
  • 网络Human Asset
  1. 我们都是神的孩子,他的继承人财。

    We are all Children of God and are heirs to His vast fortunes .

  2. 第三,要建立健全科学的教育培训体系和机制,树立正确的人财观,培训一专多能的复合型人才;

    Third , establish and improve a scientific education and training system and m echanism ;

  3. 企业人生三部曲:人材,人才,人财。

    Life story of a corporation : raw recruits , skilled talents , and talent .

  4. 刑事诉讼中被追诉人财产权保障问题研究?

    Property Right and Criminal Procedure : From the Perspective of Protection of the Defendants Property Rights ;

  5. 通过以上措施来具体完善我国的被拆迁人财产权保障制度,进一步保护城市房屋拆迁中被拆迁人的财产权。

    Though above measures , we can perfect relocated people property rights system and protect the relocated people legal rights .

  6. 全文共分为五部分:第一部分旨在阐明刑事诉讼中妥善处理涉案财物、保护被追诉人财产权的必要性。

    Text is divided into five parts : The first part seeks to clarify the proper handling of criminal proceedings involving property , protection of property rights need to be prosecuted .

  7. 四是司法公正作为社会公正的最后一道防线,妥善处理涉案财物、保护被追诉人财产权是遏制司法腐败的需要。

    Fourth , social justice , justice as the last line of defense , properly handle the involved property , protection of property rights is the prosecution of persons need to curb judicial corruption .

  8. 其核心是对权利人财产权的直接剥夺,因此征收机关需要对此持谨慎态度,财产征收权的运行也更需要法律予以规制。

    Its core is that the property rights of obligee is directly deprived , therefore expropriation office need to keep cautious attitude , the run that power of property expropriation need to legal regulation .

  9. 取保候审制度涉及诸多被追诉人财产权保护的问题,有必要就取保候审制度中存在的财产权保护问题进行探讨研究。

    While the guaranteed pending trial involves the issues of property right of defendant , therefore it is necessary to explore the issues of protection of property right in the system of the guaranteed pending trial .

  10. 限于刑事程序中涉及被追诉人财产权的内容比较多,本文将从取保候审制度着手,探讨被追诉人财产权保护问题。

    Limited to the more problems related to property right of defendant in the criminal procedure , the thesis begins with the analysis of the system of guaranteed pending trial and explores the protection of the defendant .

  11. 财产征收是国家基于公共利益的需要,在事先给予公正补偿的前提下,依据法律规定的条件和程序,强制性地取得权利人财产权的行为。

    Property expropriation is an act which can deprive the property rights of obligee on the basis of the purpose of public interests and offer the fair compensation beforehand according to the condition and process of laws .

  12. 为了保障被追诉人财产权受到侵害后能得到有效救济,必须严格界定非法侵犯财产权的范围,必须进一步完善国家赔偿法,使被追诉人的财产权得到更切实的保护。

    To protect property rights have been infringed by the prosecution were able to effectively relief to strictly define the scope of the illegal violations of property rights , we must further improve state compensation law for the prosecution of persons for more effective protection of property rights .

  13. 被追诉人财产权保护还和制度之外的因素密切相关,例如司法机关的独立性以及司法人员的素质,本文还从这些方面入手探寻对被追诉人财产权的保护方法。

    And the prosecution of persons property rights protection system is also closely related to other factors , such as the independence of the judiciary and the quality of judicial personnel , this also from these aspects of the prosecution of persons seeking the protection of property rights .

  14. 最后,结合B企业实际情况,提出了组织创新的关键措施;从人、财、物、信息四方面确保组织创新的顺利进行。

    Finally , according to the actual situation of business enterprise B , key measures of organizational innovation are put forward . Organizational innovation is smoothly progressed from four areas of human , financial , material , information .

  15. 通过实施ERP系统,能提高企业资金流、物流以及信息流流动速度。实现企业产、供、销、人、财、物的集成化、集约化管理,优化资源配置。

    ERP system could speed up the capital flow , logistic flow and information flow , fulfill the integration management of production , supply , sales , human resource , finance and material and optimize the resource allocation .

  16. 本文结合企业实际研讨了构建ERP系统,实现集产、供、销、人、财、物管理,集总公司、分公司、子公司管理于一体的全方位管理信息系统。

    This article give an example introducing how to construct ERP system , implement whole orientated management information system integrating production , purchase , sale , people , finance , materials and parent company , filiale , subsidiary company .

  17. 结论在本次研究中利用计量经济学模型中两个有代表性的ARIMA模型和经典计量经济学方程模型对卫生资源的人、财、物三方面进行了预测,均取得了较满意的结果。

    Conclusion In this study , we chose two representative econometric models-the ARIMA model and the classic econometric model-to forecast the three parts of health resources , and achieved satisfied results .

  18. 作者比较了17与19例分别接受过开胸与导管射频消融术(RFCA)治疗阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)患者的临床效应、投入的人、财、物等参数。

    Clinical effects and people , money and equipment for treatment of 17 and 19 patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia ( PSVT ) who received open-heart operation ( OHO ) and catheter radiofrequency cur-rent ablation ( RFCA ), respectively , were compared .

  19. 人事工资管理是一项涉及人、财、物管理的重要工作。

    Personnel-wage management is an important work on personnel and property .

  20. 其成本既包括选举过程中正常耗费的人、财、物等经济性投入,也包括可能出现的乡镇权威的下降,一些既得利益群体的干扰等政治性成本;

    The cost includes not only the economic input but also the political cost .

  21. 智慧人的财为自己的冠冕;愚妄人的愚昧终是愚昧。

    The wealth of the wise is their crown , but the folly of fools yields folly .

  22. 一个成功的企业,不仅要对人、财、物等有形资产实施有效的管理,还必须对信息、知识等无形资产实施有效的管理。

    A successful enterprise has not only to manage the tangible assets , but also the intangible assets .

  23. 但是,这两种管理方法在应用中忽略了人、财、物等资源的限制。

    However , both of the management methods neglect the restriction of human , finance and material in practical applications .

  24. 项目的组织与人力资源管理、物资设备管理主要阐明人、财、物资源配置。

    Organization and human resources , material and equipment management statement the assembly resources of human , money and material .

  25. 承租人的财产权只能由与租约同时生效的那些法规确定。

    The property rights of the lessee are determined only by those rules in effect when the lease is executed .

  26. 新建地方本科院校办学所需要的人、财、物等资源往往不足,制约学校的发展。

    The development of newly-built local universities and colleges is often hindered by the insufficiency in talents , funds and facility .

  27. 由于地区保护政策和地区性的封锁,致使人、财、物等生产要素的自由充分流通受到了极大的影响。

    As the regional protection policies and regional blockade , human , financial , material and other production factors are limited .

  28. 限于当时的环境,计算机技术更多的是在电视媒体的人、财、物管理系统方面发挥着作用。

    Depressed by the environment , computer tech resorted to the supervising and managing of human , finance and property in television industry .

  29. 人、财、物、信息等企业所拥有的资源中,人力资源越来越重要和具有活性。

    Among resources owned by enterprises such as human , money , material and information human resource becomes more and more important and activated .

  30. 刑事诉讼法之再修改,应当完善被追诉人的财产权保护,确保公民的合法私有财产不受侵犯;

    We should reinforce the protection of the property right and the freedom right of the accused in legislature when amending criminal procedure law again .