
  1. 关于人民群众创造历史的几个问题

    Some Issues in the Topic of People Create History

  2. 在不同的政治制度下,人民群众创造历史的作用是大不相同的。

    In different political system , the creation of the history of the people is very different .

  3. 如何正确认识和发挥人民群众创造历史的决定作用是中国革命和社会主义建设能否取得胜利的关键所在。

    It is the key to the victoy of the Chinese revolution and socialist construction to correctly organize and bring into the play the mass 's decisive role of creating the history .

  4. 第二,恩格斯早期的劳动思想一方面包含着人民群众创造历史的思想萌芽,另一方面则表明他在正确处理三门学科的关系中达到了对新历史观的总体把握;

    Secondly , his early idea of work contained the seed that the masses of the people created the history and showed that he had mastered the direction to the new conception of history while handling the relations of three Marxist courses ;

  5. 在历史动力方面,他承认人民群众和英雄创造历史,同时又认为他们只是世界历史的工具和手段。

    When it comes to historical motivation , he admits that history was created by common people and heroes together , while at the same time , he considers common people as only utilities and means of the world history .

  6. 人民群众的利益,就是人民群众对创造历史的需求和对历史进步的期盼。

    The mass 's interests are just the needs to make history and expectations for historic progress .