
  1. 男性STD患者性伴侣通知意愿调查分析

    Investigation on Sex Partner Notification and Influence Factors among Male STD Patients

  2. 班主任与学生双重视角下班主任工作的对比分析&以J学院为例深圳市高中教师班主任工作意愿调查

    Survey Investigation and Improvement Measures of Class Work under the dual Perspective of Teacher and Students & Take Jiangsu Teacher 's University of Technology as an example

  3. 首先,运用假设市场价值评估法(CVM)分析了通过意愿调查而得出民族文化价值的全过程。

    First of all , I studied the whole process of national cultural values using Contingent Valuation Method ( CVM ) .

  4. 研究方法:对成本与效益做出界定,对体现存在价值的景观用地采用意愿调查价值评估法(CVM),其余用地用成本-效益法评估。

    Method of contingent valuation was used to valuate the land for sights and cost-benefit method was used for other lands .

  5. 采用意愿调查法(CVM)对杨凌的游客进行随机抽样调查,获取了游客对都市农业景观娱乐游憩功能的支付意愿及其相关影响因素,并对都市农业的发展进行了量化分析。

    Based on the investigated data of the randomly selected tourists to Yang Ling by Contingent Valuation Method , this paper collects the information of willingness degree to pay for their touring and the relevant influencing factors , and it also analyses quantifiably the development of urban agriculture .

  6. 南京市城市居民社区卫生服务意愿调查

    The Citizens Willing Investigation for Community Health Care in Nanjing City

  7. 早孕建册妇女分娩方式的主观意愿调查分析

    Analysis on the willing of delivery methods in documented pregnant women

  8. 浙江省农村居民对新型农村合作医疗的意愿调查

    Farmers ' Desire for the New Rural CMS in Zhejiang Province

  9. 意愿调查法评估环境资源价值的思考

    Consideration on Evaluating the Environmental and Natural Resources with Contingent Valuation Method

  10. 意愿调查价值评估法的问卷设计技术

    The Technology of Questionnaire Design in the Contingent Valuation Method

  11. 已婚男性避孕套使用情况及续用意愿调查

    Survey on condom use and persistence among currently married men

  12. 上海市外来从业人员参加综合保险意愿调查

    Survey on Floating Employees ' Wills to Participate in Comprehensive Insurance in Shanghai

  13. 南京城市化进程中的农民意愿调查研究

    Study on Peasant 's Will during Nanjing Urbanization Process

  14. 兰州市生活垃圾袋装化收集居民意愿调查及分析

    Inhabitants Wish Investigation and Analysis on Domestic Waste Bagging Collection in Lanzhou City

  15. 北京市大医院支援医生对支援社区卫生服务的意愿调查

    Willingness of Support Doctors from Hospitals to Support Community Health Services in Beijing

  16. 房屋建筑工地流动人口预防艾滋病安全套使用意愿调查研究

    Survey on attitude to condom use for AIDS prevention among migrant workers for construction

  17. 意愿调查法在评价森林资源环境价值上的运用

    Application of the Contingent Value Method in Appraisal of Environmental Value of Forest Resources

  18. 河南农村基础教育资源需求意愿调查与问题分析

    Survey on the Demand Wishes of Henan Rural Basic Education Resources and Its Countermeasures

  19. 意愿调查法在退耕还林生态价值评估中的应用

    Application of Contingent Valuation Method to Ecological Value Assessment of Returning Cultivated Land to Forests

  20. 少数民族居民对疟防费用和集资意愿调查

    Survey on people 's affordability and willingness for malaria control cost in two ethnic minority villages

  21. 从大学生改革意愿调查看教育改革趋势

    The Trend of Education Reform : Viewed from a Survey of College Students ' Desire for Reform

  22. 江西省铜鼓县农村纯女户再生育意愿调查与分析

    A Survey on the Fertility Intention of Rural Households with only Daughters in Tonggu County of Jiangxi Province

  23. 流动人口居留意愿调查分析&以上海市普陀区和苏州市为例

    A Research on Floating Population 's Residing Preference : Taking Suzhou and District Putuo , Shanghai as Examples

  24. 然后,较为详细地阐述了意愿调查法的原理、操作流程、存在的缺陷及其完善措施等。

    Then , we discuss economic theory , operating procedure , latent problems and improve measures about contingent valuation method .

  25. 意愿调查法在房屋拆迁补偿价格评估中的运用&以武汉市为例

    Application of the Contingent Value Method in Appraisal of the Compensation Price for Removal & A case study of Wuhan city

  26. 农民工定居城市意愿调查&基于苏南三市的实证分析

    Willingness survey on the desire to settle in cities of rural laborers : an empirical analysis in three cities of Jiangsu

  27. 阅读网络调查问卷后,让8组回答内容完全相同的意愿调查问卷,以测量其对于前一份网络调查问卷的回复意愿。

    Secondly , let all the respondents answer the same questionnaire to measure their wishes to participate in the last Web survey .

  28. 福建省城市居民对医疗卫生咨询与指导性服务付费意愿调查

    A survey on the present situation of seeing doctor and willingness to pay money for CHS among urban inhabitants in Fujian province

  29. 城市流动人口居住状况与安居意愿调查研究&以杭州市外来务工人员为例

    A Research on the Housing Conditions and Inclinations of the Floating Population & a case study of the migrant workers in Hangzhou

  30. 企业参与校企合作的意愿调查与分析&以河北省企业为例

    Investigation and Analysis on the Will of Participating in Cooperation of School and Enterprise of Enterprise & The Case of Hebei Province