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  1. 斐迪南大公的遇刺引发了第一次世界人战。

    The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand started off the first world war .

  2. 伴随而来的保险业的跳槽热、挖人战持续升级,人才流失问题开始受到各家保险企业的关注。

    Accompanied with the sustained escalation of job-hopping , the problem of employee turnover is paid more attention by many insurance enterprises .

  3. 去年12月,在拉斯维加斯的一场活动上,索尼旗下的圣地亚哥工作室推出它的首款免费增值游戏《KillStrain》,这是一款“5V2V5”的多人对战射击游戏。

    At an event in Las Vegas in December , Sony 's internal San Diego Studios debuted its first free-to-play game , Kill Strain , which pits teams of five verses two verses five players in shooting action .

  4. 修正了一个在多人对战游戏时会发生的崩溃错误。

    Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games .

  5. 他的话音听起来叫人胆战又心惊。

    His voice has a timid and tremulous sound .

  6. 它是关于一场地球人保卫战,该战争是由另一个星球的变形人发动。

    It 's about a battle for Earth being waged by shape-shifting beings from another world .

  7. 该作的特色将包括同一赛道的多车即时竞赛以及在线多人对战。

    It will feature races with multiple cars on one track simultaneously , as well as online multiplayer .

  8. 地图编辑器中含有一些并未出现在多人对战模式中的单位。

    There will be units included in the Map Editor which will not be in the standard multiplayer skirmish mode .

  9. 凯尔特人对战开拓者、勇士对战76人将会是噩梦般的赛程安排,这可能是不会取消东西部分区的一个重要原因。

    Celtics trailblazers and warriors sixers would be a scheduling nightmare , and probably one of the big reasons this won 't happen .

  10. 在十九世纪,巴尔干半岛人用游击战反抗奥斯曼帝国。

    In the 19th century , Balkan people used guerrilla fighting against the Ottoman empire .

  11. 要打赢这场人沙之战,又需要有怎样的非常之功!

    If we are to win the battle against sand , what extraordinary skills we should have !

  12. 尼古丁能让人缓和“战或逃”的原始反应,有助于集中注意力,促使身体释放出多巴胺,让人变得更愉悦;

    Nicotine soothes the primitive fight-or-flight response while focusing attention , and it releases dopamine like a pleasurable reward .

  13. 根据艾尔弗雷德判断,丹麦人打持久战不行。进入广告媒体市场,要有打持久战的思想准备。

    One should be prepared to fight a long-drawn war should he decide to enter into the advertising media market .

  14. 固然有人把荣幸战财产跟物量胜利联系起去,但另外一些人觉得荣幸存正在于热忱战稀切的人际干系中。

    While some people link happiness to wealth and material success , others think it lies in emotions and loving / close personal relationships .

  15. 谁都没想到,人尊境界战通天,竟大获全胜,如此越级挑战绝对是古今第一。

    Who all have never thought , person state war all-powerful , unexpectedly win a landslide victory , thus more class the challenge is absolutely a thou now the first .

  16. 信息战是这个世纪最伟大的专钱工具,有多少人明白信息战是什么意思,我可以明说是人都明白。

    Information warfare is this century 's greatest post-money , tools , information warfare , how many people understand what it means , I can simply say that people can understand .

  17. 本赛季有些小变化,我们觉得应该让年轻人在欧战中也去积累经验。

    There 's been a slight change this season in that we feel we should be giving some experience to the younger players in European games too , as another stage in their progress .

  18. 阿尔法小组组建于19世纪70年代中期,是俄罗斯特种部队中最厉害的一支队伍。前苏联入侵阿富汗时,阿尔法小组以迅雷不及掩耳之势攻占了位于喀布尔的阿富汗总统府,并击毙了府内所有人,一战成名。

    Within the Russian special-forces , Alpha Group is as bad as they come . This force started out in the mid-1970s and came to fame during the invasion of Afghanistan during which members of Alpha stormed the Presidential Palace in Kabul , killing everyone in the building .

  19. 有人问我闪击战期间的感受。

    I have been asked how I felt in the Blitz .

  20. 只有少数人敢于表达反战的观点。

    Only a small group of people dared to speak against the war .

  21. 钱其真没有能给人带去爱战交情。

    Money can not bring love or friendship .

  22. 滇西沦陷之后,侵华日军在滇西进行了鲜为人知的细菌战。

    After the occupation the Japanese invaders carried out their then little-Rnown bacteria war .

  23. 很多人都说持久战,但是为什么是持久战?

    Many people are talking about a protracted war , but why is it a protracted war ?

  24. 在罗马军队中,最小的战术编队是由120人组成的独立战团。

    The smallest tactical unit in the Roman army trusted with independent maneuver was the 120-man maniple .

  25. 接着他便踏上了阻止其他人利用蚁人战服作恶之路。

    Then he sets off to stop other people from putting the suit 's incredibly powerful technology to evil uses .

  26. 他的伙伴是一群古怪的、争论不休的人,前反战分子、退伍军队、以及一些曾经的流浪汉。

    His colleagues were a strange , quarrelsome band , ex-cons and ex-legionnaires , some of whom had been homeless themselves .

  27. 他批评美军当中一些人对恢复坦克战的常规战力显得过度忧虑。

    He criticized those in the U.S.military who are , in his view , overly concerned about restoring such conventional capabilities as tank warfare .

  28. 在另一场使全城作响的比赛中,来自费城不败的特翁肯尼迪将对阵来自新泽西的乔治迪亚兹,打一场不败的年轻人的前途之战。

    In another fight that has the town buzzing , unbeaten Teon Kennedy of Philadelphia will take on Jorge Diaz from New Jersey in a battle of young undefeated prospects .

  29. 我们将要发布骑马与砍杀多人联网版本&战团(测试版),现在这里邀请所有的骑友来申请参加内测的资格,共同享受这游戏带给大家的乐趣。

    We are getting closer to starting M & B Warband multiplayer beta tests and this is an invitation to all our community to apply as beta testers and join in the fun .

  30. 总统唯一要求国会的所做的就是向叙利亚叛军提供武器及军队训练,这些人在本国内战中曾经与叙利亚政府交手过。

    One thing the president asked Congress for was the authority to give weapons and training to Syrian rebels . These are people who are fighting the Syrian government in that nation 's civil war .