
  1. 在令人捧腹的一幕中,PK企图用一张印着印度货币卢比上相同图案的海报买胡萝卜。

    One scene in which he tries to use a poster printed with the Indian rupee currency symbol to buy carrots is outrageously funny .

  2. 新的官方印度货币符号:印度卢比符号

    The new official Indian currency symbol : the Indian Rupee Sign

  3. 它的名称来源于印度货币单位卢比。

    The name derives from the Indian monetary unit rupee .

  4. 日本和印度货币流动性过剩的成因与对策及其给我国的启示

    The Causes and Countermeasures of Surplus of Liquidity in Japan and India and Its Enlightenment to China

  5. 纱线价格的不稳定,印度货币的贬值和劳动力的缺乏是其他的原因。

    Instability in the yarn prices , devaluation of Indian currency with US dollar and labor shortage are the other reasons .

  6. 但依赖石油进口的印度货币汇率则大幅飙升&在仅仅一年时间里,卢布兑印度卢比汇率就下跌了36%。

    But India , dependent on imports for its oil , is surging – the rouble has dropped 36 per cent against the rupee in barely a year .

  7. 通过这种合作关系写出的文章涉及各种话题,从“产出(经济)”到出现在1985年关于印度货币政策的会议上一条晦涩的词条。

    Articles created through these partnerships range from topics as broad as " output ( economics ) " to an arcane entry on a 1985 committee on Indian monetary policy .

  8. 上个月,中国和印度向国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)做出了相当大规模的出资承诺,以便帮助应对欧元区债务危机。

    Last month , China and India made sizable funding commitments to the International Monetary Fund to help counter the euro-zone debt crisis .

  9. 去年,由于印度央行收紧货币政策以控制通胀,摩托车、汽车和其它贵重消费品的销量都急剧下降。

    Sales of motorcycles , cars and other expensive consumer goods fell sharply last year as the central bank tightened monetary policy to curb inflation .

  10. 卢比汇率的急升反映了印度储备银行RBI货币政策的突然改变。

    The jump in the rupee reflects an abrupt change in policy by the RBI .

  11. 印度和非洲作为货币使用的各种各类的磁贝,东印度群岛最珍贵的贝壳—海的光荣。

    every variety of cowry used as money in India and Africa ; a glory-of-the-seas , the most valuable shell in the East Indies ;

  12. 戈达表示印度留学生减少的部分原因在于印度的货币危机,但也出于对特朗普政府涉及穆斯林国家的旅行禁令的担忧。

    Dr. Godard said fewer students came from India partly because of a currency crisis in the country , but also because of concerns about the Trump administration 's travel ban affecting Muslim countries .