
  • 网络The glory of human nature
  1. 当我们的教育充满人性的光辉时,素质教育的春天才会真正来临。

    When our education is full of the glory of human nature , the quality of education in the spring will really come .

  2. 自然人性的光辉&《八月之光》中琳娜的原始性存在

    The Grandeur of Natural Humanity & The primitive existence of Lena in light in august

  3. 人性的光辉&从《寒夜》、《钢琴师》等反战作品谈起

    Glory of humanity : a discussion on antiwar works including Cold Night and The Pianist

  4. 但对许多观众来说,它给了歌手人性的光辉,甚至展现了他非凡的天才。

    But for many viewers it humanized the singer , even as it showcased his extraordinary talent .

  5. 不论是对卢旺达、香港还是北爱尔兰,他的作品都带着深深的同情和人性的光辉。

    Whether on Rwanda , Hong Kong or Northern Ireland , his work bears a distinctive empathy and humanity .

  6. 当“物质”转化为“精神”,人性的光辉一定会普照!

    When " matter " becomes the " spirit ", the brilliance of humanity must be illuminated all things !

  7. 在这个浮躁的年代,如果说还有什么能够感动我,那只有是人性的光辉。

    In this age of blundering , if there is anything I can say , that 's only human nature of light .

  8. 他笔下一个个鲜活的生命,摄人魂魄,散发着人性的光辉,让人过目难忘。

    One by one of his characters vivid life , intake soul , distributed the bright side of humanity , people memorable .

  9. 《百合花》是著名作家茹志鹃的代表作,她突破了革命小说的表达局限,赋予了革命题材一抹异常明亮的人性的光辉。

    The writer broke through the expressional limitation of revolutionary novels and endowed the revolutionary theme with the magnificent glory of human nature .

  10. 从政府管理部门到学校、家长急功近利思想严重,教育理念落后,使得我们的教育缺乏人性的光辉。

    From government administration to the school , parents thought seriously quick success , educational philosophy behind the lack of education makes our human glory .

  11. 对新闻美的深度追求,在充分表现人性的光辉的同时,还要充分表现时代的超越,即前瞻性新闻的有效传播。

    The deep pursuit of news beauty , while fully showing the brilliance of humanity , is required to fully show its times transcendality , namely , the effective communication of predictive news .

  12. 男性形象在内心世界、成长过程、社会处境、人格特征等方面经历着全方位的磨砺,集合了中华民族文化血脉中的人格理想,闪耀着人性的光辉。

    The male image goes though an omni-directional tempering in such aspects as inner world , growth course , social situation , personality characteristics , and etc. resembling the ideal personality of Chinese culture ;

  13. 米勒的绘画艺术为我们展示了一种艺术境界,是一种真诚与淳朴的,闪耀着人性的光辉的境界。真的走进书法艺术境界的书法家并不是很多的。

    Millet showed us a glary compass of art , it 's pure-hearted , honest and coruscate the flame of humanity . so there are not many calligraphers that have reached the highest realm of calligraphy .

  14. 南非语有一个词叫乌班图,乌班图来源于哲学,对于我来说它的意思就是我之所以成为人,唯一的解释是你们将我人性的光辉重新折射在我的身上。

    In South Africa they have a phrase called ubuntu . Ubuntu comes out of a philosophy that says , the only way for me to be human is for you to reflect my humanity back at me .

  15. 在结语中,作者提出司法者应当冷静面对技术发展带来不断变化的社会问题,坚持刑法的基本原则和谦抑性,使司法实践显现出理性与人性的光辉。

    In conclusion , the author proposes when we are facing the changing social problems brought by the technological development , the judiciary should calm and adhere to the basic principles and modesty of criminal law . Thus , the judicial practice will show its glory of reason and humanity .

  16. 他将情提高到了至高无上的高度,通过对情的热烈歌颂,彰显了人的最本质的生命需求和自然天性,闪耀着人性意识的光辉。

    Through the warm praise , he revealed the most essential needs and natural instinct of human life which shining brilliance of human-nature consciousness .

  17. 他于艺术上的造诣与人性上的光辉,深深地触动了每个人的心灵,并将继续影响后世的人们。

    Through his art and humanity , he touched all of our hearts and his legendary life will endure for all generations to come .

  18. 从理论风格上来看,创新直接动力观闪耀着辩证法和人性的双重光辉,和马克思主义的理论风格一脉相承;应然犯罪之构成与法定犯罪之构成&兼论犯罪构成理论风格的多元发展

    It shines with lights of dialectics and humanity in the theoretical style of Marxism . Constitution of Natural Law Crime and Constitution of Statutory Crime

  19. 张扬人性中德性的光辉&思想政治教育的人性化研究

    The Study on the Humanization of Ideological and Political Education

  20. 假如让我用一句话来评价盖茨,那就是他闪烁着人性的聪明和光辉。

    If let me evaluate Gates with a word , that is him twinkling human wisdom and brightness .