
rén yān xī shǎo
  • There were few inhabitants round the place;be sparsely populated
人烟稀少[rén yān xī shǎo]
  1. 该省森林茂密,人烟稀少。

    The province is heavily forested and sparsely populated .

  2. 他们向北深入人烟稀少的加拿大森林深处。

    They went farther north into the deep forests of Canada , where there were fewer humans around .

  3. 由于海拔高,那里人烟稀少。

    Because of the high altitude , few people lived there .

  4. 其中好多皆系人烟稀少的潮湿地区。

    The humid regions , many of which are sparsely peopled .

  5. 地勤小姐:你们想坐吸烟区还是禁烟区?人烟稀少的边远地区。

    Ground Hostess : Would you like the smoking or non-smoking section ?

  6. 和一两个朋友去人烟稀少的地方。

    Hanging out with little friends to some desolated places .

  7. 人口密度低,人烟稀少,居住分散;

    The density of population is low , meagerly-populated , live and disperse ;

  8. 周期性的洪水泛滥使人烟稀少。

    Periodic major floods had thinned out the population .

  9. 有的管道线铺设在地面上,特别是在人烟稀少的地区。

    Some lines are laid on the surface , especially in deserted country .

  10. 这儿的风景有人烟稀少、如梦如幻的味道。

    The landscape has a depopulated and dreamlike air .

  11. 即便在中国最人烟稀少的土地上

    Even in the least inhabited parts of China

  12. 在上个世纪80年代,内华达州一处人烟稀少的地区被指定作为核废料的贮存地点。

    A site in sparsely-populated Nevada was designated as a nuclear repository in the1980s .

  13. 肥沃富饶但人烟稀少的象牙海岸。

    The richly endowed but underpopulated Ivory Coast .

  14. 他们在人烟稀少的边远地带度过童年。

    They spent their childhood in the backwoods .

  15. 直到今天该地区仍然人烟稀少。

    The area remains thinly populated even today .

  16. 人烟稀少的山地时区和太平洋时区只能收听重播。

    The sparsely populated Mountain and Pacific time zones had to listen to repeats instead .

  17. 这里附近的乡村都人烟稀少。

    The countries round are very lonely .

  18. 一些中小型水电站和水库往往建在人烟稀少的山区。

    Small and medium size hydropower stations and reservoirs are often built in sparsely inhabited mountainous areas .

  19. 周六晚,有目击者在罗泽尔附近发现了两道龙卷风,此地区位于堪萨斯州中部,人烟稀少。

    Two twisters were spotted Saturday evening near Rozel , a sparsely populated area in central Kansas .

  20. 他认为人烟稀少的地方最合适,可是这样的地方在人口稠密的中国是不容易找到的。

    He considered a sparsely populated region most suitable , but such regions were few in crowded China .

  21. 一般人会将之藏在小溪旁的草丛中,或者隐藏在沼泽里人烟稀少的地方。

    Common residents hide it in the bush nearby the stream or in the obsolete place of marsh .

  22. 这座火山位于红海南部地区厄立特里亚,人烟稀少。

    The volcano is situated in the remote Southern Red Sea Region of Eritrea , a thinly populated area .

  23. 当地人烟稀少,只有几个澳大利亚土著部落安家于此。

    It is very sparsely inhabited , with only a few tribes of Aboriginal Australians calling the area home .

  24. “巴西在海边有许多大城市,但是内陆人烟稀少。”

    " Brazil has several large cities near the ocean , but not many people live in the interior . "

  25. 中国有大面积国土位于地震多发地带,不过多数地震都发生在人烟稀少的西部地区。

    Large swathes of China is seismically unstable , although most earthquakes occur in the relatively sparsely populated western regions .

  26. 昆士兰州并没有多少参与这场争吵,因为其境内的达令河河段在当时人烟稀少。

    Queensland played little part in the row , since its stretch of the Darling was sparsely populated at the time .

  27. 经济上,全国许多地区土地荒芜,人烟稀少,经济萧条。

    In economy , lots of land was overgrown with weeds and there were so little people , the economy was depressing .

  28. 对于中国对人烟稀少的西伯利亚地区的意图,俄罗斯仍然持怀疑态度,特别是在北京强调西部经济发展的背景下。

    Russia remains suspicious of Chinese intentions in sparsely populated Siberia , particularly as Beijing emphasises economic development in its western regions .

  29. 我国西部地区幅员辽阔、人烟稀少、经济落后,通信发展具有特殊性。

    Sparsely populated and covering a vast area , the economically backward west of China has its specific characteristics in the course of telecom development .

  30. 在辽阔无际人烟稀少的戈壁滩上,中国发射基地正默默等待着首次载人航天飞行时间的到来。

    Deep in the vast and mostly unpopulated Gobi Desert , China 's launch base is quietly awaiting the country 's first-ever manned space flight .