
rén mín rì bào
  • The People's Daily
  1. 《人民日报》是中国共产党的官方报纸。

    The People 's Daily is the official organ of the Communist Party of China .

  2. 《人民日报》于一九四八年创刊。

    The people 's daily started publication in1948 .

  3. 现在全文广播《人民日报》社论。

    We now bring you the full text of the Renmin Ribao editorial .

  4. 《人民日报》全文发表了总理的讲话。

    Peoples 's daily published the premier 's speech in full .

  5. 《人民日报》将这样的现象称为“后院腐败”。

    People 's Daily has termed this kind of phenomenon " backyard corruption4 " .

  6. 近日,《人民日报》在网上进行了一项关于如何进行从严治吏的调查,收到读者4000多份有效回复。

    People 's Daily conducted a survey on the Internet about how to strictly1 manage officials and received more than 4000 valid2 responses .

  7. 中国官方报纸《人民日报》(People'sDaily)周一通过一篇评论文章表示,下架行动可能仅仅是个开始。

    The state-run newspaper the People 's Daily indicated in commentary Monday that the action may only be the beginning .

  8. 《人民日报》的一则报道将《阿凡达》一票难求的主要原因归结为国内电影院3D银幕资源的稀缺。

    A report by the People 's Daily ( in Chinese ) attributes the difficulty in getting tickets partly to the scarcity of3D screens in China .

  9. 人民日报称,沈阳的可吸入颗粒物,即PM2.5,达到了1400毫克每立方米。

    The People 's Daily said PM 2.5 levels exceeded 1400 micrograms per cubic metre .

  10. 从人民日报社的新大楼到明星大腕纸醉金迷的婚礼,到新款的金色iPhone,一切都可以被形容为土豪。

    It 's being used to describe everything from the new People 's Daily building , to expensive celebrity weddings full of bling , and the new gold-coloured iPhone .

  11. 本文基于中文概念词典CCD,从《人民日报》语料中抽取了2101个名词性并列结构,对并列成分中心语的语义相似性进行了定量考察。

    Based on the Chinese Concept Dictionary ( CCD ), this paper examines 2,101 nominal coordinate structures selected from the corpus of People 's Daily and makes a quantitative analysis of the sample corpus .

  12. 据人民日报网站报道,一名将94部iPhone(包括5S,6和6Plus机型)绑在身上的香港男子在偷运前往大陆时被捕。

    A Hong Kong man was caught smuggling 94 iPhones 5S , 6 and 6 Plus models into the mainland by taping the Apple products all over his body , according to reports from People 's Daily Online .

  13. 人民日报报道称,过去的五年内,20岁的HannahSteinberg捐赠了价值10多万美元的食品和物料给救济站,医院和国际援助组织。

    Over the past five years , Hannah Steinberg , 20 , has donated more than $ 100000 in food and supplies to shelters , hospitals and international aid organizations , People reports .

  14. 人民日报的发行量及广告收益增长缓慢。

    The circulation and advertising revenue of People Daily grow slowly .

  15. 《人民日报》标注语料的初步统计分析

    The initial statistic analysis on tagged corpus of People 's Daily

  16. 这个决议刊载在昨天的《人民日报》上。

    This resolution was carried in yesteryday 's people 's daily .

  17. 从人民日报、经济日报、中国青年报、中国消费者报、《新闻战线》、《中国记者》等报刊杂志中获取了许多有价值的资料。

    Obtaining the valuable information from People 's Daily and China Journalist .

  18. 《人民日报》六一儿童节报道研究

    A Study on the Reporting about Children 's Day in Renmin Daily

  19. 我们每年定期订阅人民日报。

    We subscribe to the people 's Daily every year .

  20. 他从《人民日报》上剪辑了一篇文章。

    He had clipped out an article from the People 's Daily .

  21. 人民日报国际评论的语体风格研究

    Analysis of Style Characteristic of International News Comments on People 's Daily

  22. 我正在看《人民日报》上的广告。

    I 'm reading an advertizement in people 's daily .

  23. 试析《人民日报》对再就业群体的再现

    Recurrence of Report on Re-employment Group in People Daily

  24. 《人民日报》四月二十六日社论,把问题的性质定为动乱。

    The april26th editorial in people 's Daily described the disturbance as turmoil .

  25. 《人民日报》工人典型形象新闻话语研究

    The News Discourse Study of Typical Worker Image in the People 's Daily

  26. 比如人民日报网站。

    Such as the website of People 's Daily .

  27. 人民日报记者:总理,您好。您之前提到您最近一次网购经历是在网上买书,我的问题与书有关。

    Peoples Daily : You mentioned that you bought books on the Internet .

  28. 文章学视野下的《人民日报》社论研究

    The Study on Editorials in People 's Daily in the Perspective of Essays

  29. 《人民日报》用通栏标题报导了我们的会见。

    The " People 's Daily " gave banner headlines to our meeting .

  30. 《人民日报》抗震救灾特刊分析

    Analysis of " feature of earthquake relief work " in the People 's Daily