant role in the evolution of English poetry . He is regarded as the founder of imagism . His theory of imagism fostered the reform of English poetry .

  30. 本文对《神州集》的一些个案分析后,得出了以下几个结论:第一,庞德之所以如此热衷于中国古典诗歌在于他所倡导的意象主义理论与中国古典诗有众多的一致之处;

    Based on the above analyses , the thesis comes to the following conclusions : Firstly , the reason that Pound has great interest in the classical Chinese poetry is the Imagism theory Pound advocates so coincides with the " image " in the classical Chinese poetry .