
  1. 论王国维《人间词话》中与境界说相关的几个概念

    Some Concept Related to Boundary in Wang Guo-wei 's Talk on World

  2. 从《人间词话》看王国维的人生态度

    Wang Guowei 's Attitude Towards Life from Comments on Ci

  3. 王国维《人间词话》例评

    Comments on Examples from " Ren Jian Ci Hua " by Wang Guo-wei

  4. 《人间词话》中秦观词三个特点的辨析

    Analysis on the Three Characteristics of World Digests

  5. 论王国维《人间词话》中的境界说

    On the Realm Theory of Wang Guowei 's " Human Words and Language "

  6. 《人间词话》无我之境的道家文化阐释

    Interpretation on Taoist Culture of Selfless States in Comment on Ci and Poetry of Human World

  7. 这是《红楼梦评论》和《人间词话》在中国文论史上的共同意义和价值。

    The latter is the common value of the two books in the history of Chinese literary theory .

  8. 《人间词话》是王国维重要的美学著作,也是清代尤其是近代以来词学研究的代表作。

    Ren Jian Ci Hua is the important aesthetic work of Wang Guowei and a representative work in Ci study in the Qing Dynasty .

  9. 中西诗学传统之差异:《论批评》与《人间词话》的比较分析传统华校生抱怨年轻人不懂唐诗宋词,传统英校生则怪他们不懂莎士比亚。

    The Chinese-educated complain that young people know nothing about poetry from the ancient Tang and Song dynasty while the English-educated gripe about them not knowing the works of Shakespeare .

  10. 本文从王国维《人间词话》中关于做学问的三种境界的阐述说起,论及西方学者对创造性思维发展的四个阶段的划分。

    Beginning with the three states of doing research expounded in Wang Guoweis Renjian Cihua , this paper discusses the division of four stages of creative thinking set by Western scholars .

  11. 本文试从“意境”与“境界”的关联与区别,以及对王国维文艺美学观和《人间词话》的综合把握与观照,探究“境界”说的实质内涵。

    At the same time it analyzes Wang Guowei s literary arts esthetics theories and his works " Comments on Ci Poetry " in order to study the substantive connotation of " condition " .

  12. 他的词论专著《人间词话》一直为人称道,其中“隔与不隔”这种品评文学实践的理论新标准,更让人们保持了长久的研究兴趣。

    His Ren Jian Ci Hua is always prided as a monograph , " Non-expressiveness and Expressiveness ", as a kind of new critical standard for literature practice , has kept people a long-last interest about his research .

  13. 第三章以逻辑推论与文本分析及对照相结合的方法,对《人间词话》及其呈现的审美鉴赏批评理论的本质意义作了论证性判断;

    Chapter Three , combining approaches of logic deduction and text analysis and comparison , expounds and evaluates the essential significance of The Poetic Remarks of the Human World and the revealed theory of aesthetic appropriation and criticism .

  14. 在这种理论思想的指导下,从1904年《红楼梦评论》的起点,到1908《人间词话》的学理再创,王国维一步步实现了中国近代美学的现代转型。

    In this theory and guidance from the 1904 " a Dream of Red Mansions comments ," the starting point to 1908 " human words ," for further study , Wang Guowei step by step to achieve a modern aesthetic in contemporary China .

  15. 人文科学的目标是建构一套理想的价值体系,王国维在《人间词话》中所凸现的人格意识可归结为中国古代文人四种人格模式:矢志不渝品行高洁的理想型人格;

    Since the aim of literal humanity is to establish an ideal value system , Wang Guowei expressed in his Human Discourses that personality consciousness could fall into four patterns for Chinese ancient scholars : first , an ideal pattern , with strong will and perfect morality ;