
  • 网络grilled salmon;Baked Salmon
  1. 西北海岸的美洲印第安人的传统在体力堪村得到表现,观光者可以享用烤鲑鱼和欣赏原住民的舞蹈。

    Northwest Coast Native American heritage is demonstrated in Tillicum Village , where visitors enjoy traditional salmon bakes and native dances .

  2. 接下来一道是文火烤鲑鱼,软软的,粉红色,下面是一层土豆泥,撒了一层浓浓的罗勒酱汁。

    Slow-roasted salmon came next , soft and pink , on a bed of potato pure , and accented with a sharp basil vinaigrette .

  3. 但我点的烤鲑鱼做工较为考究,做成了宝塔状,还带有华丽装饰的小茴香、祖传番茄以及我叫不出名字来的蔬菜丁。

    But my salmon is a part of an elaborate creation , built into a tower , with an ornate garnish of fennel , heirloom tomatoes and some other diced vegetables that I fail to identify .

  4. 我撒了一层戈尔根朱勒干酪烤了些鲑鱼,它不是非常浓稠,但程度接近于走入我的房子而没有去地下室四处搜寻很久以前的一件结婚礼物。

    I had seared some salmon with a gorgonzola crust , not quite fondue but as close as it gets in my house without scrounging around the basement for a long-ago wedding gift .