
  • 网络Indian Education;Education in India
  1. 试论80年代我国的印度教育研究

    The Study of Indian Education by Chinese Scholars During the 1980s

  2. 除此之外,提供技能和就业培训的职业课程在印度教育界越来越受欢迎。

    Apart from that , the Indian educational sector1 is seeing a rise in the popularity of vocational courses among students who are seeking skill-training and job-oriented courses .

  3. 她接受了印度教育、英国教育和美国教育。

    She was educated in India , England and the United States .

  4. 他说:不可否认的是,我有一部分印度教育一直影响着我。

    I cannot deny that a piece of my Indian upbringing stayed with me , he says .

  5. 不过,该研究的结果突出表明,印度教育失败的主要原因是缺乏以英语为媒介的教育。

    Nevertheless , English Next India highlights the lack of English-medium education as one main cause of India 's educational failure .

  6. 首先,了解国内外教科书研究的现状及印度教育的现状,对当前教科书研究现状和研究对象有一个明确、清楚的认识。

    First of all , we need to understand the situation of domestic and international textbook and have a clear and definite awareness of nowadays study situation and study objective .

  7. 印度教育机会;为什么教育水平如此之低?家长重视教育吗?家长能够负担起教育费用吗?教育带来的好处是什么?

    Educational choice in India : why are the levels of education so low ? Do parents care about education ? Can they afford it ? What is education good for ?

  8. 印度高等教育质量保障体系面临的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Higher Education Quality Assurance System in India

  9. 印度在教育方面花的钱就比我们多。

    India , for example , spends more money on education .

  10. 印度高等教育助学贷款的改革与启示

    Student Loans Reform in Indian Higher Education and Its Enlightenments

  11. 印度高等教育的发展特点探析

    About characteristics of development of higher education in India

  12. 论影响印度基础教育政策的因素

    On the Factors Influencing Policies of Indian Primary Education

  13. 当代印度基础教育阶段科学课程发展研究

    Research on the Development of Science Education at Fundamental Education Period in India

  14. 印度高等教育的经费紧缺及其对策

    Lacking Funds and its Countermeasures in Indian Higher Education

  15. 印度软件教育的成功经验

    The Successful Experience of the Software Education in India

  16. 印度高等教育管理研究

    A Study on the Management of Indian Higher Education

  17. 印度高等教育概述

    A Brief Discussion of Higher Education in India

  18. 印度教师教育的课程变迁、理论研究与现实挑战

    The Curricular Evolution , Theoretical Research and Current Challenges of Teacher Education in India

  19. 印度IT教育考察报告

    Report of Investigation on IT Education of India

  20. 印度高等教育跨越式发展对我国的启示

    Enlightenment from Leap-over Development of Indian Higher Education

  21. 全球化和知识经济背景下的印度高等教育及其对经济增长的贡献

    Indian Higher Education and Its Contribution to Economic Growth in Global and Knowledge Economy Era

  22. 种姓制度是影响印度基础教育改革政策的最独特因素;

    The Caste system is the most unique factor that influenced Indian primary educational policies .

  23. 冥想者与行动者&印度现代教育哲学家的救世精神

    Meditator and Actor : the Spirit to Save the World by Indian Modern Educational Philosophers

  24. 结构完善的印度开放教育系统

    The well-structured Indian open education system

  25. 其次,大多数的印度学校教育落后,英语教学往往不足。

    Second , much Indian schooling is poor and the teaching of English is often inadequate .

  26. 印度现代教育哲学家无不具有悲天悯人、无我利他、普度众生的“救世精神”。

    Most of the contemporary Indian educational philosophers have inherited the tradition of meditation and action .

  27. 因而对印度高等教育发展进行研究可对我国带来更具意义的启示。

    Thus the research of development in higher education in India could be very beneficial for China .

  28. 印度高等教育评估的价值体系与质量发展理念探究

    An Exploration into the Ideas of Value System and Quality Development of Higer Education Evaluation in India

  29. 南亚大国之梦与印度高等教育的发展

    The Dream of Being a Great Power in Southern Asia and the Development of Higher Education in Indian

  30. 世界教育发展浪潮中的全民教育是教育内部变革的基本走向,也必然成为印度农村教育改革的价值取向。

    Education for all is the education internal reform and will become the value orientation of rural education reform .