
  • 网络pap;people's action party
  1. 新加坡东南亚研究所(InstituteofSoutheastAsianStudies)的TerenceChong表示:政治秩序和经济稳定或许可以同时实现,但人们愈发意识到,这套理论可能不再有效,甚至人民行动党内部人士也这么认为。

    Terence Chong , of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore , says : Political order and economic stability may go hand in hand , but there is increasing awareness , even within the PAP , that that may no longer work .

  2. 媒体也强调,一些过去对人民行动党的政策作出坦率批评的人,也被人民行动党接纳。

    In part , the bringing aboard of candidates who had histories of being outspoken against PAP 's policies has been stressed quite a bit by the media .

  3. 收入差距对长期执政的人民行动党(People'sActionParty)政府构成了政治威胁。在5月份的选举中,人民行动党因为这个问题而失去了选票。

    The income disparity poses a political threat to the long-ruling government of the People 's Action party , which lost votes in the last election in May over the issue .

  4. 执政的人民行动党(People’sActionparty)在上世纪60年代采取的最早举措之一,是展开了一项整顿街头小贩的行动,引导这些流动小贩进入集中的、有着严格卫生标准的“小贩中心”。

    One of the earliest acts of the ruling Peoples " Action party in the 1960s was to start a programme of clearing the streets of itinerant hawkers , and rehousing them in " hawker stalls , " organised under a single roof and regulated with strict hygiene standards .

  5. 人民行动党与新加坡司法体系

    The People 's Action Party and the Judicial System of Singapore

  6. 论新加坡国家创建对于人民行动党成立与发展的意义

    On the Significance of Singapore 's State-building to PAP 's Establishment and Development

  7. 她现在还无法想象没有人民行动党的领导,新加坡会怎样。

    She cannot yet imagine a Singapore that is not run by the PAP .

  8. 论新加坡人民行动党的治国理念

    On the Conception of the State Administration by the Singaporean People 's Action Party

  9. 第三章主要讨论了新加坡人民行动党政府社会控制方式的演变。

    Chapter three discusses the development of social control mode of Singapore PAP government .

  10. 执政的人民行动党用其它方式对建设更开放社会的愿望做出了回应。

    The ruling PAP has responded to the desire for a more open society in other ways .

  11. 尽管反对党软弱无力,通常仍有三分之一的新加坡人投票反对人民行动党。

    A third of Singaporeans normally vote against the PAP , despite the weakness of opposition parties .

  12. 凭着多年来为党为民的贡献,这位行动党资深党员在1991年获颁人民行动党表扬奖章。

    The long-standing member of the PAP was accorded the PAP Commendation Medal in1991 for his sterling track record .

  13. 新加坡人民行动党一直辉煌执政至今,是世界各国中对社会掌控力最强、连续执政最长的政党之一。

    The people 's action party of Singapore is always splendid and one of the longest governmental party of time .

  14. 李显龙在人民行动党年度代表大会上表示:我认为你们不会期望新加坡施行那种政治体制。

    I don 't think you want that kind of political system in Singapore , he told the annual PAP congress .

  15. 尽管他们可以在选举时期自由参选,但对人民行动党领导层较为猛烈的批评者,有时会因诽谤罪面临法庭指控。

    Although they can campaign freely at election time , fiercer critics of the PAP leadership have sometimes faced court actions for defamation .

  16. 人民行动党建立的威权体制对于维护社会秩序、政治稳定,发挥了重要作用;

    The authoritarian system that PAP set up has played an important role in the maintenance of social order and the political stability .

  17. 在新加坡现代化进程中,人民行动党起着引导、控制、促进的作用。

    In the process of Singaporean modernization , the People 's Action Party ( PAP ) plays a leading , controlling and promoting role .

  18. 新加坡的经济腾飞和持续高速发展是人民行动党所建立的威权体制推动的结果。

    The economic growth and social sustainable and high-speed development of Singapore result from the construction of Authoritarian System of the People 's Action Party .

  19. 人民行动党通常在大选期间举行日间集会,这已成为其竞选活动的一大亮点。

    The People 's Action Party usually holds a daytime rally during general elections , and this has become a highlight of its election campaigns .

  20. 当地的政治分析人士表示:输掉一个集选区对人民行动党而言将是一次心理上的打击,这可能会鼓舞更多新加坡人加入反对党。

    The loss of a GRC would be a psychological blow to the PAP and might encourage more Singaporeans to join the opposition , says the local political analyst .

  21. 它也将意味着,自新加坡独立以来一直执政的人民行动党将不得不考虑将权力让与其自封神职体系以外的势力。

    It will also mean that the People 's Action party , which has ruled since independence , will have to contemplate ceding power to forces outside its self-ordained priesthood .

  22. 1955年至1959年,是人民行动党努力实现由在野到执政地位跃迁的时期,这一时期正是人民行动党和新加坡发展极为重要的时期。

    The period from 1955 to 1959 was very important as it witnessed a very fast development of the Party and the country and witnessed how the Party came to power .

  23. 人民行动党在联系群众方面已经形成了高度制度化的联系机制,尤其是这种机制不是一味迎合人民群众的眼前需要,而是着眼于其长远利益。

    The PAP has formed a highly institutionalized linking mechanism with the masses , which does not blindly cater for the current needs of the masses , but focuses on long-term interests .

  24. 新加坡人民行动党表面上具备了西方代议制政党的一般特点,但在实质上它对新加坡的行政体系施加着重大影响。人民行动党对新加坡政府的控制主要是通过左右政府的组成人员来实现的。

    People 's Action Party in Singapore seems to be the same as the political parties in the West , but in fact it exerts great influence on the administration of the country .

  25. 新加坡人民行动党能够在鼓动民众取得结束殖民统治的胜利之后进一步领导民众取得国家建设的成功的关键原因,是由于实现了从革命到执政的政党文化转型。

    The most important reason for the success of the People 's Action Party of Singapore in constructing its country after revolution is that the party made a cultural transformation from revolution to in-power .

  26. 李光耀作为人民行动党的主要领导人,在国家政治生活中具有特殊的地位,他关于国家的政治安全的意识和言论对新加坡的政治制度和经济制度具有至关重要的影响和作用。

    As the chief leader of PAP , Lee Kuan Yew plays a unique role in the country 's political life , whose ideas and speech has vital importance on the political and economic arrangement of Singapore .

  27. 将人民行动党及其执政能力建设系统作为典型研究对象,以执政形态研究、系统分析方法来进行探析,对我们党而言,显然具有一定的比照内涵。

    Take PAP and its administrative capability construction system for the typical research object , and use ruling formation research and system analyze method to probe into , it has certain contrasting intension to our party apparently .

  28. 人民行动党面临着今年或明年举行的大选,届时该党将遇到反对党的强大挑战。在2011年举行的选举中,各反对党总共赢得了40%的选票。

    The PAP faces a general election either this year or next and is expected to encounter a stiff challenge from opposition parties that collectively won 40 per cent of the vote at the last poll in 2011 .

  29. 人民行动党依靠威权体制协调经济发展,搞好战略规划,有效地配置了资源,培育了广阔的国际市场,使新加坡具有了较强的国际竞争力。

    Relying on the authoritarian system , PAP has coordinated economic development , done strategic plan well , disposed the resources effectively , developed the wide international market , and made Singapore further upgrade its international competitiveness as well .

  30. 本文从制度环境、制度安排、政策和策略等方面对新加坡执政的人民行动党及其政府如何处理与其它政党、社群组织和普通选民的关系和社会控制方式进行了分析。

    From perspectives of institutional environment , institutional arrangement , policy and tactics , this thesis analyzes the models how the ruling party PAP deals with other parties , social groups , constituency and model of controlling the society in Singapore .