
  • 网络artificial aging;artificial ageing;artifical aging
  1. Al-Mg-Si系挤压合金的自然时效和人工时效特性

    Properties of natural aging and artificial aging of Al Mg Si extrusion alloy

  2. 研究了固溶处理复合人工时效热处理对所设计的高锌镁合金力学性能的影响,并采用光镜、扫描电镜和X射线衍射分析等研究手段对合金试样进行分析。

    The influences of solid solution treatment accompanied by artificial aging heat treatment on mechanical properties of high Zn-Mg alloy were studied , and the treated alloy was investigated by optical microscope , SEM and XRD .

  3. 与此同时还应用X射线小角散射技术和示差扫描量热仪等观测结构弛豫的手段测量了人工时效样品的相应现象。

    The corresponding phenomena after the specimen was aged artificially was studied with the small angle X-ray scattering and DSC , which are suitable for observing structure relaxation .

  4. 天然和人工时效Cu(55)Zr(45)金属玻璃结构弛豫的EXAFS研究

    An EXAFS study for structure relaxation of cu_ ( 55 ) zr_ ( 45 ) metallic glass during natural and artificial ageing

  5. 本文应用EXAFS结构分析法研究了Cu(55)Zr(45)金属玻璃经天然和人工时效后引起的结构变化。

    The structure change of Cu_ ( 55 ) Zr_ ( 45 ) metallic glass during natural and artificial ageing was investigated with EXAFS method .

  6. 区,人工时效主要强化相为β′(Mg2Si)。

    Zone .. ' ( Mg2Si ) phase is the mainly strengthening phase during artificial aging .

  7. 一种Al-Mg-Si铝合金板材固溶处理及人工时效工艺研究

    The research of solution treatment and artificial aging techniques on a kind of Al-Mg-Si aluminum alloy plate

  8. 合金人工时效后经72h盐雾腐蚀的腐蚀深度约为622μm,部分较大尺寸第二相粒子出现脱落。

    The artificial aged alloy after 72h salt spray corrosion has a corrosion depth about 622 μ m , some second phase particles were abscission .

  9. 自然时效后屈服强度下降10~20MPa,用人工时效可以模拟自然时效,工艺是100℃×2h或200℃×1h。

    The yield strength is reduced by 10 ~ 20 MPa after natural ageing and it can be simulated by artificial ageing ( 100 ℃× 2h or 200 ℃× 1h ) .

  10. AA6016铝合金;车身板;烘烤硬化;人工时效;工艺参数;

    AA6016 aluminum alloy Automotive panel Bake hardening Artificial ageing Process parameter ;

  11. 人工时效制度分别为190℃×4h和190℃×1.5h,而且形变热处理合金的强度高于常规热处理合金的强度。

    Precipitation heat treatment : 190 ℃× 4 h and 190 ℃× 1.5 h. And strength of the alloy after deformation heat treatment is higher than that after conventional heat treatment .

  12. Mg-Al-Mn-RE合金固溶处理和人工时效研究

    Solid Solution Treatment and Artificial Aging of Mg-Al-Mn-RE Alloy

  13. 确定了2618AT851厚板的最佳生产工艺参数,即固溶温度530℃,预拉伸永久变形量:1.5%~3%,人工时效温度190℃,时效时间20h。

    They are solution temperature , 530 t , pre & drawing set deformation volume , 1.5 % - 3 % , artifical aging , 190 ℃ / 20 h.

  14. 本文研究了Al-Cu-Mn合金淬火冷形变人工时效退火后,室温硬度(HRF)随冷形变度(ε%)、退火温度(t,℃)和退火时间(τ,h)而变化的规律。

    In this paper , we studied how the hardness of Al-Cu-Mn alloy at room temperature varies with the cold-rolling degree (ε % ), annealing tamperature ( t ℃) and time (τ, h ) .

  15. 指出发动机活塞的热处理宜采用T6或T7处理,对特种结构活塞可采用低温淬火+人工时效。

    It is noted the engine pistons are favourable to take T6 or T7 for heat treatment , as for pistons with special structure , the low temperature quenching plus artificial aging is suitable to use .

  16. Al-Mg-Si合金是一种典型的时效硬化型铝合金,但传统的工艺还不能充分开发Al-Mg-Si合金的时效硬化潜力,尤其经过自然时效的Al-Mg-Si合金,最终人工时效时获得的强度增加很小。

    Al-Mg-Si alloy is a kind of typically age-hardening aluminium alloy . The age-hardening potential of Al-Mg-Si alloy can not be fully exploited through traditional process . Especially after natural aging , the age-hardening response during artificial aging is very small .

  17. 通过对82B盘条试样进行人工时效处理,对比分析了人工时效处理前后盘条拉伸试样断口形态的变化情况,找出了82B盘条经人工时效处理后拉伸试样断口形态变化的内在规律。

    Through the treatment of artificial ageing for sample of 82B wire rods , the post - treatment change of fracture form from the original is analysed by comparison . The internal rule of change of artificial ageing is expounded .

  18. 探讨了ZL110油锯活塞铸造余热淬火的脱模时间对铸淬效果及人工时效强化规律的影响。

    Influence of mould releasing time of direct quenching of ZL110 alloy chain saw piston making use of remanent heat after casting on quenching effect and strengthening of artificial aging were studied .

  19. 采用悬挂弯曲共振法测量阻尼性能Q-1值(阻尼本领),结果是,96℃人工时效后阻尼性能好于180℃以及250℃人工时效后的阻尼性能。

    Q - 1 ( damping capacity ) were measured as the damping properties with suspending flexural resonance method , the results showed us that the damping property after artificial aging at 96 ℃ was better than that at 180 ℃ and 250 ℃ .

  20. 研究了固溶处理(460-500℃保温1-96h)加人工时效处理(210-290℃保温1-160h)对Mg-5wt%Sn合金组织演变的影响及组织与显微硬度之间的关系。

    The microstructure evolution of Mg-5wt % Sn alloy and the relation between microstructure and micro-hardness of the alloy heat-treated were studied . The heat-treatment condition is solution at 460-500 ℃ for 1-96h and aging treatment at 210-290 ℃ for 1-160h .

  21. 高温短时人工时效对2524合金疲劳性能的影响

    Effect of artificial ageing on fatigue behaviour of 2524 aluminum alloy

  22. 加快硬化过程中,人工时效是就业。

    To speed up the hardening process , artificial aging is employed .

  23. 2024铝合金新人工时效制度的探讨

    A new artificial aging technique exploration of 2024 aluminum alloy

  24. 固溶处理和人工时效处理可以明显改变γ相的形貌。

    The morphology of Y phase can be obviously changed through s.s. and artificial ageing .

  25. 挤压后直接人工时效,可有效地提高合金的塑性。

    Moreover , after extruding the alloys can improve their plasticity if artificial ageing is processed .

  26. 在飞机结构维修中,这种新人工时效制度对于缩短飞机维修停场时间具有重要作用。

    The aircraft staying time for structural repair will be greatly decreased by this new artificial aging technique .

  27. 氢气热处理时,氢气纯度和软磁性能人工时效有密切关系。

    During hydrogen gas heat-treatment , hydrogen purity had strong effect on soft magnetic property and artificial ageing .

  28. 针对大型汽车铝合金轮毂的高性能要求,采用高纯度原材料、高模锻温度、高金属固溶热处理温度、高人工时效温度等新技术,大幅度提高了产品的性能。

    A new technology has been used for the die forging process of aluminium alloy hub of heavy automobile .

  29. 初步探讨了人工时效时间和温度对铜金粉色相和印金光泽度的影响。

    Studies of artificial aging time and temperature on the hue of bronze powder and print gloss were preliminary discuss .

  30. 铸件经过严格的人工时效和振动时效,确保了机床的刚性、稳定性。

    Casting pass by strict artificial aging and vibration aging so as to make sure the rigidity and stability of lathe .